The soul-seeking black flower worm spread its wings and flew towards the hall.

The moment Zhou Fan landed, his body was covered with infuriating energy, and he looked around vigilantly.

What happened outside the house was probably already known to Bai Mingcheng, and he had to be on guard.

The soul-seeking black flower worm flew into the hall and circled in the southeast corner of the hall, but nothing could be seen in the southeast corner.

Zhou Fan didn't approach rashly, he just let out a sneer, pulled out the rust knife, and the rust knife slashed out.

Ten swift knives slashed out, completely covering the southeast corner of the wall.

Seeing that the southeast corner of the wall is about to be split into pieces.

At this moment, a sigh came from the southeast corner, a pitch-black palm stretched out, and ten quick swords were suspended by a strange force, and then dissipated in the air.

In the dark southeast corner, a figure emerged. This man's body was short, but his limbs were different from ordinary people's, which made him seven feet tall.

"Why do you know I'm here?" The tall figure's voice was low and full of doubts.

But the movements of the tall figure did not stop. When he made his voice, he rushed towards Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan's body disappeared in place, and when he got behind the tall figure, he slashed out again!

Countless golden broken feathers flew from the rust knife, and the splendid flying feathers completely covered the tall figure.

The clang clang metal collision sound continued to sound.

Parts of the golden shards splashed through the roof, piercing the tile roof.

When the smoke and dust in the dark hall were flying, it also became brighter.

Zhou Fan had already teleported to the wall, squinting at the tall figure who took his move.

This can't be said to be a person at all. His whole body is composed of black gears of different sizes. His limbs, torso, head and face are all black gears. Only one pair of pupils is not a gear, and the pupils emit a faint red light.

"A puppet?" Zhou Fan's eyes flashed with surprise, "Bai Mingcheng, have you become like this?"

These gears engraved with runes are very hard, and even the feather blade Gang with amazing piercing power only leaves light scratches on them.

"Bai Mingcheng..." The gear man looked at Zhou Fanhan with a pair of red pupils and said, "It seems that you didn't find it by chance. You ruined my good deeds, and I want to kill you."

Chi Chi Chi!

Countless gears ejected from his body.

The entire mansion collapsed due to the impact of the gears.

The warriors outside the house all screamed or swayed their weapons to resist the gears or hurriedly retreated to dodge.

Zhou Fan's figure has long been swallowed up by countless gears, and the edges of these gears will eject blades.

The gears whizzed and danced back and re-formed the gear people.

"Everything is over." The gear man looked at the ruined Mei family mansion, and he said with some feeling: "From today, I am no longer Bai Mingcheng, but an out-and-out monster."

"Yeah, it's all over." Zhou Fan's voice emerged behind the gear man.

The gear man was shocked. He knew how strong his gear attack was, but why hasn't this contestant in the Yiluan government been dead yet?

But it was too late for him to think about it, and the gears of his body moved in layers behind him.

A knife gang surrounded by a black thunder arc smashed out, smashing several gears, and the gears flew out and smashed to the ground.

He quickly jumped up from the ground and said in horror, "True Yuan Dao Gang?"

If it weren't for the sword gang composed of pure essence, it would not have such power, but is this person crazy? In the battle, he actually used his true essence to activate the sword, what would he do next without his true essence?

Zhou Fan directly answered the Gear Man with his actions, his body teleported towards the Gear Man, and another knife gang broke out from the rusty knife.

The knife gang emits a faint cold blue flame, but the nearby water vapor is quickly evaporated, and the temperature rises a lot out of thin air.

This is the real Yuan Dao Gang again, and the gear man's face changed greatly. At such a close distance, he didn't have time to dodge, and stretched out his left hand to resist.


The gear in Gear Man's entire left hand shattered immediately, and his entire body was shot backwards by the impact, smashing a wall.

He immediately stood up from the waste wall again, the gears of his body kept moving away from his left hand, and his left hand quickly recovered.

The gear man stared at Zhou Fan with some fear. His gear body was not easy to come by, and he didn't know how much effort it took him, but under the power of the real yuan sword, it was still vulnerable.

How many true Yuan Dao Gangs can this person send out?

At the same time as the gear man's mind turned, he knew that he could not kill the young cultivator in front of him. He quickly reached out and took out a black bead from the body of the gear, and immediately crushed it, black smoke scattered from the bead.

He has become such a ghost, and he can't cast spells like a human, so before he was a human, he prepared for it. This black bead is one of his preparation methods. The smoke emitted by the bead can quickly bring him away from here.

Just when he crushed the black beads, Zhou Fan also acted quickly, he teleported to the vicinity of the gear man, and the huge German character knife slashed out.

The gear man waved his arms, and a dozen black gears spun towards Zhou Fan. As long as he was given a little time, he could escape.

However, the German-shaped knife radiated gray light, turning into a splendid sword light, crushing the dozen or so black gears that were swirling.


The knife light slid across the gear man's shoulder, slashing his shoulder and head diagonally down.

The head fluttered in the air, and a roar came out of his mouth, but he couldn't do anything and could only let his head fall to the ground.

Zhou Fan swung the giant knife again, blowing away the smoke that lingered around the lower half of the gear man.

After he did this, he was vigilant and stared at the head of the gear man on the ground.

Confirming the head of the gear man doesn't seem to be able to do anything Zhou Fan was relieved, the knife just now was a still immature Dao style.

"I'm so stupid, I should have left earlier, why should I stay here?" The gear man's gears were constantly turning, and he made an annoyed sound.

"What's going on?" Yuan Evil's voice sounded behind Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan retracted the knife and sheathed it. He turned to look at Yuan E, frowning slightly. He didn't expect Yuan E to come here first. Where's Chen Yushi?

The warriors from the Yiluan Division's Mansion also surrounded and dispersed the bold warriors who were trying to come and observe.

The battle was limited to the abandoned Mei family mansion, and under Zhou Fan's strong attack, the gear people could not make any strong resistance at all, so no one died in this battle, only a few warriors were accidentally wiped by the gear , injured.

"My lord, I have caught the mastermind of Bai Mingcheng's case." Zhou Fan calmly bowed his hands and said, he wanted to make the credit first.

"Are you saying that this gear is weird?" Yuan E sneered disdainfully, "Fake it."

Yuan E's body swayed, and in the blink of an eye, he was under the head of the gear, and without even looking, he stepped on the head of the gear with one foot, and the foot that used True Qi was as fast as a thunderbolt!

Weird world of immortality

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