Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1193: fat giant

If no one in the team hides the problem of the blood grass, then the possibility of the blood grass having a problem is very low.

The sky darkened.

In order to prevent problems, everyone stepped back a hundred feet away from the **** grass, and scattered to check and sweep away the monsters nearby. After doing this, before the shadow monsters eroded, everyone began to make preparations for the night.

Bunch of lights, big or small, lit up on the camp, still like last night, they were all spread out, keeping a safe enough distance, and guarding each other.

After Zhou Fan arranged the talisman, he began to distribute the dry food to the little sister, and secretly observed some people in the camp while eating the dry food. on the masked man.

Even though the man in black has shown that Du Canyang's Taoist cultivation is not weak, the man wearing the white mask is equally suspicious.

Tang Wenkang didn't dare to disturb Zhou Fan, he just silently ate the dry food he brought, and seemed to be thinking about something.

After Zhou Fan finished eating the dry food, he said hello to Tang Wenkang, started the talisman array, isolated everything, and whispered with Mo Mo, he began to take out the Yuanjing and began to cultivate seriously, with Yuanjing's assistance, He is getting closer and closer to the middle stage of Yuan Liquid Realm.

It is difficult to enter the Yuan Liquid Realm from the later stage of Hua Yuan Realm, but from the early stage of Yuan Liquid Realm to the middle stage of Yuan Liquid Realm, what is needed is accumulation and water grinding time.

Zhou Fan is practicing the top-notch "Batianyue Shengzheng", and he has Yuanjing to assist. If it is not that his real essence is too strong, it will take a lot of time to transform so much real essence, and he has already entered some time ago. In the middle stage of Yuan Liquid Realm, instead of staying in the early stage of Yuan Liquid Realm now.

When Zhou Fan was cultivating earnestly, there was a spot in the talisman that radiated golden light and made a harsh screeching sound, which made Zhou Fan immediately stop cultivating and withdraw the talisman that blocked the sight and sound from inside and outside.

This talisman formation will light up, that is Tang Wenkang outside giving him a warning.

The moment Zhou Fan withdrew the talisman formation, he looked at Tang Wenkang, and found Tang Wenkang staring blankly at the **** grass over there.

However, before he asked any questions, he found that all the people in the camp stood up and looked in the direction of the blood grass.

Zhou Fan shifted his gaze, and his pupils quickly shrank.

In the dark night, in the **** grass, there appeared a **** figure a hundred meters high.

This is definitely not a ghost, because ghosts can only be seen during the day.

The huge figure that radiated blood was a little dim and fuzzy. From the outline, it was a fat giant with three strange heads. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

One of the three heads is like a thin piece of red paper, one is a round head with one horn, and the other is an inverted triangular head.

Can't see its exact shape.

Zhou Fan felt a sharp pain in his eyes, and he felt astonished in his heart. He practiced eye awareness, and his pupils had already been strengthened. Except for some strange things that can't be looked directly, even if he stared at the strange things that would emit a strong light, he couldn't help it. His eyes hurt.

But looking directly at this weirdness, his eyes couldn't stand the pain. He quickly lowered his head and didn't look at the three fat giants in front of him.

Everyone in the team looked away, and began to pick up the rune beads from their camp to dispel the darkness, and hurriedly stepped back.

"What exactly is that?" Gong Laogui asked in a hoarse voice.

Among them, there are people who have entered the Thousand Machines Pit several times, but they have never encountered such a huge monster, or is it not a monster?

But no one can answer Gong Laogui's question. The three-headed fat giant looks so special. If they have seen or heard of it or read it in the classics, it is impossible for them to have no impression at all.

But no one doubted the strength of these three fat giants, such a huge monster, if the strength is too weak, it is impossible to descend in the wilderness, especially in such a special place as the Thousand Machines Pit.

A pattering voice sounded.

This is the sound of rain.

The retreating Zhou Fans did not feel any raindrops falling on their faces, and the night sky above their heads was full of stars, so it was impossible for it to rain at this time.

They soon knew that this might be related to the three-headed fat giant, Zhou Fan and some people boldly glanced in the direction of the three-headed fat giant.

They saw that the body of the three-headed fat giant spurted out countless **** water with a faint glow of blood.

Is this the reason for the formation of the blood grass... This idea came to everyone's mind.

They didn't dare to stare at the three-headed fat giant all the time, and then looked away. If the three-headed fat giant had eyes, they would be as big as ants in the eyes of the three-headed fat giant.

They all try not to make any noise, for fear that the three-headed fat giant will discover their existence.

In this dark night, in the face of a huge unknown and strange that has never been seen before, it is inevitable for everyone to feel anxious.

Everyone just backed away silently, and soon the sound of the patter gradually weakened until it disappeared.

Everyone looked in the direction of the **** grass again, and the three-headed fat giant radiating blood on the **** grass had disappeared without a trace.

Everyone stopped and was silent for a while. Li Gaofeng said first, "It seems to be gone, what should we do now?"

"It didn't target us. Maybe we were too few or not interested in human beings. It didn't need to hide its intentions." Du Canyang opened his mouth and judged.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

After a few more discussions they felt that the problem should not be a big deal, so they chose to return to the original camp.

"You said that if it shoots at us, who of us can escape safely?" Gong Laogui sneered.

This topic is too heavy, which makes many people's hearts sink. Even Zhou Fan, who has many means, is not sure that he can escape safely. After all, he doesn't even know what type of three-headed fat giant is. Know.

"It's not necessarily strong, maybe it's just an appearance." Du Canyang said coldly.

"Daoyou Du, I advise you not to have such a fluke mentality. I can feel that it is very strong." Wei Yun said slowly: "It has never set its sights on us, probably because we are too numerous. Few and too weak, like we don't care about the ants crawling past us."

"But when I look at it, my body can't help but tremble."

Wei Yun's words made Zhou Fan's face slightly congeal. Wei Yun was a cultivator in the Primordial Liquid Realm, which made him feel fearful, indicating that the three-headed fat giants were not simple.

Zhou Fan has cultivated consciousness. He doesn't have this feeling. He just thinks that these three fat giants are scary, but this is because of people.

"Even if that's the case, so what?" Du Canyang said with some interest: "Don't look at the fact that there are many Taoist monks among us, but there are many dangers that can kill us in the wilderness. As long as it does not target us, we will Don't worry about its existence."

"What about tomorrow?" Gong Laogui asked with a gloomy expression, "Do you still dare to step into the **** grass?"

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