Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1172: too crazy, the fastest update of the latest chapters of the strange world of immortality!


"I don't know what senior's orders are you?" asked the shopkeeper Liu who was stopped.


Shopkeeper Liu suspected that Senior Zhao had changed his mind and wanted to personally interrogate or kill the cook. If that was the case, of course there was no objection at the inn.


"Put it out for me, if the Castle of the Sunshine dares to insist on protecting the person I want to kill, tomorrow I will personally go to the Castle of the Sunset to learn Du Canyang's great tricks." Zhou Fan said coldly.


"If Du Canyang wants to hide in the Sunset Castle like a tortoise, then that's fine. From tomorrow onwards, I'll stay at the gate of the Sunset Castle and come out and kill each other!"


Shopkeeper Liu was horrified, Senior Zhao is going to challenge the entire Setting Sun Castle with one person, this is really crazy and arrogant!


"Yes, I'll spread the word on behalf of senior." Shopkeeper Liu replied with a stiff face and a little flustered.


Du Canyang is a cultivator at the Primordial Liquid Realm, and even if your senior Zhao is also a cultivator in the Primordial Liquid Realm, Du Canyang is not single, and he also has the Castle of the Setting Sun.


If you don't provoke the Castle of the Setting Sun, the Castle of the Setting Sun may not be able to help you, but you said that you want to block the Castle of the Setting Sun to see one and kill the other. Such a head-to-head method is too underestimated at the Castle of the Setting Sun.


Shopkeeper Liu seems that it is too crazy for Senior Zhao to do this, but it is not his turn to question what Senior Zhao is going to do.


Shopkeeper Liu left to speak for Zhou Fan, and Zhou Fan slowly closed his eyes. The reason why he adopted such rude and violent countermeasures was because he was thinking about whether to use such rude and violent countermeasures. The true essence in his body was faintly touched.


This is the prelude to a breakthrough.


"Do I have to be domineering to break through to the Primordial Liquid Realm? Why is that?"


"Could it have something to do with the "Batianyue Shengzheng" that I practiced? The true essence cultivated in this practice is known for being domineering... but it doesn't seem to be that simple."


Zhou Fan let out a sigh of relief, wanting to enter the Primordial Liquid Realm from the Huayuan Realm is a mysterious and mysterious thing, even a top cultivator like Zhou Xiaoxia couldn't tell, but in any case, he just needs to seize this opportunity.


If it weren't for such a change in True Yuan, he might have adopted a more secure method, such as hiding in the dark and constantly assassinating the people of the Castle of the Setting Sun, forcing the Castle of the Setting Sun to compromise.


It's just to challenge the entire Sunset Castle with one person's strength. It's not something he can't do. Maybe he can break through to the Primordial Liquid Realm after finishing it.


Zhou Fan's eyes became firm.


When the inn spread Zhou Fan's words, the whole land of Baiqu was boiling.


Since the first day that cultivator named Zhao Ba came to the Land of Hundreds of Heavens, what he did has attracted the attention of everyone in the Land of Hundreds of Heavens, and now it has reached its peak.


Everyone couldn't believe that the cultivator named Zhao Ba dared to do this.


Solitary cultivators have their own advantages and disadvantages in the Land of Hundred Fells. The advantage is that they are alone, so they don't have too many restraints in doing things.


But the disadvantage is also because one person is alone, and one person is inevitably weak.


"The best result of Zhao Ba's doing this is self-disgrace. If he doesn't get it right, he will be killed by the Castle of the Setting Sun." An experienced Qi Gang cultivator in the Land of Hundred Thrones said to a familiar person.


"Zhao Ba's move is simply out of his mind." Another commented.


"You're wrong. He didn't lose his mind, but he was such a crazy person."


"I'm not sure about this, he's not a fool, maybe he can do it with confidence?"


