Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1102: Qualification

Count me in what?

Zhou Fan felt very puzzled in his heart, but he vaguely noticed that something must have happened on the side of Xiaolei Yiluan on the way, and he was also involved.

But Gao Xiangyi Luansi urged him to report, which would not be a bad thing.

"Zhou Fan, the Sa family asked you as usual, do you want to join the competition for the position of the North Envoy?" Yuan E's voice sounded again.

Zhou Fan's pupils shrank slightly. He was in the competition for the position of the North Envoy. He remembered that there were no vacancies for the Four Expedition Envoys in Xiaolei Yiluan's house.

Xiao Lei Yiluan Si Zhengbei envoy is a man named Bai Mingcheng. This man belongs to the Wild Fox faction. Could it be that he has been transferred?

"Master Bai..." Zhou Fan asked tentatively.

"Master Bai passed away a few days ago, and the cause of death is still under investigation." Yuan E said with a sad face.

Bai Mingcheng is dead... Zhou Fan's face is full of astonishment, all the monks who can become the four expeditions are monks above the Taoist realm, and most of them are monks above the Huayuan realm. The four expeditions are more powerful than the monks of the same level. Much stronger again.

Such a person died for nothing.

"We will investigate the matter of Mr. Bai." Yuan E said solemnly again: "Don't waste your time, do you want to join the competition for the envoy to the north?"

"Isn't the Sizheng Envoy going to cross the threshold of Dao Realm?" Zhou Fan asked with a frown, "I seem to be a little unqualified."

This was something he had vaguely heard before.

"Who told you?" Yuan Ye snorted: "This is just a default rule, but the official family has never issued such a regulation, and besides, you have been allowed to join the competition for the envoy to the north, then you qualified."

"The Sa family asks again, are you willing to join? If you don't, then the Sa family will report to the top and ask them to find new candidates."

Zhou Fan frowned slightly and said, "Sir, it's a matter of great importance, can you let the humble post consider it for a day?"

"Today is the final deadline, how can you be dawdling." Yuan E's eyebrows were raised, and he said, "If..."

At this time, a middle-aged man dressed as a literati in a sky-blue shirt and two black beards walked quickly into the hall. He laughed and said, "Master Yuanye doesn't need to be so angry, it's better to leave this matter to Chen Mou."

Seeing the literati coming, Yuan E snorted with a hint of regret in his eyes, waved his wide monk robe, and said coldly: "Then I will leave this matter to Master Chen, and I will tell you later when I have the result. Sprinkle home."

After Yuan E finished speaking, he didn't even look at Zhou Fan, and he left the side hall as fast as the wind.

Then the literati Chen looked at Zhou Fan with a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Fortunately, I came quickly, or else you kid was scared to give up by Yuan Ye, it would be a little troublesome, of course, even so, I can think of it for you. Sign up."

"You are..." Zhou Fan stood up and said in a questioning tone.

A person's name flashed through his mind.

The scholar surnamed Chen patted his forehead lightly and said, "I forgot to introduce me to you, my name is Chen Yushi."

"I've seen Master Chen." When Zhou Fan saw that he was the person he expected, he hurriedly smiled and bowed his hands.

Before he came over, Huang Bujue and Zhongtian both told him that in Xiaoleizhou Mansion, the representative of the academy department was Chen Yushi.

Chen Yushi was the envoy to the west among the four envoys of Xiaoleizhou Prefecture, and he was born in a dignified academy.

"Master Chen, what's going on?" Zhou Fan hurriedly asked.

In his heart, he had no doubt that Chen Yushi was fake, because in the Yiluan Sifu, no one dared to pretend to be an envoy to the west, even Yuan E, who was the envoy of the east, would not do so.

"It's a long story, do you know about the unexplained death of Mr. Bai Mingcheng, the envoy to the North?" Chen Yushi asked in a hurry.

"I've heard that from Lord Yuanye, but what happened to Lord Bai?" Zhou Fan asked with a frown.

"This is still under investigation." Chen Yushi shook his head and sighed: "Because Lord Bai died, the post of Envoy to the North was also vacant."

"Even if there is a vacancy, shouldn't they find a suitable person to take office? What's going on with the competition?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.

Even different factions of the official family will try to fight for such an important position, but those are all kept in the dark. Now there is an open and fair competition? This is the first time Zhou Fan has heard of such a thing.

The Yuan Evil just now wouldn't be patient enough to explain this to Zhou Fan, so Zhou Fan didn't know.

"Theoretically, this is the case. Originally, we thought it would be the case. As soon as Master Bai died, he immediately notified the above, but unexpectedly, this morning, the above suddenly ordered that the selection of the candidates was difficult to decide, and released four candidates, saying that they would Choose one of the suitable ones to be the envoy to the north." Chen Yushi said with a puzzled face.

"One of the candidates is you."

One of the candidates is me... Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Why me?"

"Well..." Chen Yushi took a serious look at Zhou Fan and said, "I also find it strange."

"But after knowing about this, I quickly asked Huang Bujue and the others to find you back to Xiaoleizhou Mansion. Fortunately, you have already arrived at Xiaoleizhou Mansion, but even if I can't contact you, I can decide to sign up for you, but it's not as good as you. It's good to come here."

"Master thinks this is a good opportunity?" Zhou Fan asked slowly.

"This is of course a good opportunity." Chen Yushi laughed and said: "This is the four envoys of a state, and you can get more resources in addition to your power. The key is that you are young enough. If you really let your age If you take up the position of Zhengbei Envoy, then in the future, you will have a chance to compete for the position of Taoist Lord by virtue of your age."

"This kind of opportunity is rare in a thousand years, don't give up, and strive for it."

Zhou Fan's heart was hot, but he was still full of doubts. He said solemnly, "Do you know the origins of the other three candidates?"

"One is from an aristocratic family, one is from the Wild Fox and the other is a monk from the Great Buddha Temple." Chen Yushi said.

"The Aristocratic Family, the Wild Fox Sect, and the Great Buddha Temple, that means I am the representative of the academy department." Zhou Fan said in surprise, "Did those three also complete their registration today?"

"All three of them have registered for them." Chen Yushi said: "But I don't know if they are in the state capital."

Zhou Fan was silent, he felt that this matter was indescribably strange.

If those three candidates were chosen by other factions, why did the academy choose him?

"Master Chen, why did the academy choose me?" Zhou Fan asked tentatively, "I haven't entered the Taoist realm yet."

"I have read your information. You are the leader of the Class A class, and you have joined our academy. You are the best talent that our academy recruited among the five Class A classes in Xiaoleizhou. I think it's above..." Chen Yushi said here. , he couldn't talk anymore, he shook his head and said, "This is also something I can't figure out."

Because he felt that these were not appropriate reasons, in his opinion, Zhou Fan did not enter the Dao Realm, but was selected as the candidate for the Northern Envoy, which was really strange.

It's not that the academy can't come up with a suitable Taoist cultivator!

Weird world of immortality

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