Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1145: Wisdom Ghost Zun

He shouted such words because he didn't know the mysterious woman, and because so many people came from the Yiluan Company, he didn't think the mysterious woman had anything to fear?

So it's not surprising to say such things to my father-in-law.

But these words made Zhou Fan's scalp tingle for a while, and he knew that he was in big trouble.

"Be careful, her cultivation base is at least golden." Yuan Ei didn't have time to say more, and hurriedly reminded.

The golden body... and both father-in-law and Chen Yushi's faces were slightly condensed.

"Officer of Yiluan?" The woman in the white dress whispered to herself: "So you are the Secretary of Yiluan, yes, I'm so stupid, I'm not the Secretary of Yiluan, where, where did so many warriors come from?"

She raised her head and said sharply, "Everyone in the Yiluan Division is going to die."

The blood-red embroidered shoes under the woman's feet suddenly gave birth to red blood threads that entangled her feet and spread.

Like a ghost, she rushed towards the people of Yiluan Si.

"Disperse, disperse." Yuan E shouted loudly.

Everyone immediately dispersed.

Yuan E's words still alerted him, father-in-law and Chen Yushi. They didn't know much when they came over, but they still believed Yuan E's words.

Therefore, both Father-in-law and Chen Yushi immediately hid from both sides.

Yuan Evil flew backwards.

The woman in the white dress is still staring at Yuan Ei, because this man has not been killed many times, which has aroused her temper.

Why is it still me? You can die for someone else! Yuan E, who was slightly injured, almost vomited blood with anger.

"Arrange formation!" Chen Yushi said sharply.

The fifty-two warriors they brought were all carefully selected elites, and they received special talismans before they set off.

The fifty-two warriors who had already prepared threw a talisman into the sky. The talisman radiated golden rays of light, and the golden rays of light criss-crossed, forming a semicircular light net that enveloped the woman in white.

This talisman formation is a binding formation carefully prepared by Yiluan Division for monks, and it is very powerful.

Seeing the formation of the formation, Chen Yushi, He Gonggong and others showed smiles on their faces.

It's just that the smiles on their faces quickly solidified, because the woman in white snorted, she used one hand as a knife, and a sharp blue-black light spread from her fingers, slashing towards the light net.

With a snort, the light net was split into two halves, and the woman in white walked out of it. She slashed with one hand, and a streak of qi flew out. The head of a warrior closest to her flew up, and blood burst into the sky. .

This **** scene shocked everyone.

Chen Yushi and Father-in-law He both showed fear, and only then did they really feel the horror of the white-sleeved woman.

Zhou Fan didn't dare to get too close, his face was extremely solemn, this woman in white clothes was too difficult to deal with.

The atmosphere is condensed.

Just when the woman in white was about to kill again, she stopped, her pale and bloodless face showing a rare dignified look.

Zhou Fan also noticed the abnormality of the woman in the white dress. After he opened his eyesight, his eyesight was very good, and he could see a group of people and a monk walking by.

It seems like a stroll, but the speed of the two is not slow, and there is a distance of several meters between each step.

Daoist Zhou Fan recognized it as Daoist Buxiao from Xiaolei Academy, and the monk was a little short and sturdy, and he didn't seem to be too special.

Zhou Fan knew that this monk was most likely a master sent by Xiaolei Temple, he breathed a sigh of relief, this time it should not be a big problem.

If the experts from the academy and the Great Buddha Temple can't deal with this woman, then he should run away.

"Amitabha, gentlemen, take your people and leave first." The monk's voice came from afar.

"Yes." Chen Yushi responded first, and he made a gesture.

The warriors of Yiluan Division immediately flew back cautiously.

Chen Yushi, Eunuch He, and Yuan E also cautiously stepped back while staring at the woman in white.

The three were afraid that the woman in white dress would suddenly stop them.

But the woman in the white dress didn't take another look at them, just looked at the monks and Taoists from far to near.

"Hui Kong of the Great Buddha Temple has seen the female donor." The monk said first.

"The academy doesn't laugh." The Taoist who didn't laugh said with a stern face.

"I've heard of you, one is the chairperson of Xiaolei Temple and the other is the sub-principal of Xiaolei Academy." The woman in the white dress rarely stammered.

Her face was calm, and she didn't feel any fear because of the arrival of Daoren Buxiao and Huikong.

The three warriors of Yiluan Division and Chen Yushi had already escaped far enough, but they didn't leave, because the two strongest people in Xiaolei Prefecture were there, and they didn't think they needed to escape.

What needs to be prevented is that the white-dressed woman jumps over the wall, but if she does not laugh at the presence of Daoist Master and Master Huikong, it is not easy for her to want to kill.

Zhou Fan also watched carefully from a distance. He opened his eyesight and didn't have to get too close. After all, it was not a good thing to approach rashly before the situation was unclear.

"I didn't expect Zhang Benben, the wise ghost master of the thirty-six ghost masters under the corpse master, to appear in Xiaoleizhou Mansion." Huikong sighed a little, and revealed the origin of the white-dressed woman in one sentence.

Wisdom Guizun, who gave her the name, isn't this a slaughtering person... Zhou Fan thought silently in his heart.

"I haven't seen you, how do you recognize me?" Zhang Benben asked with a look of surprise. She seemed surprised that Hui Kong and the two recognized her.

"Donor Zhang rarely leaves the mountain of living dead, but every time he makes a move, it brings a lot of trouble to the officials. How can we not recognize Donor Zhang?" Huikong replied.

"This time, the official family has found the real location of the Dead Corpse Mountain. I don't know if the corpse owner is dead?" Daoist Bu Laugh asked with a stiff face.

"Bold!" Zhang Benben was furious, "How could our corpse master die, you shameless and shameless people, you actually steal and attack our dead corpse mountain. Today, you must slaughter these despicable villains in Xiaoleizhou!"

The corners of Zhou Fan's mouth twitched when he heard Zhang Benben's words. This piece of stupid logic is really different from ordinary people. Their official family was actually called a heinous villain by her.

"You have done all the evil deeds of the living Killing countless people, everyone can be executed." Huikong said.

"Just because you want to slaughter the entire Xiaoleizhou Mansion, don't be arrogant." The Daoist Buxiao pulled out the long sword around his waist with a blank expression.

Hui Kong stretched out one hand, and he took out a crescent shovel out of thin air, and the crescent shovel shone with silver light.

While Zhang Benben was barehanded, but her embroidered shoes blood lines became more and more violent, the blood lines had covered her face, she let out a long howl, and rushed towards Hui Kong and Dao Ren Buxiao.

Daoren Buxiao and Huikong didn't have any intention of fighting alone. Their swords and shovels surrounded Zhang Benben.

The three of them didn't use any magic techniques, they just fought with the strong real essence with their martial skills.

Blue-black, golden-yellow, and water-blue true essences collided together, the earth trembled faintly, and the ground with the three at the center sank layer by layer.

The real energy emitted by the three of them faintly distorted the light in the air, and Zhou Fan and the others could not see the incomparably fast movements of the three.

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