"Hmph, what can he do? He has to face a great force created by a Primal Liquid Realm cultivator. There were originally three Qi Gang fighters in the Castle of the Setting Sun, plus the two leaders of the Poison Silkworm Gang, and now there is no momentum. Both of them can be called the first force of Baiqin!"


"One person alone cannot fight against such a force, unless that Zhao Ba has already reached the golden state, but if he has reached the golden state, there is no need to escape to the Land of Hundreds!"


There are different opinions. Most people think that Zhao Ba is unable to fight against a force like the Castle of the Setting Sun, and many people think that Zhao Ba is just bluffing to scare the Castle of the Setting Sun.


Tomorrow, Zhao Ba will not go to the Cangyang Fort at all, otherwise he will go. If Du Canyang does not fight alone, Zhao Ba will flee immediately, and he will not die at the Cangyang Fort at all.


As for the face... in the Land of Hundred Curses, no one would care about this thing at all, and Zhao Ba would do this only in line with their guesses.


But no matter what, there will definitely be a lot of people going to the Castle of the Setting Sun tomorrow to watch the fun.


Setting Sun Fort also received what Zhou Fan said. In Setting Sun Fort Hall, Du Canyang was sitting on the main seat, Zhang Yi, Guo Muyang, and three Qi Gang martial artists of Setting Sun Fort were sitting on the sub-seat.


After hearing the report from his subordinates, Du Canyang sat in silence and did not speak, and Zhang Yi and five Qi Gang martial artists did not dare to say a word.


Especially Zhang Yi and Guo Muyang, they not only handed over all the money to the Castle of the Setting Sun, but also made a ghost oath in front of Du Canyang that they would never betray the Castle of the Setting Sun, so that they could be sheltered by the Castle of the Setting Sun.


All of this was expected by Guo Muyang and Zhang Yi, but at this moment, it was inevitable that they were still a little uneasy.


In the stillness of the atmosphere, Du Canyang suddenly burst into laughter. He patted his thigh while laughing. It seemed that he had never encountered such a funny thing before.


Du Canyang smiled, and Guo Muyang's five Qi Gang martial artists were all startled for a moment, and then laughed.


Du Canyang laughed until tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes, he wiped the tears with the back of his hands, shook his head while laughing and said, "No way, I'm dying of laughter, then Zhao Ba is really dizzy, I'm really overestimating. he……"


The five people below hurriedly responded to Du Canyang with flattering words, especially Zhang Yi and Guo Muyang, who were more bluntly said that Zhao Ba must be in a panic because of the prestige of the castle lord. out.


"The clown jumping beam, ignore him, he really dares to come tomorrow, we'll take care of him." Du Canyang smiled and waved again.


Du Canyang asked Guo Muyang and the other five to do their own business, so there is no need to worry about such a thing.


In order to appease Guo Muyang and the two, Du Canyang didn't even let the three Qi Gang fighters in the Cangyang Castle stay, but let them go out together. This also means that he treats the five people equally, which is a kind of subjugation.


When the five people exited the hall, the smile on Du Canyang's face disappeared, and his face became solemn.


That Zhao Ba dared to provoke him last time, it shows that his strength is extraordinary, even if this kind of person is arrogant, but he is also suspected of being a monk in the Primordial Liquid Realm. Even if a monk in this realm is a fool, Du Canyang would not dare to be careless.


Besides, Du Canyang thought in his heart that Zhao Ba did something else.


"Anyway, there's nothing wrong with being careful." Du Canyang thought with a cold smile.


He chose to swallow everything from the Poison Silkworm Gang because two Qi Gang martial artists brought a group of elites and two million profound coins, and he really couldn't bear to refuse.


Doing so would offend a Primordial Liquid cultivator. Of course Du Canyang understood it very well, but that Zhao Ba had some minor conflicts with him, and Zhao Ba was only a loner, so he would be offended if he offended him, so what was there to be afraid of? of?


"I want to see what you will do tomorrow?"

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