Zhou Fan actually understands that it is not good to carry Momo all the time, but Momo is his daughter, and now he refuses to leave him for too long. Ink is properly placed.

Besides, Momo is growing up every day. When she becomes more sensible in the future, things will slowly get better.

It really made my old father so sad... Zhou Fan laughed and teased Momo before he began to take out the Primordial Crystal to absorb and cultivate.

There are some reasons why Tang Wenkang and the others are not allowed to see what he is doing. starter

After cultivating, Zhou Fancai withdrew the talisman formation that blocked sound and sight, greeted Tang Wenkang, and observed the situation of the rest of the camp.

Wei Yun and the man in black he brought sat silently and did not speak.

Wu Kai and Mu Sanying were discussing something in a low voice.

Du Chanyang, who was alone, covered his sight with a talisman, so he couldn't see what he was doing.

Li Gaofeng and his concubine Yun'er also blocked their sight with a talisman, but they probably wouldn't do anything good.

Liao Banban was sitting like the masked man he brought, neither sleeping nor speaking.

The old ghost Gong had already lay down and slept, and his disciple Deng Yizhi was watching the night for the old ghost.

"Have you seen the people brought by Wei Yun and the people brought by Liao Ban?" Zhou Fan asked Tang Wenkang.

These two may show their appearance when they eat or do something.

"No, they turn their backs to everyone when they eat." Tang Wenkang shook his head.

Zhou Fan also knew that it was very difficult for those two to deliberately hide their identities and make them make such low-level mistakes.

Zhou Fan didn't ask about it again, but opened the talisman array and lay down to sleep.

Zhou Fan was so wary of Tang Wenkang, he didn't care what Tang Wenkang was thinking. After all, in his opinion, Tang Wenkang was just a stranger, and he couldn't help but be wary of him.

What thoughts Tang Wenkang will have in his heart is his own business!

Zhou Fan thought about such a thing in his heart, and fell asleep.

After the early morning, Zhou Fan woke up on time, he sat up immediately, and the little sister and Momo were in his talisman formation.

"Senior, you are awake." Tang Wenkang greeted with a smile.

"Did nothing happen last night?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Except for some strange attacks on the camp, nothing major happened." Tang Wenkang said with a relaxed expression.

As for those who attacked the camp, they were naturally killed by the vigil.

This team basically has a cultivation level above the Qi Gang level. Li Gaofeng's concubine Yun'er has never made a move. Zhou Fan doesn't know her strength, but except for Li Gaofeng's concubine Yun'er, even if it is a wood from the Sanmu Caravan Sanying also showed the cultivation of Qi Gang segment.

So it's not surprising to kill some monsters who didn't hit the camp very hard, and didn't even wake up the sleeping people.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

The people in the camp woke up one after another, began to skillfully dismantle the talisman formation and put it away, ate something, and began to explore the giant pit of thousands of machines.

When I came here yesterday, in order to solve the weirdness and the pit walls that came out, I didn't actually explore too much. I just walked around the black forest outside the Thousand Machines Pit and came back. .

But today is different. If there is no accident, today's exploration will reach a deeper part of the Thousand Machines Pit, and even if it goes well, they will consider dispersing to find rare materials.

Of course, the premise is to go well.

After almost preparations, a group of people descended into the pit and started the second exploration.

They first checked the rune marks left along the way yesterday, and after confirming that the rune marks had not changed, they proceeded along the rune marks, and soon saw the black forest they visited yesterday.

Everyone carefully checked with their own methods. Zhou Fan didn't do much, just judged by his eyes, ears, nose, tongue and four senses.

The six senses' ability to distinguish danger is a very useful ability in the wilderness.

Soon everyone agreed that the black forest was still the same black forest, and they entered the forest.

This journey is more cautious than yesterday's exploration. The reason for this is that they have to confirm one very important thing, that is, will the environment here change after the night passes?

The Thousand Machines Pit will only be opened once for a long time. For those who entered the pit, it can be treated as a strange and dangerous place.

In front of the dangerous area of ​​the wilderness, the monks who have just entered the Taoist realm also seem a little insignificant. Any carelessness may kill everyone.

In the black forest, you can still see the traces of yesterday's fight. Those strange corpses that can leave stumps after death have disappeared without a trace, but this is not an abnormal thing.

In the wilderness, there are monsters who eat monster corpses for a living, and those corpses naturally become food for those monsters.

On the contrary, if the night has passed, and these strange corpses are still in place, this is the real thing to pay attention to.

As they continued to advance in the woods, they were inevitably attacked by a small number of monsters, but these monsters were very common, and the quick resolution did not delay their speed at all.

Not long after, Zhou Fan and the others came out of the woods.

As soon as they came out of the woods~www.readwn.com~ many people secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Because the journey went smoothly, they just came here yesterday, and there were no too special changes on the way. This is great news for them.

This shows that the Thousand Machines Giant Pit is just like before, and there is no abnormal change, at least in the marginal area.

"Let's go and see if there is any change inside." Wu Kai said with a slight smile.

If there is no abnormality, then the time for their scattered exploration can be advanced. When a group of people gather together and encounter rare materials, they have to fight desperately. Wu Kai does not like this.

It's just that Deng Yizhi, the eldest disciple of Gong Laogui, let out a soft cry.

This soft cry made Zhou Fan and the others alert. Without even looking, they took a few steps back in an instant. Even Old Ghost Gong was no exception. Old Ghost Gong's backward speed was no slower than anyone's.

After taking a few steps back, Zhou Fan and the others looked at Deng Yizhi.

Gong Laogui looked sharply at his disciple and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Master, look at the back of my hand." Deng Yizhi turned the back of his hand.

Only then did everyone see clearly that Deng Yizhi had dark yellow pustules, large or small, on the back of Deng Yizhi's hand.

Everyone's faces changed slightly. Deng Yizhi was not a Taoist cultivator, but he was a warrior who had passed the blood exchange stage. Once a warrior passed the blood exchange stage, his physical quality would be greatly improved, not to mention illness, ordinary poison It is difficult to poison a warrior who has passed the blood exchange stage.

Deng Yizhi suddenly had pustules on the backs of both hands, which was very problematic.

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