Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1139: Xinguan 1st case

Zhou Fan was quite uncomfortable watching this **** scene. He had never seen this middle-aged woman, but he could guess who she was who was born and ate a live cat.

Eat cat lady.

It is the person who Daoist Bu Laugh specially told not to offend.

This woman's practice seems to be not a serious practice, but it should not be the kind of practice that requires sacrifice of human life. As long as it is not a cultivator who is extremely harmful to the human world, it will be hated at most, and will not be driven to death, just like Bone repair like that.

Zhou Fan had never seen Mrs. Cat Eater before, and he patiently waited for Mrs. Cat Eater to finish the cat quickly.

Madam Eating Cat raised her head and looked at Zhou Fan, but she just turned away indifferently.

Behind her were floating corpses and dead souls.

"I don't know what level she has reached?" Zhou Fan remembered the cautiousness on Mrs. Cat Eater's face, and he frowned and decided to stay away from this eccentric woman.

This is also the meaning of Zhou Fan's lack of conversation just now.

She probably eats cats because she is cultivating exercises. After all, although this kind of ghost practice is fast, it also has some unavoidable flaws, such as bloodthirsty or a very gloomy place... Zhou Fan guessed silently in his heart. .

After all, if there is no disease, who would like to eat a live cat?

Zhou Fan didn't take this to heart anymore, but walked straight along the corridor, then walked into a path that appeared, continued forward, saw a wooden door, and a relief appeared on the door of the library.

"Young Master Zhou." The long-haired and thin woman in relief said to Zhou Fan.

"Miss Mu." Zhou Fan cupped his hands.

"I don't know if Zhou Gongzi has ever known a young woman who hasn't married yet. I have a cousin..."

"I'm so sorry, I don't know each other." Zhou Fan and the embossed words said unnutritious words, pushed the door in, and started a new day of reading.

It was only at noon that Zhou Fan had to retire from the state of engrossed reading.

Because there was a vicissitudes of life in the library room that entered his ears, "Chen Yushi, the envoy of the Yiluan government to the west, asks you to come to the government now."

Xiaolei State Yiluan's House is closely connected with Xiaolei Academy, and it is not surprising that Zhou Fan was asked by the academy to send a message to Zhou Fan in the academy.

Zhou Fan had heard the vicissitudes of life in the library, but he had never seen him. He stood up, went out of the library, left Xiaolei Academy, and arrived at the Yiluan Sifu.

Zhou Fan quickly met Chen Yushi at the Sifu.

"Congratulations, the promotion order above has been issued, and you are now the northern envoy of the state." Chen Yushi congratulated Zhou Fan with a smile.

"It's still more of an adult's help." Zhou Fan said with a smile.

The Yiluan Division Mansion has never been popular to engage in those red tapes, so Zhou Fan was promoted to the North Expedition Envoy, and nothing happened. The Yiluan Division Mansion just notified the interior of the Yiluan Division Mansion to let them know that there was a new Expedition North Envoy.

The matter of Bai Mingcheng was also dealt with in a low-key manner, and only a few people knew that Bai Mingcheng was not dead, but became a monster and was imprisoned.

In the blink of an eye, it took a few days for Zhou Fan to be promoted to the North Envoy. He was actually promoted to the North Envoy, but his life did not have much impact.

There is no shortage of manpower in Xiaoleizhou Mansion, and many things are solved by the people below. The four envoys only need to grasp the general direction and deal with some urgent matters that cannot be solved by their subordinates.

Therefore, Zhou Fan spent the rest of his time practising and reading, apart from staying at the Sifu to familiarize himself with the new job every day.

Even the left-behind Sifu can cultivate when he has nothing to do. It is not just him who does this, even the three and four envoys of Chen Yushi also do their own things when they have nothing to do.

This is also the reason why Zhou Fan was willing to take over the post of North Envoy, because he had enough free time to practice.

In short, more money and less power, who doesn't like this kind of work?

The days in Xiaoleizhou Mansion were comfortable and steady, and the time of concentrating on cultivation always passed quickly, and half a month passed in a flash.

At noon that day, Zhou Fan was thinking about magic in his office, but his door was quickly knocked.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Sir, there have been 23 deaths in a row in the western inner city area today, and the people below can't find the murderer." The warrior outside hurriedly bowed.

Twenty-three people died?

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, he opened the door and walked out.

Xiaolei Yiluan's mansion has always been guarded by two envoys of the four expeditions. The two take turns. In order to avoid accidents and shirk responsibilities from each other, they divide the area into one person responsible for half, and whoever has an accident in the area is responsible for handling it.

Even if the case later spreads to another person's area, the original person is still responsible.

In this way, if the people below can't handle it, according to the region, you will know which Four Zheng Envoys to look for to handle the case.

Today, the inner west area is the area that Zhou Fan is in charge of.

During this period of time, Zhou Fan, who was promoted to the envoy of Zhengbei, had nothing to do. He was all in charge of cultivation. This was the first time he heard of a case requiring him to come forward.

Of course, Zhou Fan can also ignore it and let his subordinates investigate, but all the subordinates have reported it. If the casualties spread widely, then he is negligent.

Zhou Fan did not dare to slack off, and he quickly rushed to a banned crime scene with the talisman masters of Yiluan Division.

The deceased was a woman, her face, hands and feet were blue-black. In fact, if you peeled off her shirt, you could see that her whole body was blue-black.

But it's not necessary, because that's what happened to the people who died before.

Zhou Fan squatted down and glanced at the corpse. He focused on the corpse's feet. The woman was not wearing any shoes.

Before coming here, Zhou Fan had listened to the detailed report of his subordinates.

The deceased were both male and female, aged between young and middle-aged. They were all in the western inner city, and their bodies were blue and black. Another special feature was that the deceased did not wear Thirteen people all died this morning, and because the dead died so quickly and there was no clue at all, they told Zhou Fan about it.

Zhou Fan looked at the female corpse's feet. There were no wounds on the feet. He frowned and asked, "Have their physical conditions been investigated?"

"Master Hui, there is no toxin reaction in their bodies. This is more like a curse. No matter what beast's flesh and blood are stained with the blood of the dead, it will quickly turn blue-black." Zuzuo replied quickly.

Zhou Fan nodded slightly, and now the Yiluan Office is checking, trying to find out what kind of curse is this?

Zhou Fan's consciousness spread out, and his consciousness did not feel any danger, indicating that the curse of the dead corpse would not spread, at least not now.

Zhou Fan asked people to take the corpse away to deal with it, so that the curse would not spread and spread, and how to deal with such a cursed corpse, Yiluan Si had enough experience.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking in his heart why he didn't wear shoes after death?

This could be the key to solving the case.

But soon Zhou Fan didn't have time to think about it, because the people below came to report and found six similar dead bodies.

The death toll has reached twenty-nine!

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