Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1062: idling pupil

A head-sized stone suddenly protruded from the ground, attracting Zhou Fan and the others.

Everyone was staring at the stone.

Even if there are some strange things that can't be looked directly, but such strange things are only a few after all, so many warriors will choose to look directly and observe when facing unknown strange things, or do they have to close their eyes and wait for death?

At least for a loner like Zhou Fan, he can only choose to look straight ahead. He has the blood of the Dragon God and can restrain many evil curses.

There was a hole in the middle of the stone, and the fine dust and stones fell down, and the hole became bigger and bigger. Only then did everyone realize that it was a huge eyeball.

Fire orange pupils, black and blue smoke outside the pupils.

The pupils moved slowly, scanning everyone.

Zhou Fan, the tall woman, and Ding Feihan all changed their faces, and they recognized it.

Eyeballs the size of a human head glanced around and disappeared in front of their eyes like smoke.

The people are still those people, even the caravan in the distance is still there, they are still in the mountains, but the surrounding scenery has completely changed.

Everyone has moved to other places.

"It's the black and cruel idling pupil." The tall woman said softly with fear on her face.

"What is idling pupil?" the young man beside her asked, and he shuddered for a while. He didn't know what kind of **** it was, but he knew it was definitely not easy, because even the Qi Gang segment was difficult to deal with.

"Idle pupil has the ability to move in space. As long as it is glanced at by it, it will move people and objects to other places." The tall woman explained anxiously.

"Just this can be rated as black and brutal?" The young man couldn't believe it: "As long as it is not moved into a dangerous place..."

Ding Feihan said with a sullen face: "Idle pupil can be rated as black brutal because the people who are moved by it will move more and more, and the places they reach will become more and more dangerous. There used to be many powerful people. The Taoist cultivator was moved to a dangerous place and killed when he encountered the idling pupil."

"Then next time it appears, let's kill it quickly, shall we?" The young man was startled and said.

"But the problem is that Idle Eye is a law-type monster, and I haven't found any effective attacks on it, otherwise there would be no Taoist monks who would be helpless and killed by it." The tall woman said solemnly: "And Once it's targeted, it can find you wherever you run, and move you where it wants to go."

Zhou Fan also knew about Idle Tong, his face was solemn, just like what Ding Feihan and the tall woman said, Idle Tong can't kill, even if he teleports and escapes to a safe place far away, Idol can follow him and move him Go to other dangerous places.

And as the number of moves increases, it becomes more and more dangerous.

If a warrior cultivator is targeted by Izhuangtong, he can only bet on luck, and bet on when Izhuangtong will give up.

Idle pupil will not stare at a person all the time, sometimes even just move once and give up, of course, there are dozens of times, as for a hundred times... no one has tried it, usually dozens of times have been played to death .

There are many books that have mentioned that too many idling pupils will move people to the side of unknowable monsters...

This is also the reason why Idle Tong has no attack power but can be rated as a black rank. Some people even say that Idle Tong should not only be a black rank, but should be higher.

While thinking about these things, Zhou Fan paid attention to the surrounding environment. The first move would not be dangerous, but this was the second time.

But he found that this is likely to be within the mountain.

The movement of the idling pupil can ignore the spatial distance, even if it is teleported to 18,000 miles away, it is not a strange thing.

Still in Renqueshan, which surprised him.

Ding Feihan had already rushed back to his caravan, telling the caravan that they encountered idling pupils.

The tall woman and her three companions also discussed with worry.

Zhou Fan was alone, frowning and thinking. Now he just hopes that his bad luck doesn't happen, or he will be transported by the idling pupil to the side of an unknowable monster, then it will be very difficult for him to survive.

There were bursts of uproar from the caravan, and panic was unavoidable when they knew that they were being watched by Idle Tong.

Zhou Fan ignored this, he just looked around coldly, even if he was still in Renqueshan for the second time, it would not be as easy as last night.

"Is there no way to escape?" the young man asked, trembling, he didn't want to die.

"It can only be until Idle Tongtong gives up." The tall woman said solemnly.

The chaos of the caravan lasted for a while, and it was calmed down. Ding Feihan brought Manager Yang over. They saw that Zhou Fan and the warrior team led by the tall woman were still there. Ding Feihan, this is Manager Yang."

"Dare to ask the names of the two Gao surnames?" Ding Feihan looked at Zhou Fan and the tall woman. In his eyes, only the strength of Zhou Fan and the tall woman might be worthy of his attention.

He admits that he still has this vision.

"Lei Chunshan." The tall woman replied.

"Zhao Batian." Zhou Fan said the same, it's best not to say his real name when he goes out to walk around the rivers and lakes.

Especially in such a situation.

"Miss Lei, Brother Zhao, what's the situation now, I think you should also understand, we were targeted by Idle Tong, the first and second times were moved to the same place, but the next few times may not be It is here, at this time, our caravan wants to cooperate with you to tide over the difficulties." Ding Feihan said with a serious face.

Since it is impossible to avoid the movement of the idling pupil, it is better to cooperate and unite all the forces that can be united.

"Okay, okay, we will cooperate with UU Reading" The young man said with joy, the caravan has so many warriors, and its strength is obviously not weak.

Lei Chunshan glanced at the young man lightly. The young man immediately realized that he had made a taboo and shut his mouth. He was not the leader of this martial artist team.

Lei Chunshan didn't rush to answer, she looked at Zhou Fan, wanting to see what Zhou Fan said.

Lei Chunshan, who has been wandering in the wilderness all the year round, has a vicious eye, and she can see that this loner named Zhao Batian is not simple.

"There's no problem with cooperation, but I think it's better to clarify the extent of cooperation, so as not to make everyone unhappy." Zhou Fan pondered for a while.

"When we encounter problems that can be dealt with, we will work together to deal with them. If it is too dangerous, then you can do whatever you want." Ding Feihan had already thought about it.

Ding Feihan's meaning is very simple, this is a loose alliance that uses each other, and if disaster strikes, they will each run for their lives according to their abilities.

After all, they didn't know each other before, so it's impossible to be willing to give their backs to each other. The three parties in loose cooperation can accept it. If the cooperation relationship is too strict, I am afraid no one will agree.

"Then I'm fine." Zhou Fan said, Ding Feihan's plan was exactly what he wanted.

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