Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1180: Gather news

This is not the same as before, Zhou Fan's words will naturally arouse the vigilance of the five people in the caravan.

"I don't know what happened to Brother Tiger?" Mu Sanying asked as usual.

"It's better that only me and you know." Zhou Fan said slowly.

Mu Sanying nodded slightly, she could not walk away from her own people with Zhou Fan, she took out a talisman from the talisman bag and threw it on the ground, the talisman radiated a light blue mask that enveloped them both.

This is just a simple soundproof talisman, but it can isolate the sound of the outside world.

"Brother Tiger, is this okay?" Mu Sanying asked with a smile.

Zhou Fan nodded slightly and said, "Have you heard of the Giant Pit of Thousand Machines?"

Mu Sanying's face was slightly condensed, even though it was a very subtle change in expression, Zhou Fan kept watching her, taking this scene into his eyes, she had heard of the giant pit of thousands of machines!

"I don't know why Brother Tiger is asking this?" Mu Sanying asked calmly.

"You don't need to know this." Zhou Fan chuckled: "I wonder how much you know about it?"

"You have to tell me your purpose before I can tell you about the Thousand Machines Giant Pit." Mu Sanying said slowly.

"I just heard about it by accident, and I know that the giant pit is not simple and profitable." Zhou Fan said in a deep voice: "So naturally I have some thoughts about it."

"It turns out that it is." Mu Sanying's face became a little more subtle: "Most of the people who can know about the Thousand Machines Giant Pit are Taoist monks. Where did Brother Tiger come from to find out the news?"

"There's no comment on this." Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "The Sanmu Caravan is just a foreign caravan. Don't you also know about the Thousand Machines Giant Pit?"

"I would know because our caravan had some connection with a senior in the Land of Hundred Fells, and we learned about it from him." Mu Sanying explained: "If Brother Tiger is just hearsay, I advise Brother Tiger to dismiss it. The idea of ​​profiting from the giant pit of thousands of machines."

"Can you tell me in detail, Miss Mu?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Actually, I don't know much about the Thousand Machines Giant Pit. There are indeed a lot of good things there, but it is very dangerous there. If it wasn't for the Taoist cultivator, the ordinary warrior would simply seek death. "Mu Sanying said simply.

"Dao Realm cultivator brought it?" Zhou Fan said in surprise: "You mean Dao Realm cultivator can bring people in?"

"Brother Tiger doesn't even know about this?" Mu Sanying was slightly startled: "The giant pit of thousands of machines is opened, and the Taoist monks in the Land of Hundreds of Thrones form an exploration team, but one person is also allowed to enter it. As for who to bring. It doesn't matter."

"Why did the Taoist cultivator bring people in?" Zhou Fan asked inexplicably: "Thousand Machines Giant Pit is so dangerous, I am afraid that the people who bring it will be very few when they can help, and maybe it will cause chaos."

"There are many reasons for this. Some are entrusted by others, some want to bring people in to help, and there are various reasons for unknown purposes. Of course, there are also people who go in alone." Mu Sanying paused here, "I am not afraid to tell Brother Tiger, I will also follow a senior to the pit."

"I went to the pit to see if I could find some good things. If Brother Tiger wants to go to the pit, it is best to ask the Taoist cultivator to take you there."

Zhou Fan was silent for a while and said, "Thank you, Miss Mu, for telling me so many things."

"If Brother Tiger comes up with a way to get down to the pit, and he trusts me, you can tell me, then we can take care of each other in the pit." Mu Sanying smiled.

"Okay." Zhou Fan nodded slightly.

Having said that, the two of them were almost the same, and Zhou Fan quickly turned around and left.

The five people who counted the materials in the woods just counted the materials silently. Mu Sanying was their manager. Of course, they were not qualified to ask her what she had chatted with Zhou Fan.

Mu Sanying frowned, with a look of doubt on her face. She felt very strange in her heart. Originally, she thought that the man wearing the tiger mask was from the great power in the Land of Hundreds of Heavens, and he must have a Taoist cultivator as his backing.

But from what he said just now, it could be seen that he didn't know anything about the Thousand Machines Giant Pit, and his identity became confusing.

It is impossible for him to ask me when he knows about the Giant Pit of Thousand Machines. He must be asking this question because he does not know about the Giant Pit of Thousand Machines. Could it be that what he said was deliberately misleading me? But what's the point of being misled like this? Do you want to hide her identity... Mu Sanying thought for a while, but she still didn't jump to a conclusion, she quickly shook her head.

She doesn't care who this person is, she doesn't mean to harm him anyway, as long as he doesn't come to harm the Miki caravan, there is no need to go into it.

After Zhou Fan got away from the Sanmu caravan, he took off his disguise, brought his little sister and the others, and headed towards the inn.

The reason why Zhou Fan asked Mu Sanying was because he didn't believe in the inn. After all, who knew if the inn would be bought in advance by Wei Yun and the others.

But the Sanmu caravan is different. They are caravans from the outside world, and no one knows that he has a connection with the Sanmu caravan.

From his conversation with Mu Sanying, Zhou Fan was 90% sure that the Giant Pit of Thousand Machines was not fabricated by Wei Yun and the others. Of course, the possibility that Wei Yun and the others used this opportunity to destroy him could not be ruled out.

There should be no shortage of precautions.

Zhou Fan strolled outside for a while before returning to the inn just before noon.

"Senior Zhao, my boss has arrived, please come with me." Seeing Zhou Fan's return, Shopkeeper Liu hurried over and said softly.

Zhou Fan nodded slightly, followed Manager Liu out of the lobby of the inn, and quickly entered a small hall.

Zhou Fan did not expect that there was a small hall behind the inn.

In the small hall is a middle-aged man wearing a brocade robe. The middle-aged man is slightly fat and has a rich face, just like an ordinary rich man.

"My lord, Tang Wenkang, has seen Senior Zhao." The middle-aged man gave a hearty laugh when he saw Zhou Fan, and cupped his hands with a smile.

"You're welcome." Zhou Fan said calmly.

Tang Wenkang invited Zhou Fan to sit down. He had prepared tea in advance and poured tea for Zhou Fan diligently.

Shopkeeper Liu had already left without saying a The two chatted for a while, and Tang Wenkang flatly complimented Zhou Fan, saying that it was an honor for him and the inn that Zhou Fan could live in his inn.

Tang Wenkang also mentioned his origins deliberately, saying that he came from outside the Land of Baiqing. At first, he set up a caravan and reselling materials in the Land of Baiqing, but later he established an inn with certain support, but the caravan still remained. exist.

In the land of Baiqing, it is considered a wide network of people, and some small and medium-sized forces dare not provoke Tang Wenkang.

Zhou Fan listened for a while and deliberately showed impatience.

Tang Wenkang smiled slightly when he saw this, he took out a blue booklet and put it on the table with a smile: "I learned that Senior Zhao wants the information about the Thousand Machines Giant Pit, I collected and wrote it here overnight, Senior Zhao Just take it."

Zhou Fan glanced at the not-so-thick booklet, but instead of taking it, he asked, "What do you want?"

Whether Tang Wenkang is a businessman or not, he can't do a loss-making business. He deliberately arranged this meeting, and there must be a purpose.

Zhou Fan is well aware of this.

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