Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1116: blue ghost

Zhou Fan was not surprised by the fact that these Yiluan Division warriors recognized Zhou Fan. After all, when he entered the town, his every move would fall into the eyes of these spies. These spies lurking in Qingmei Town had naturally already figured out Zhou Fan's identity.

Zhou Fan ignored these spies. He looked at the west wall in the hall again, and said silently: "Take down the west wall for me, and be careful not to damage the wall."

The spies didn't know what was going on, but they all responded in unison.

The four contestants were all quasi-conquest northern envoys, and the government gave them the power to command the military officers of Yiluan, which is why the spies were so obedient.

Zhou Fan asked not to damage the wall, so the spies were careful to remove it, and to prevent the old house from collapsing after the west wall was removed, which would inevitably take a lot of time.

During this process, martial artists from the Division of Yiluan kept coming over, and everyone was very excited. Qingmei Town, who thought they had not found anything, suddenly found out, how could they not be excited?

Apart from the warriors of Yiluan Division, there are people who care more about this matter than them, and that is the other three contenders.

When the western wall was put on a wooden frame and the whole piece was torn down, Ku Rong from the Great Buddha Temple, Feng Xingbo from the aristocratic family, and Jiang Yu from the Wild Fox Sect all rushed to the mansion.

Zhou Fan was not surprised by this. Of course, if he could, he should have been more thoughtful. When he discovered the monster, he should have put up a soundproof talisman, but the monster was unable to hold back and rushed out, which made Zhou Fan couldn't take care of that much.

The reason why he was able to find this monster in the wall was because he felt a very shallow killing intent when he approached the wall.

This is the consciousness that he cultivated to be keenly aware of, otherwise he would not have discovered the existence of this monster at all.

"What the **** is this?" Feng Xingbo approached the mask in surprise.

"If I were you, it's better not to approach." Zhou Fan said coldly.

"What do you mean by that?" Feng Xingbo stopped. He looked at Zhou Fan coldly and said, "You dare to threaten me as a martial artist of the Qi Gang segment?"

Ku Rong and Jiang Yu stood not far away, watching the confrontation.

"What happened to the Taoist monks?" Zhou Fan said disdainfully, "I killed nine Taoist monks. If you want to be the tenth, I will fulfill you."

"I told you to stop, because I caught it myself." Zhou Fan said slowly again: "According to the rules of the competition assessment, then this monster and this wall belong to me, whether it is you or the other two. You can't intervene in this matter, or you will violate the competition assessment rules."

"Am I right?"

Feng Xingbo was very familiar with the assessment rules, his face was slightly cold, he turned around and did not try to get close to the masked monster.

But neither Feng Xingbo nor Ku Rong nor Jiang Yu wanted to leave. They wanted to stay here, but Zhou Fan couldn't drive them away.

This monster can't be the murderer who killed Bai Mingcheng, so the three of them still have a chance.

But that might be an important clue.

The warriors of Yiluan Division all looked at Zhou Fan, because Zhou Fan discovered the clue, so Zhou Fan is the top commander here, and the three Sizheng Envoys did not come over because of this consideration. According to the rules, they can't interfere with Zhou Fan. Where.

"Check the removed wall for me to see if there is anything hidden inside." Zhou Fan ordered: "Any ideas to find out the origin of this monster?"

It was impossible for Feng Xingbo and the three to leave, so it would be meaningless to drag them on. It is better to quickly confirm what is going on.

This monster can evade several inspections by Yiluansi, and it is likely to be related to the wall.

The martial artists and talismans of Yiluan Division immediately formed two teams, one team researched the monster in the mask, and the other team studied the dismantled wall.

Among them, the study of the wall is more careful. They first dismantled the outermost bricks and stones one by one to confirm whether the bricks and stones have hidden secrets. If not, they will continue to remove them from the outside to the inside.

Ku Rong, Feng Xingbo, and Jiang Yu all watched silently.

As the bricks and stones of the wall were removed one by one, the warriors of Yiluan Division finally found a picture scroll on the bricks and stones.

There are twelve monsters like Zhou Fan caught in the picture scroll, but the monsters are different in height, short and young. This is a ghost picture.

Ku Rong, Feng Xingbo, and Jiang Yu all frowned slightly. They didn't understand the origin of this painting...

Zhou Fan looked at the twelve monsters he had drawn, raised his eyebrows slightly, and had a vague guess.

The talismans from the government office came over and checked the ghost picture. Some of them had expressions of surprise on their faces, and then they gathered around to discuss.

"Sir, we know what's going on." One of the Master Fu stood up as a representative.

These talisman masters are not only martial artists, but they are also experts in the study of strange talismans. The four contestants of Zhou Fan do not know what is going on, which does not mean that the talisman masters do not know.

"Come on," Feng Xingbo urged.

But that Master Fu just looked at Zhou Fan carefully, Zhou Fan was the supreme commander here, he didn't dare to break the rules.

Zhou Fan knew in his heart that even if he asked Master Fu to tell him privately, the three of Ku Rong would soon know, and he smiled and said, "Just say it."

"This is a blue ghost picture of the Baisha level. It looks like a picture scroll, but it is actually weird." When Master Fu saw Zhou Fan's promise, he said: "The blue ghost picture has no attack power, it is the only one. The ability to lure people voluntarily into the picture scroll."

"As long as you enter the picture scroll, you will become a green ghost. There is no distinction between you and the picture scroll, and there is no subordination. Only after the green ghost dies, the picture scroll will disappear and you will find a new green ghost."

"Fortunately, the adults did not kill the green ghost. Otherwise, the picture scroll will regain its freedom, and it will no longer stay in the wall, but will disappear immediately." Master Fu concluded: "The green ghost is hard to kill, unless you die. Hundreds of times will I be abandoned by the picture scroll and die completely..."

Master Fu also said that after the blue ghosts died for a long time, their portraits would disappear in the picture. Obviously, there are twelve ghosts in the blue ghost picture, so there should be twelve green ghosts.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly: "If there are twelve green ghosts in this picture, why is there only one here?"

"This..." Master Fu paused and shook his head and said: "It stands to reason that there should be twelve green We don't understand why there is only one..."

"Will they not come back yet?" Jiang Yu asked.

Master Fu did not answer, but glanced at Zhou Fan, who nodded slightly.

"This shouldn't be possible." Master Fu shook his head and said: "The green ghost can leave the picture scroll for a short time, but the green ghosts near the picture scroll are all attacked, they will come back immediately, and they have been missing now..."

"Will it still be in the picture scroll?" Feng Xingbo asked.

"We checked, and there is no green ghost in the picture scroll." Master Fu replied.

Where did the remaining eleven green ghosts go?

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