Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1175: Yuan liquid

The gate of Sunset Castle was closed, and the walls were silent for a while.


Du Canyang didn't look back, but he also knew that his subordinates were all looking at him to see what he would do.


Du Canyang looked at Zhou Fan who was looking up at the Castle of the Setting Sun. He could not wait to go down and kill Zhou Fan immediately.


"Du Canyang, if you don't hand over the people, then come down and fight with me." Zhou Fan laughed wildly: "Send your own men to death, and you are afraid to move. Is that how you act as a castle master? "


The onlookers didn't know who laughed first, and soon bursts of laughter were heard.


The law does not blame the crowd, Du Canyang is a cultivator in the Primordial Liquid Realm, but there are hundreds of warriors here, just laughing, Du Canyang can't possibly win so many people.


Zhou Fan said this, but Du Canyang's furious heart calmed down. He remembered the hundreds of qi that Zhou Fan slashed out, and the corners of his eyes jumped sharply. Even he might not be able to block so many qi.


One-on-one? It doesn't exist, Du Canyang sneered, he owns the entire Cangyang Fort, so he won't be stupid enough to go one-on-one with Zhou Fan.


"The five of you come with me to meet him for a while." Du Canyang turned and said to Guo Muyang's five martial artists.


Guo Muyang looked at each other in dismay and did not dare to answer for a while.


"Idiot, will I want you to die?" Du Canyang snorted coldly, "You just need to attack him with Astral Qi from a distance, he is fast, but if I entangle him, he can't do anything about it. you."


Only then did the five Guo Muyang understand that if they were just attacking with Gang Qi from a distance, then they really didn't need to be afraid.


If it weren't for the fact that there were more common warriors, I'm afraid they would just die. Du Canyang wouldn't have only brought five Guo Muyang.


"Zhao Ba, since you are courting death, then I will fulfill you." Du Canyang jumped off the high wall.


Guo Muyang and the others followed him and jumped off the high wall.


The six people in front and behind all stepped on the wall and quickly slipped off.


As soon as Du Canyang landed, he pulled out a blue machete in his right hand, and held a black mirror in his left hand, and quickly rushed towards Zhou Fan.


"It's a good time." Zhou Fan was not only not afraid of the six people, but his heart was filled with pride. He felt that his body's true essence seemed to be on fire.


Du Canyang said something in his mouth, the black mirror first shone towards Zhou Fan, and a jet of black light came directly towards Zhou Fan.


This is a tool that only Taoist monks can use.


Zhou Fan did not dare to take it rashly, he teleported to the left, but the jet-black light suddenly refracted and followed Zhou Fan.


Zhou Fan slashed with a rusty knife in his hand, and a blue-black knife gang slashed toward the jet-black light.


But the ghost knife gang passed through the black light, the black light beam was not affected, and Zhou Fan could only continue to teleport to dodge.


At this time, the five Guo Muyang also started their actions, and their qi gang rushed towards Zhou Fan, and they were about to hit Zhou Fan.


Zhou Fan slashed the rusty knife in his hand, and the purple-gold light burst out from the tip of the knife, forming a purple-gold-shaped shield, blocking the five qi gangs, and the black light passed through the shield, as if nothing could stop it live it.


Du Canyang put away the mirror and pinched it with his left hand.


The black vines stretched out from the ground and rolled towards Zhou Fan. Zhou Fan's consciousness discovered the black vines for the first time, and he teleported to avoid the attack of the jet black light and the black vines.


The moment Zhou Fan's teleportation stopped, Du Canyang shouted loudly, the machete in his hand slashed towards Zhou Fan, and Lan Zhanzhan's machete was filled with extraordinary true essence.


With the help of the black vines on the ground, the jet-black light reflected in the sky, and the Qi Gang of the five Guo Muyang, Zhou Fan was dodging and resisting, and Du Canyang was suddenly forced to retreat.


The onlookers looked at the besieged Zhou Fan, and no one thought there was anything wrong with this. The people in the Land of Hundred Curtains were all desperados. In their opinion, Zhou Fan should not be sent to the door. wisdom.


It's not that Zhou Fan has no means to deal with these sieges, it's just that his current state is a bit wrong, because his true essence is really burning.


Most of his mind was on the burning true essence.


He was about to break through. He didn't expect to enter such a critical juncture in the battle. Zhou Fan only put a small part of his mind into the battle, which is why this state of support appeared.


He was running the exercises, which made the real essence burn faster and faster. The burning real essence turned into a mist in the body, the mist accumulated into clouds, and then it started to rain.


Every drop of rain is a golden water drop, and every new drop of water emits a majestic and powerful breath.


Du Canyang, who had been chasing after Zhou Fan, felt the deepest feeling. He could clearly sense that Zhou Fan's body aura was getting stronger and stronger, which made his heart tremble faintly.


He was suspicious by nature, so he retreated again and again, away from Zhou Fan.


Because Zhou Fan was at a critical juncture, his speed had to slow down, and the black vine and the jet-black light could finally keep up with Zhou Fan's speed.


Zhou Fan's feet suddenly gave birth to golden flames, which burned the black vines completely, and the jet-black light shot towards Zhou Fan's heart.


But Zhou Fan just stretched out his hand lightly, and a cold blue flame ignited in his palm.


Du Canyang's expression changed slightly. The jet-black light emitted by his mirror could not be dealt with by ordinary means. Only cultivators could resist with True Essence, but True Essence was precious and rare for cultivators. Who would be willing to use True Essence to defend against his? Mirror light?


But he finally saw it today, and Zhou Fan's aura was still rising.


"Let's go." Du Canyang's heart was beating violently, and he was the first to flee into the castle without hesitation.


Guo Muyang and the others just glanced at each other, and they also rushed to follow Du Canyang.


Zhou Fan was still standing, he couldn't move at the moment, he was still converting the true essence in his body into essence liquid as much as possible.


At this time, every drop of Yuan liquid will be several times or even ten times stronger than the real Yuan.


All the onlookers were stunned, watching this scene in disbelief.


They couldn't understand why Du Canyang clearly had the upper hand and gave up and left with five qi gangs.


And Zhou Fan stood still again, is this the winner?


Who wins and who loses?


When everyone was in shock Zhou Fan let out a long whistle, his body exuded a powerful breath, the powerful aura seemed to be tangible, and turned into a gust of wind and spread out.


The strong wind blew sand and rocks, and blew the crowd around the audience to hunt in their clothes.


"He made a breakthrough." Du Canyang, who returned to the city wall, changed his expression slightly.


"Is it a golden body?" Guo Muyang lost his voice with a deathly expression on his face.


If they are really golden, then no one can keep them.


Du Canyang glanced at Guo Muyang, and snorted coldly, "What stupid thing did you say? Do you think Jin's body is so good?"


"At best, he has entered the middle stage of Yuan liquid from the early stage of Yuan liquid, or he has entered the late stage of Yuan liquid from the middle stage of Yuan liquid!"


But even so, Du Canyang's face was dignified. He felt very troubled, because they didn't have any advantage in the siege just now, and Zhao Ba actually broke through again in the battle. What should I do?

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