Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1142: weak, weak


Watching the firebirds in the sky fade away and confirming that the signal has been sent out, Zhou Fan was relieved. He just hoped that the help would come sooner. He now felt a lot of pain in the face of this pale and bloodless woman in white clothes. pressure.


If the woman in Baishang really found out that she had been deceived, then Zhou Fan would not wait for help, and would have to flee as soon as possible.


Zhou Fan didn't speak, and the mysterious woman didn't speak either. The air seemed to be frozen. Zhou Fan's mouth twitched.


But what to say?


Zhou Fan had to be highly vigilant when a woman suddenly attacked him, but also wanted to talk about the topic, so he said, "I wonder how old the girl is?"


When asked about the exit, Zhou Fan wanted to slap himself a few times. What kind of stupid question he asked, he must have been unknowingly influenced by the wood carving of Xiaolei Academy.


"Fangling?" The mysterious woman was also slightly startled: "Are you asking, how old am I?"


"Yes, but don't say it if you don't want to. I just asked casually." Zhou Fan coughed dryly.


"How old am I..." The mysterious woman had a blank look on her face. She frowned and thought for a while before saying, "I-I seem to be one hundred and twenty-three years old this year."


One hundred and twenty-three years old... Zhou Fan's pupils shrank. The older the cultivator is, the more terrifying his strength is. Because if she wasn't originally from the longevity species, then she could live for so long, which showed that her realm was very high.


"It turned out to be a senior, so rude, don't blame me." Zhou Fan said respectfully again.


One hundred and twenty-three years old, several times older than him, calling him a senior is nothing.


"What was the senior's home like before?" Zhou Fan asked cautiously again. He now guesses that this mysterious woman should be a human being, but it's just a guess. Maybe she's a weirdo?


And even if it is a person, it is someone of unknown origin, Zhou Fan still wants to find out her origin as much as possible.


"Home is very warm." The mysterious woman's face also softened, "At home there is human blood that can't be drunk, and human flesh that can't be eaten, so I practice with my family every day, and I don't have to think about anything. "


Endless human blood to drink and endless human flesh to eat... Zhou Fan felt a little disgusted when he saw the mysterious woman speak so calmly. This mysterious woman came from a very abnormal place.


"Who ruined your home? Is it the Secretary of Yiluan?" Zhou Fan then asked.


"Yes, it's them." The mysterious woman's eyes showed a cold light, "They rushed in and killed everyone in the family. Why haven't they, they come?"


Looking at the mysterious woman whose emotions were out of control, Zhou Fan quickly comforted him: "Come on, come on, wait a minute, they will definitely come."


While Zhou Fan was talking, he had already guessed the identity of the mysterious woman. She might be a living corpse.


That dead-like face is the characteristic of some corpse monks. Not all corpse members are like this, but quite a few are like this. This is one reason why this organization is called a corpse.


This has a lot to do with the esoteric magic of the living corpse.


Another basis for Zhou Fan to make such a guess is that he knows that Duanmu Xiaohong, the senior brother of the academy, has taken away important clues about the living corpse, and that the official family may act on the living corpse recently.


Chen Yushi was worried before that the living corpse might retaliate against Xiaolei Prefecture.


But I didn't expect it to come so quickly!


Zhou Fan's vigilance deepened again.


"Then wait, wait." The mysterious woman frowned. She pointed to the sun in the sky and said, "When that mountain falls, I won't wait any longer. I'll kill you."


"Okay, it's a deal." Zhou Fan agreed. It might not be long before the sun sets on the mountain, but he didn't dare to object, because he saw that the mysterious woman's patience was exhausted.


"Who brought you into the state city?" Zhou Fan asked again, trying to distract the mysterious woman.


He didn't dare to mention the matter of Yiluansi again, because he was afraid that the mysterious woman would lose her patience, but he always felt strange in his heart. With this mysterious woman's mind, it was impossible to hide the guard of the city gate and enter the state city. There must be someone there. help her.


"The big formation is very, very troublesome." The mysterious woman lowered her head and said, "I spent the money, and Huan and Huanren will help me enter the city."


Zhou Fan's expression changed slightly. The large formation that the mysterious woman was talking about was naturally the defense formation of the state capital. Although the formation only reacted to the weirdness, the Yiluan Office could also activate the formation to eliminate the human cultivators.


However, once human monks or monsters enter the city and want to use a large array to deal with it, it will not be so easy.


Although this woman has mental problems, she seems to know this. She entered the state city with the help of the Illusory Society.


Is there a connection between the evil organization of the Phantasm and the living corpse?


"I don't know if there are other people at home with senior?" Zhou Fan asked tentatively.


"No, they were either killed by the people from the Yiluan Division, or they have other things to do. I, I alone are enough." The mysterious woman seemed to answer whatever she asked.


She alone is enough... Zhou Fan's fear of the mysterious woman is even deeper. This person has such confidence, how strong will he be?


"Senior, don't be careless. The strength of the four expedition envoys of the Yiluan Division is unfathomable, especially when I heard that the newly joined envoy Zhou Fan, a young genius, entered the Primordial Liquid Realm at a young age, and his strength is very extraordinary." Zhou Fan said with a concerned look.


"Original Liquid Realm?" The mysterious woman said lightly, "Weak, weak."


The Yuan Liquid Realm was weak, Zhou Fan's expression changed slightly, but he didn't even enter the Yuan Liquid Realm. If he didn't even put the mysterious woman in the Yuan Liquid Realm into his eyes, she could indeed give Xiao Lei Yiluan's residence alone. After all, Yuan E, Chen Yushi, and father-in-law are only in the Primordial Liquid Realm.


He has completely lost the courage to fight with the mysterious woman. If he wants to kill him later, he has to run away!


"Senior, it's better to be careful. The prefecture not only has Yiluan Division, but also Xiaolei Academy and Xiaolei Temple. These two places are like clouds and have a good relationship with Yiluan Division. If Yiluan Division encounters foreign enemies, They will definitely help." Zhou Fan asked tentatively again.


Hearing Zhou Fan say the mysterious woman was silent for a while and said, "No, I'm not afraid."


Zhou Fan seems to have suffered a cold invasion. This mysterious woman is not even afraid of Xiaolei Temple, which is the branch of Xiaolei Academy and Dafo Temple. How strong is she?


Does a helping hand really help? Shall I slip off first?


It is best to take her as far as possible, and then think about it and tell Yiluansi about this mysterious woman.


"Senior killed those people, why did you take away their shoes?" Zhou Fan asked while thinking, he was very concerned about this issue.


The woman looked up at her **** embroidered shoes and said, "It, it likes to eat dead people's shoes."


Zhou Fan's eyes also fell on the embroidered shoes, his face condensed slightly, there was something wrong with the shoes, but he was afraid to provoke the woman, so he didn't dare to ask in detail, but changed the question.


"Senior is so powerful, why don't you just go to the Yiluan Sifu directly after entering the city? Instead, stay in the western district to kill those ordinary people?"

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