Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1168: guess


"If you believe it, you have it, if you don't believe it, you don't." Facing Mu Sanying's question, Zhou Fan just said lightly.


Mu Sanying chuckled and said, "Brother Tiger, it's not that I don't believe you, I'm just a little too surprised, because as far as I know, there is no other force in the Land of Hundred Corners that can come up with this amount of material?"


"What they can't do doesn't mean I can't do it." Zhou Fan said impatiently: "You don't lose anything if you believe me, just make an offer. If the price is not what I want, it's useless to say more."


Mu Sanying didn't speak any more, she looked down at the materials on the paper and did a quick mental calculation, then raised her head and smiled: "If the number of materials brought by Brother Tiger is really so many, I think the surrounding caravans will give them the most. For the price of 250,000 profound coins, our caravan can give Brother Tiger 300,000 profound coins."


"Of course, if Brother Tiger doesn't want profound coins, we can exchange other equivalents with Brother Tiger."


"No need, Xuan coin is fine." Zhou Fan waved his hand, and he pointed to a small forest about a hundred meters away from the caravan camp: "I will wait for you there, just call me when you arrive, without my permission. , not into the grove."


After Zhou Fan finished speaking, without waiting for Mu Sanying and the others to agree, he disappeared on the spot. When he reappeared, he had already appeared three feet away, and he moved moment by moment, and soon disappeared from everyone's eyes.


The expressions of everyone in the caravan changed slightly. This kind of movement was too fast.


"Miss, be careful." The middle-aged man headed by the warrior reminded with a solemn expression, "Would you like me to bring someone over to test him?"


He is Lu Shipeng, the guard captain of the caravan. This masked man has a mysterious origin and a strange movement, so he must be careful.


"No, it's too insincere to do this." Mu Sanying shook her head and said, "Prepare a silver note for me, and I'll go with you in person."


"Yes." Lu Shipeng didn't persuade him any more, no one could stop Mu Sanying from what she wanted to do.


The silver note was quickly taken, and Mu Sanying led Lu Shipeng and the other five to the woods.






The reason why Zhou Fan wanted to go into the woods was because his materials were all in the Book of Storage. Of course, the Book of Storage was such a special storage tool that it couldn't be used in front of other people.


After spending some time, Zhou Fan opened the book of storage, took out all the materials to be traded and put them on the ground. The materials on the ground were piled up to half a person's height, so he patiently waited for Mu Sanying and the others to come.


He deliberately showed the teleportation-level movement technique in front of everyone, hoping that the people in the Sanmu caravan would not have any bad thoughts.


"Brother Tiger, can we come in?" After a while, Mu Sanying's voice came from outside the woods.


Zhou Fan has been maintaining the development of the six senses. After he sensed that six people should be coming outside, he said lightly, "You can come in."


Mu Sanying took her five people into the woods and looked at the materials on the ground. She didn't show too much surprise, she just glanced at Zhou Fan and said, "Brother Tiger, do we want to check the materials?"


Zhou Fan stepped back a few steps: "Whatever."


The five people brought by Mu Sanying began to come over to check the materials, and soon Lu Shipeng raised his head and said, "The materials are fine, but it will take time for us to count the amount of materials."


"Then take it slow." Mu Sanying took out three silver notes of 100,000 profound coins from her talisman bag and asked, "Brother Tiger, how can I give this to you?"


"Just throw it over here." Zhou Fan said slowly.


Mu Sanying shook his hand, and the three silver notes flew straight towards Zhou Fan. The silver notes were made by the official family of the Wei Dynasty using a special rune paper, and the runes were engraved on it. rip off.


The bank notes came flying, and Zhou Fan's consciousness did not sense any danger. His hand was covered with a layer of infuriating energy, and he held the three bank notes in his hands. After confirming that there were no traps in the bank notes, he identified the bank notes. The authenticity was collected.


"If Brother Tiger is all right, you can go first." Mu Sanying smiled lightly.


"Aren't you afraid that the number is not enough?" Zhou Fan glanced at the five people who were counting the materials and asked.


"It's not enough, it's not much worse, I don't care about this error." Mu Sanying said generously: "Instead, Brother Tiger is still satisfied with this transaction? If you are satisfied, I don't know when the next transaction will be?"


"Every day at noon, if I come, I will come. If I don't come after noon, I won't come. Your caravan just needs to make sure that I have money ready when I come. It doesn't matter who you let me trade with. "Zhou Fan thought for a while.


After Mu Sanying agreed, Zhou Fan disappeared and left the woods.


Mu Sanying didn't say a word, and waited patiently for the five people who brought her to take stock of the materials with her hands on her back.


After a while, when the materials were counted, Lu Shipeng said again, "Miss, there are a lot of materials, but it's a bit too much."


Mu Sanying nodded slightly and asked Lu Shipeng to pack the materials and bring them all back to the caravan camp.


The Sanmu caravan has people stationed here all year round, and then sends several caravans to and from the two places.


She is in charge of everything in the Miki caravan camp.


After returning to the camp, the materials had been taken down for further processing. Mu Sanying let four people, including Lu Shipeng, enter the tent. She sat on the main seat and frowned in thought.


The four Lu Shipeng didn't say anything, they just waited patiently.


"He shouldn't be a person from any major power in the Land of Hundred Pills, otherwise he doesn't need to wear a mask." Mu Sanying said, "Do you think there is something wrong with what I said?"


"There is a problem." A middle-aged man dressed as a scribe shook his head and said, "He promised to produce so many materials almost every day. It may also be that one of the major forces has mastered some powerful mining methods. This kind of mining method, just pretending not to let people know that they did it.”


"Sir is right." Mu Sanying nodded lightly, "Then there is no way to confirm which faction he is from."


The tent fell into After a while, Mu Sanying said again: "His movement is so fast, it is rare, it is difficult to achieve this level of martial arts, but Taoist monks should be able to. If you can do it, some special tools and talismans on the Taoist realm can also do it."


"Could he be a Taoist monk?"


"Miss, this cannot be confirmed, because as far as I know, as long as you swallow a certain medicinal pill, the speed of counting breaths can be so fast. We have never seen him move at such a fast speed." Lu Shipeng replied.


"He entered the grove, we didn't see him bring anyone here, and of course we don't rule out the possibility of letting his people leave early after he entered the grove..." Mu Sanying frowned, "But I'll take you in. I have observed from time to time that there is no trace of movement in the woodland."


"Of course the person he brought may not have his feet on the ground, but it is more likely that he has precious storage utensils on him."


This time, the four people in the tent did not refute any more, but their expressions changed slightly.


Storage tools, many monks who have just entered the Taoist realm cannot get one. If this person has storage tools, then this person is very likely to be a Taoist monk.

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