Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1166: timid rat

This may be a trap. The poisonous silkworms help so many people, they must have thought about the situation where I will come to the door... Zhou Fan hid high on the hillside, looking down at the large and small wooden houses in the stone pit and thinking silently.

I opened my eyes and looked at the past, but I didn't see any figures walking outside the house.

Zhou Fan had already thought about the various situations he would encounter before he came here. He couldn't have rushed up like an idiot and shouted, "Poison Silkworm Gang, I'm here, Zhao Ba, come out and die."

In this way, it may not be the poisonous silkworm gang who came out to die, but he died.

Now the silent Poison Silkworm Gang is explaining one thing, and the Poison Silkworm Gang is probably already prepared.

"Little 绻." Zhou Fan observed it for a while, and then said softly.

Xiao Qian jumped out of his head, looked around and said softly, "Master, what did you call me?"

"Send a little silk to investigate." Zhou Fan said.

The little one, the little one, sneaked in, and was sure to see what traps the Poison Silkworm Gang had set up waiting for him.

It doesn't matter if Xiaoxiao is discovered, the big deal is death.

Xiao Wan quickly separated a strand of hair from her own hair, turned it into a small strand, and flew forward.

"Watch out, if Xiao Xiaoxiao dies, let me know." Zhou Fan said, observing the Poison Silkworm Gang's stronghold motionlessly.

Xiao Ling immediately closed her eyes again.

Zhou Fan looked at the giant pit for a while, but after he didn't find it, he began to scan around the giant pit to see if he could find the figures of those from the Poison Silkworm Gang.

After all, he has now chosen a high observation point, and the people of the Poison Silkworm Gang may also think of this, and maybe they will set up an ambush for him in these places.

About half a stick of incense passed, and Xiaoxiao ran back and merged with Xiaoxiao.

"How, did you find it?" Zhou Fan asked.

"No, there is no one in the house, no one can be seen in the pit." Xiao Qian opened her eyes and said.

Zhou Fan had a strange expression on his face. He originally thought that people were hiding in the house and waiting to ambush him, but there was no one in the house. Could it be that the Poison Silkworm Gang built an underground tunnel in the pit, and they all hid in the underground tunnel?

Zhou Fan's face became gloomy and uncertain, he was hesitating whether to go in and find out, but he quickly denied the idea, because even if he was already a Taoist monk, a Taoist monk is not immortal, he can kill one There are also many means of Taoist monks.

The people from the Poison Silkworm Gang knew that he was a Taoist cultivator. If the Poison Silkworm Gang wanted to kill him, they would definitely prepare to kill the Taoist cultivator.

Even if he is conscious and has a lot of life-saving means, it is too dangerous to rush in like this.

He thought and thought, and punched the hillside, and the hillside shattered into large rocks.

Zhou Fan lifted a large rock with both hands and threw it hard.

He didn't even use his true energy, just relying on his previous tremendous strength, he made the big stone in his hand smash into the crater like a meteor.

With a bang, the giant crater hit a house accurately, smashing the roof of that house.

But apart from the rumbling of the house collapsing, no one could be seen coming out.

Zhou Fan ignored it. He just lifted the big rock and threw it into the huge pit. He threw the rock with precision and could hit the house every time.

In just a short while, the huge pit was filled with smoke, and all the wooden houses were destroyed by him.

"The cowardly rat, I will spare your lives for the time being today." Zhou Fan snorted and shouted.

Zhou Fan left soon with his fat dog.

After Zhou Fan left for a while, two figures climbed out of the ground ten meters away from the giant pit of the Poison Silkworm Gang, and they quickly ran forward and left.

Their speed was not slow, and they quickly got away from the stone pit of the Poison Silkworm Gang, but they still cautiously looked back from time to time, afraid that someone would stare at them.

After walking far enough, one of the two said, "It's fine here."

The other person nodded slightly, and took out a bamboo tube from the talisman bag and affixed a talisman.

The talisman runes spread rapidly on the surface of the bamboo tube, and as soon as the man let go, the bamboo tube quickly rose into the sky, and when it rose high enough, it made a loud noise and turned into bright yellow poisonous insect-like fireworks.

"Okay, we're done, where do we go next?" The man who sent the signal smiled and said, "When the house was smashed by Zhao Ba just now, you didn't know how scared I was. I was afraid that he would find us."

"Do you think I'm not afraid?" his companion smiled bitterly, "but no matter how powerful he is, he still doesn't find us. Now that things are done, according to what Gang Master Guo said, we can go eat, drink and have fun. our benefit."

"Let's go for a drink." The man who sent the signal smiled happily.

"Going for a drink? I'll go too, what do you two think?" A hoarse and harsh voice sounded from the backs of the two of them.

The two of them seemed to freeze, and then they turned their heads and saw Zhao Ba's scarred face staring at them coldly.

"Senior, spare your life." The two of them didn't even have the idea of ​​running for their lives. They didn't expect Zhou Fan to follow them all the time.

Zhou Fan deliberately pretended that he couldn't find anyone and smashed the house in anger, and then left, but in fact he quickly came back in stealth, so he caught these two people, he didn't show up, and kept following here .

Originally, I wanted to follow these two people to wipe out the poisonous silkworm gang, but who knew that these two people stopped here.

"It's not impossible to spare your lives, but you have to show me the way, and lead me to find the rest of your poisonous silkworm Exchange those people's lives for yours, do you think this business is worth it? ?" Zhou Fan sneered and asked, "If it's not worth it, then forget it."

The people in the Land of Hundred Quarts are unsympathetic and merciless. As long as they can survive, don't tell the people in the betrayal gang, even if they sell their parents, there are a lot of people.

But the two looked at each other, and soon one of them kowtowed and begged, "Senior, we don't know where the rest of the gang is hiding, please forgive us."

His companions followed suit.

"Shut up!" Zhou Fan shouted in a deep voice.

Both of them closed their mouths in horror.

Zhou Fan looked at them coldly, and after a few breaths he said, "You are members of the Poison Silkworm Gang, why don't you know where the people in your gang are hiding? It seems that you want to be kind and righteous people, which I admire the most. This kind of person, do you want me to help you?"

"Senior, we really don't know, the two gang masters left yesterday with the gang masters. Before they left, they scattered us ordinary disciples and gave us different tasks, and the two of us were responsible for them. I stared at the gang and said that if the seniors came to the gang..."

"Then let the two of us come to this location to send a signal flare, and then the leader and the others will know the news. We really don't know where the leader and them went." Another person said anxiously.

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