Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1127: Feeling Yang Tong

What will happen to Bai Mingcheng?

This question made Chen Yushi slightly silent. Strictly speaking, there is no evidence to prove that Bai Mingcheng killed anyone.

To say that the only wrong thing Bai Mingcheng did was to prolong his life, he might have used an evil magic ritual, but that ritual also didn't kill anyone in Ome Town.

How to deal with Bai Mingcheng?

"As an envoy to the North, after catching him, what to do with him is not something that we can decide for Xiaolei Prefecture, but something that can only be decided by Tiannan Dao. What we need to do now is to prove that your opinion is correct. Find him." Chen Yushi said calmly: "First confirm his state and what he did before convicting him."

Indeed, it is a bit premature to discuss this now. It is the current thing to do to find Bai Mingcheng first.

Zhou Fan discussed a few words with Chen Yushi before he left.

When Zhou Fan left the Yiluan Sifu, he keenly noticed that some eyes were watching him, he just smiled coldly, left the central city in a carriage, and returned to the inner city.

When he arrived in the inner city, Zhou Fan got off the carriage, found an inn at random, and stayed in the inn.

Feng Xingbo, Ku Rong, and Jiang Yu soon found out about Zhou Fan's stay in an inn in the inner city.

"What does he want to do now? Does he want to disappear like last time and throw us away?" Feng Xingbo said coldly, "No matter how clever a strategy is used twice, it will become terribly stupid."

"Second Master, please rest assured, the family has sent a cultivator who has practiced the Yang Tong technique to help us. This time he will definitely not be able to escape." Feng Xingbo's subordinates hurriedly lowered their heads.

The Yang Sensing Pupil Technique is a kind of reconnaissance technique. After it is used, it can sense the yang heat emanating from the human body. Even if the person uses a secret technique to hide his whereabouts, he can be discovered.

Another great feature of this technique is that it can restrain the intervention of illusion, because it senses the yang heat of the human body.

"Don't be careless." Feng Xingbo said with a stern face, "It's not that there are no cultivators who can avoid Gan Yangtong's monitoring. Let our people stare at the doors, windows, and roofs, and report any abnormality immediately."

He wants to be foolproof.

"Second Master, someone has been staring at us, do you want to..." The subordinate couldn't help but said.

"They stare at them if they like." Feng Xingbo sneered, "Anyway, we don't know anything now, staring at us is just a waste of time."

Not only Feng Xingbo, but after learning their lesson, Ku Rong and Jiang Yu thought of a way to prevent Zhou Fan from throwing them off like the last time.

After all, magic tools that can be followed are not uncommon.

Although Zhou Fan was confident, he did not despise Feng Xingbo and the three because of this. Chen Yushi also found a group of non-Yiluan officials to monitor the movements of Feng Xingbo and the three for him.

Zhou Fan, who was staying in the inn room, set up a talisman in the room to isolate the inside and outside, so he could cultivate with confidence.

He knew that he must have received the attention of Feng Xingbo and the others, so even Zhou Momo's hidden state was not lifted, for fear that they would use special means to discover Zhou Momo's existence.

Mo Mo Ke is much more important than the position of the envoy to the north.

Fortunately, Momo doesn't have to eat every day. After a few days, he will find a safe time to let Momo eat.

Now this situation will not last long.

After dinner, Zhou Fan stayed in the room and started to practice. He was just cultivating mental techniques, and he stopped practicing every day. After he got rid of them last time, Zhou Fan could not confirm what radical methods the three opponents were using to monitor. He, he didn't want the three of them to know that he had entered the Dao Realm.

Even though the three of them may have faintly guessed that he entered the Dao Realm, in the absence of evidence, guessing is always guessing.

When he practiced until late at night, Zhou Fan whispered a few words to the little girl and asked the little girl to watch the night, and he lay down and went to sleep.

After falling asleep, Zhou Fan quickly appeared on the boat with Zhou Momo.

Zhou Momo flew towards Zhou Kitten, and Zhou Momo slapped Zhou Momo away with a look of disgust, but Zhou Momo flew over tirelessly again, yelling and pestering Zhou Momo.

I don't know why Momo has always liked Zhou Kitten.

Zhou Fan ignored this. He exchanged a few words with Qifu first, and after talking with Qifu, he looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao who was pulling Zhou Momo off her head and said, "I have something to think about. ask you."

"You son of a bitch, don't you care about your daughter?" Zhou Xiaomao grabbed the little black dragon with both hands angrily, preventing her from jumping on him.

"She's just a child, she can't even understand the words, please bear with me." Zhou Fan said with a dry smile.

He didn't dare to offend Zhou Xiaomao, otherwise Zhou Xiaomao would become furious and would really ignore the little black dragon thrown into the river, even if there were rules on the boat that did not allow the guide to harm the assistant.

"Momo, come back quickly." Zhou Fan quickly brought the little black dragon back and put it on his shoulder.

Xiao Heilong barked a little with some grievances, but he still didn't pounce on Zhou Kitten.

"What do you want to ask me?" Zhou Xiaomao said coldly.

"The cultivator I mentioned to you before may have used some kind of special technique to separate human souls..." Zhou Fan explained the story of Bai Mingcheng in detail.

In fact, Zhou Fan told Zhou Xiaomao about Bai Mingcheng once before, but he didn't know that Bai Mingcheng was the separation of human souls. He just asked Zhou Xiaomao if he could go back in time, and Zhou Xiaomao said no.

But this time, knowing that Bai Mingcheng's soul is separated, maybe Zhou Xiaoxiao can do it.

"I guess he didn't escape very far. UU Reading should be nearby." Zhou Fan looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao and said, "Do you have any way to find him for me?"

"Is his body in your hands?" Zhou Xiaoxia asked.

"You can say that." Zhou Fan nodded.

"If he didn't cut off the cause and effect between him and the corpse, and he was nearby as you said, it would not be difficult to find his human soul through his corpse." Zhou Xiaomao said.

"Is it difficult to cut off cause and effect?" Zhou Fan asked quickly.

"Judging from your description, he is a cultivator in the Primordial Liquid Realm, and he is willing to go astray in order to prolong his life. I don't think such a poor cultivator has a way to cut off the cause and effect." Zhou Xiaomao sneered.

"Don't talk nonsense, if your premise is correct, then I can find it for you, but I want 10,000 big gray worms!"

"Do you mean that if he's not around, then I'll waste 10,000 big gray worms?" Zhou Fan asked with a subtle expression.

"As you said, you can use the method I taught you once, but if it doesn't work this time, then 10,000 gray worms will disappear." Zhou Xiaomao affirmed.

"Could it be cheaper, it's too expensive, I'll give you up to 3,000 big gray worms." Zhou Fan habitually tried to bargain.

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