Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1200: 9 Breath conversion source

The silver box was like a meteor, flying over the corpse and landing ten feet away, but because of Zhou Fan's clever use, the box landed smoothly.

"The golden fungus baby is in the box, whoever wants it can go get it." Zhou Fan knew that the people like Wu Kai later did not know that the golden fungus baby was in the box, so he deliberately shouted.

As soon as his voice fell, Liao Banban and the man in the white mask had already rushed towards the box, and the corpse puppets that stopped them were knocked away with a bang.

"Stop them." Wei Yun said in a hurry, the black rope in his hand hit Liao Banban and the white-masked man.

The wind ghost general also understood. Wei Yun and the three acted like this, indicating that there was indeed a golden fungus baby in the silver box. He flicked his figure and rushed forward.

What the wind ghost will understand, Wu Kai, Mu Sanying, Li Gaofeng and his concubine Yun'er naturally also understand that in front of the chance to get the golden fungus baby, the four of them also rushed forward immediately.

In an instant, everyone was fighting for the golden fungus baby, and the man wearing the white mask also stepped into the Taoist realm.

Gang Qi danced on the **** grass, shoveling up layers of broken grass, the grass trembled faintly, because the fierce fighting caused gusts of wind to blow, but for a while no one could approach the golden fungus baby with the silver box.

Zhang Benben didn't care about the fight over there, she insisted on killing Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan didn't confront Zhang Benben, he just kept dodging and moving to avoid Zhang Benben's attack.

Zhang Benben is definitely not an ordinary late stage golden body. Even if Zhou Fan has entered the Primordial Liquid Realm, he is only at the early stage of the Primordial Liquid Realm, and his cultivation is still far from Zhang Benben.

Zhang Benben's palms are eerie and strange, and when Zhou Fan can't avoid it at all, he will use immeasurable potential or dragon language to avoid Zhang Benben's seemingly inevitable attack.

In other words, Zhou Fan, if he had been replaced by a Primordial Liquid Realm cultivator, he would not have been able to support him for so long, and he had already been shot dead by Zhang Benben.

Zhang Benben felt more and more astonished as she fought. She had never seen a cultivator in the primordial liquid realm make so many moves in her hands. Even a cultivator in the golden body realm might have already been captured by her.

Zhang Benben looked at the teleporting movement, and felt a little familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it for a while.

However, the anger in her heart became heavier and heavier, and she let out a scream.

All the dozens of corpse puppets that had been surrounded all rushed over. Zhang Benben obviously wanted to reduce Zhou Fan's maneuvering space. She is usually stupid, but if she fights, she is not very stupid.

However, Zhou Fan laughed. He quickly retreated, and with immeasurable potential, he passed through the siege of the corpse puppet, ignoring all the attacks.

Zhang Benben also snorted coldly and rushed out.

Zhou Fan rushed out of the siege of the corpse puppet, but it was difficult for him to distance himself from Zhang Benben, because Zhang Benben's movement speed with the help of secret techniques was no less than Zhou Fan's.

Zhou Fan didn't make such an attempt. Out of the corner of his eyes, he aimed at the other side, but the other side was still in a ball.

Wei Yun and Feng Gui Jiang joined forces but couldn't get any advantage. Liao Banban and his companions were very strong, but they were no weaker than Wei Yun and Feng Gui Jiang, plus Wu Kai, Mu Sanying, Li Gaofeng and his concubines. Fighting together, no one has time to take away the silver box.

He evaded Zhang Benben's attack with a condensed expression on his face. He knew that he had to try to get rid of Zhang Benben before the result was decided there. If he really couldn't win, then run away!

He has been dodging and not shooting because he is considering whether he is sure of winning, but now he feels that he may not be able to win!

Zhou Fan slashed out with a cold face.

The gray sword gang shot towards Zhang Benben. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://first release https://https://

When Zhang Benben faced the knife gang, she didn't care and slapped it with a palm, and with a bang, the knife gang shattered.

It's just that Zhang Benben's complexion changed greatly, because she found that her vitality was rapidly dissipating, this knife Gang was strange!

However, she snorted coldly, and the real essence in her body was running, forcing this strange and domineering power out. This is where the real essence is powerful. As long as the real essence is strong enough, it can resist the erosion of many spells or various forces.

After Zhou Fan chopped out the annihilation sword that implied annihilation, a mysterious golden rune appeared on his forehead.

As soon as the rune appeared, Zhou Fan's momentum was rising steadily!

This is the nine-breath-changing element technique he practiced!

The nine-breath element exchange technique suddenly doubled the amount of real essence in his body. His real essence was originally huge, but now it has doubled, and the amount of real essence is terrifying.

At this moment, Zhang Benben had just forced the Ji Mie Wu Shi out. She sensed Zhou Fan's rising momentum, but she still slapped it out.

She has no reason to be afraid of a cultivator who is not even a golden figure!

Zhou Fan slashed out with the long knife in his hand.

Dao-style reunification!


A sword light came out of the sword, and the sword light exuded an extremely bright gray light.

Zhang Benben's hair stood on end, but it was too late for her to avoid it. Her palm could only continue to strike forward. The blood-red embroidered shoes under her feet were madly pierced with red blood lines, which made her palm powerful. Again points are added.


The gray sword light and the green and black palm touched together, and there was a loud bang, causing Wei Yunyi on the other side to stop their hands in horror and look over.

Under the rays of light and the gust of I couldn't see what was going on inside for a while, but when the gray, blue-black light dimmed and the gust of wind dissipated, everyone could see clearly.

Zhou Fan and Zhang Benben were both shaken back and retreated a full ten feet away. Zhou Fan looked a little embarrassed. He panted slightly and looked at Zhang Benben.

Zhang Benben is in a very strange state at the moment. She is covered with blood-red embroidered shoes and blood threads, but she just stares blankly at the blood spurting out of her severed palm. Her severed palm only has her thumb and index finger, and the other half sticks to the flesh and blood of three fingers. has fallen to the ground.

Everyone was shocked. They didn't know what happened at all. In their opinion, Zhou Fan faced the golden cultivator alone, even if he was able to survive, it was a very lucky thing, but Zhou Fan actually Zhang Benben chopped off half of his palm...

This is a fleshy body that claims to be indestructible and can be used as a weapon. Under the infusion of True Essence, the defense will be even more terrifying, but if it is split like this, how can they not be shocked.

Zhou Fan was not surprised. He didn't have much energy left in his 'return to one' sword. When he was in the Yuanyuan realm, his Dao style could threaten Zhang Benben.

Now that he is in the Primordial Liquid Realm, and with the help of the Nine Breaths Exchange Yuan, he would have killed him long ago if he switched to any Golden Realm!

That is to say, Zhang Benben is not an ordinary golden figure. Her pair of blood-red embroidered shoes are very special, otherwise she would not only have broken half of her palm.


Zhou Fan raised his long sword again. His nine-breath-changing technique hasn't ended yet. He can still use such a second sword. How can he stop at such a time?

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