Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1118: sorcery

Unless you live forever, everyone's time is limited.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhou Fan to devote all his time to the study of magic and Taoism, which is unrealistic.

"Martial skills are good, the realm requirements are not too strict, but the skills and Taoism are very strict with the realm requirements. Generally speaking, there are many techniques and Taoisms that require a high realm to learn. You can't learn from the environment." Zhou Xiaomao continued.

"Those monks who are very poor and don't have many choices will not refuse those who come to spells and Taoisms. All monks who have choices will be very cautious about their choices of spells and Taoism. If they choose the wrong one, it will be a waste. A lot of time is spent on unnecessary things."

"As for how to choose, there are no rules. The first rule is to try to choose a spell with good growth." The kitten knife in Zhou Xiaoxiao's hand turned into gray mist and dispersed.

"What is a good growth technique?" Zhou Fan was a little confused.

"The power of some spells is fixed, it will not increase too much power or even no improvement as your realm grows. If you choose such a spell, then after your realm is improved, such a spell How useful is the Dharma style to you?"

"If you choose a spell with such a fixed power, you will inevitably learn a new spell to maintain your combat power every time you advance to a new realm."

"And the magic formula with good growth is that the power continues to increase with the growth of your realm. After learning such a magic formula, I can't say it once and for all, but it can be used for a long time. Of course, cultivators will give priority to this kind of magic. Law."

Zhou Xiaomao walked to the square table, and the gray fog on the square table turned into a teacup. She poured herself a cup of tea and drank it before continuing.

"The second rule is tailoring. The cultivator must proceed from his own reality. Some cultivators are strong in martial arts, so he has to choose some defensive techniques, and some cultivators are not enough to attack, then he will I will choose attack-type spells and spells."

"Some monks like to win by surprise, so he can also choose some strange and difficult to defend. Of course, everyone's situation is different, and their ideas are different. There are also monks who don't like defense, and he will choose a stronger attack. Slashing magic, claiming that the strongest defense is attack..."

Speaking of which, Zhou Xiaoxiao showed a mocking look on his face: "But if the monk who does this encounters a monk who is stronger than him and lacks means of escape, I think what will happen, you know."

"The choice of spells and spells is like this. As for what kind of spells and spells to choose, that is your own business. I can provide you with a list of growth spells and spells that I have. You can choose whatever you like. What?" Zhou Xiaomao snapped his fingers, and a scroll floated out of the gray fog and landed in Zhou Fan's hands.

Zhou Fan looked at the densely packed words on the scroll. The scroll was full of growth-type spells and Dao styles, and he could learn it even in the Yuan Huajing state. The above introduction also made Zhou Fan dazzled.

Zhou Fan looked at it for a while and said, "Why isn't the price marked, how do I know if I can afford it without the price?"

"You can afford it, but if you can't afford it, you can use possession to reduce the price." Zhou Xiaomao said calmly.

Possessed... I said why she is so dedicated today, so she was waiting for me here... Zhou Fan twitched, he still asked Zhou Xiaoxiao to mark the price, lest he choose too expensive and can't afford it, At that time, he was asked to be possessed again.

Zhou Kitten snorted, she snapped her fingers again, and numbers appeared after the spells on the scroll.

Zhou Fan took a closer look. The price of the spells was between 10,000 and 20,000, and the Taoist style was more expensive, and they all fluctuated between 30,000 and 50,000.

Zhou Fan was a little surprised. The price was even cheaper than he thought, but he quickly understood that this was because there were too many spells, and they didn't look like exercises. Many times, he could only choose one at a certain stage. One, the price of the magic method is naturally not as good as that of the practice method.

"Too expensive." Zhou Fan disagreed.

"This is the price. If you think it's expensive, you don't have to buy it." Zhou Xiaomao said with a straight face and a firm attitude.

Zhou Fan muttered a few words and tried to bargain, but Zhou Xiaomao ignored it at all.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, and he didn't bother about it any more, but carefully browsed the introduction of these techniques.

I have to say that the magic formula given by Zhou Xiaomao is quite good.

The first selection rule that Zhou Xiaomao said before does not need to be considered. After all, the scrolls are all spells with good growth. What he has to consider is his actual situation.

What is he missing?

First of all, he is not short of attacks for the time being. He has too many attack methods. The powerful martial arts and the infinite sword gang have also been strengthened after he entered the Taoist realm.

To defend him, there are immeasurable powers, purple gold swords and gangs, a martial arts ring that has just been caught, and a life-saving redemption money.

When he thinks about it like this, he seems to lack everything. He has always insisted on balanced development. Just like Zhou Xiaomao said, if he simply strengthens his attack, what should he do when he encounters someone who is stronger than himself?

Zhou Fan confirmed that he didn't lack anything, so he simply didn't think much about it, but looked at the spells on the scroll, as long as it was suitable.

He carefully selected, and finally chose three spells and one way.

The three techniques are Yufengshu, Nine Breaths Exchange, and Hundred Ghosts Exorcism. The Taoism is unified.

Yufengshu can make monks fly in the wind. This is the spell that Zhou Fan chose at the first sight. For ordinary monks in the Yuan Dynasty, the most common use of Yufengshu is to float to a certain height. Yuan can't support it at all.

But Zhou Fan's True Essence has recovered Even if it seems that he can't fly too fast, it is not difficult to walk in the air like Zhongtian.

Floating in the air is very useful for him now, whether it is to escape to avoid the enemy who can't fly or to float up to attack the enemy in the air, it can play a big role.

This wind-fighting technique has a word for wind, but it is not a technique that can only be used by the true essence of the wind attribute. After reaching a certain level, many monks will choose a technique that can assist flying, because the difference between flying and non-flying is real. too big.

Of course, even if you can fly, you don't dare to fly too high, because the air is not safe. First, if you run out of true essence and fall down from a high altitude, and you don't have the corresponding countermeasures, you may fall to your death. Second, There are some extremely terrifying monsters hidden in the air!

The second technique, Nine Breaths Exchange, can double the cultivator's True Essence between the nine breaths. After the nine breaths, the True Essence returns to its original level. Zhou Fan does not worry about running out of True Essence, but his True Essence is always It is limited, which limits his need to output a large amount of True Essence in a short period of time. This spell makes up for his shortcoming.

The third technique, Hundred Ghosts Exorcism, can drive dead souls to do things for him. Whether it is searching for people or defending against some enemy attacks, it is no problem. It is a widely used technique. The flaw of this technique is that monks must be prepared dead soul.

But this is not a problem for Zhou Fan, because he has nine qi ghosts in his body.

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