Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1113: Qingmei Town

"I want them to collect all the information about Mr. Bai before his life, from his birth to his death, the more detailed the better." Zhou Fan expressed his request.

"Collect all his information?" Chen Yushi asked in surprise, "What's the point of doing this?"

If we were to collect what Bai Mingcheng had done a few days before his death, the Yiluan government had already gone to collect and analyze it, but he had not received any useful feedback.

"I'm not too sure, it may be meaningful or not." Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "But sometimes investigating a case is a matter of luck. Your inadvertent behavior may become a help in solving the case."

"At least I think with so many people staring at this case and doing so much without progress, we need to try our luck from another angle."

"Okay, I'll ask someone to collect it. The government only has his general information. It will take a certain amount of time to collect so many detailed information, especially since we can't let our opponents know." Chen Yushi felt that this matter was a bit difficult. Do.

"It's okay, take your time, we still have one month." Zhou Fan said.

"What are you going to do next?" Chen Yushi asked curiously.

"I've seen the corpse ice room, and now of course I'm going to Qingmei Town to see the crime scene." Zhou Fan said without hesitation.

Golden Town does not necessarily have gold, but Qingmei Town does have many tall green plum trees.

In the cold winter season, it is the season of green plum blossoms, and the dark green canopy is dotted with yellowish or reddish petals.

Originally, Qingmei Town was a place where literati and literati of Xiaoleizhou Prefecture preferred to go out on green tours, but now the whole town has become much deserted, and there are not many tourists except the residents of the town.

Because a few days ago, the Zhengbei envoy of the Yiluan government house died here. The death of such a big man caused a sensation in the entire state capital. People in the state capital were afraid of being implicated, so they naturally avoided Qingmei Town like a scorpion. Before the end, if there is no important thing, I will not come back to Ome Town easily.

The carriage slowly moved forward, Zhou Fan put down his hands and let the curtains hang down to block him from watching the scenery of Qingmei Town, he said lightly: "Stop."

The carriage stopped, and the groom said puzzled: "Sir, it hasn't reached the place you said."

"I know, it's not far, I'll just walk there." Zhou Fan said from the carriage.

He paid for the carriage, and the carriage turned around and left.

Zhou Fan was walking on the streets of the town, his six senses were activated and he was keenly aware that there were some people standing in some alleys and corners, casting their gazes at him cautiously.

Zhou Fan knew in his heart that this was the eyeliner arranged by Yiluan Si in Qingmei Town. Bai Mingcheng's body was found here. Of course, Yiluan Si will not give up here just like that.

Zhou Fan didn't rush to the place where Bai Mingcheng's body was found, he just walked slowly in the town, like a tourist who came out for sightseeing in winter.

After walking for a while, he stopped and bought a bag of candied fruit at a stall. After giving the money, he smiled and said to the old vendor, "Why is it so deserted here? It wasn't like this when I came here."

The vendor took a serious look at Zhou Fan, he hesitated for a moment, and then said in a low voice: "Guest officer, if it's alright, don't stay in the town for too long, an adult from Yiluan Si died in our town some time ago, everyone is afraid trouble."

"It turns out to be like this, thank you." Zhou Fan nodded lightly and said, "I wonder how long the old man lived in the town?"

"Me, my father's generation settled in Qingmei Town." Seeing that there were no guests, the old man replied casually.

"That's right, I wonder if there is anything special in Qingmei Town? It's better to bring some dangerous rumors." Zhou Fan said with a smile.

The old man frowned. He didn't expect him to remind him that Zhou Fan still had to play in Qingmei Town. He just shook his head and said, "We have no such place in Qingmei Town. There are patrols in the town, and any abnormal places will be cleared. , if you want to find such a place, you should go to the wild."

"It's too dangerous in the wild, I just want to find a place with some dangerous rumors but not dangerous." Zhou Fan said regretfully.

"There are very few people living in the west of our town, and it looks a bit gloomy there. You can go there and take a look." The old man thought for a while and said, "But there is nothing to see."

Zhou Fan nodded and left with a smile. After walking a short distance, he asked the residents in the town. Some said they didn't know, and some were just like the old man said. He asked why there were so few people in Zhenxi. It's the terrain.

Qingmei Town is high in the east and low in the west, and other factors combine to make the west of the town unsuitable for people to live in.

Not only in Zhenxi, Zhou Fan also knew from some people that there was a large abandoned mansion in Zhennan. The owner of the mansion disappeared ten years ago for no reason, but the mansion stayed for various reasons.

Apart from these two arguments, Zhou Fan couldn't hear any other arguments.

But whether it was the desolation in the west of the town or the big mansion in the south of the town, Zhou Fan believed that the Yiluan Division had searched several times.

Ome Town shouldn't have any secrets at all.

Zhou Fan took the place where the body was found as the center, walked in the streets and alleys, walked in the howling cold wind, and walked slowly, he finally came to the place where the body was found.

This is an alley in the east of the town. The neighborhood has been emptied and guarded by someone from the Yiluan Division.

Zhou Fan came over and showed his token before being allowed to enter the alley.

Bai Mingcheng's body was only found at dawn. The people living on both sides of the alley have been questioned countless times. They all insisted that they did not hear any abnormal sound or see anything abnormal that night. .

The alley is dark The town patrol does not pass here when patrolling at night.

The corpse had already been taken away, and the masonry of the alley had also been inspected by the people of Yiluan Division one by one, but nothing was found.

Zhou Fan's six senses were opened, but he didn't expect to get any useful clues in this way. There are very few monks like him with all six senses, but Xiaolei Yiluan's mansion must be good at eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and five senses. Musha.

In the cramped alley, he looked up slightly at the gray sky, closed his eyes, and imagined how Bai Mingcheng entered this alley.

There was no sign of any fighting at the scene, and Bai Mingcheng may have been killed in another place and then quietly brought here to throw his body.

But why do it?

What is the purpose of throwing the corpse here?

If you want to provoke Secretary Yiluan, you should leave a few words after throwing the body. If not, kill it and kill it, why bring it here again?

What is the murderer trying to do? Or is there a continuation of this case?

But after so many days, no similar cases happened.

The method is clean, leaving no clues that can be pursued. Even Bai Mingcheng does not know how he died, and the motive is unclear...

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