Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1207: go out and talk

If it was said that Du Canyang and Gong Laogui were already dead, but they appeared alive in front of their eyes again.

"Everyone, you must have been caught in some powerful illusion to think that Du Daoyou and I are dead." Gong Laogui said slowly: "But please believe us, we are not dead, everything is fake, now if we Not Qixin, do you know what is waiting for us?"

"Don't believe them." Half of Liao, who rarely spoke, said, "I think they are fake. It just so happens that we think they have a way to lift the curse when they die. How can there be such a coincidence in the world?"

"I think so too." Li Gaofeng agreed.

"But have you ever thought about it, if the illusionist knew that the two of us knew how to lift the curse, he would deliberately use illusions to make you think we were killed?" Du Canyang retorted.

"Even if there is a wise man who really wants to hunt us, how can he know that you have mastered the way to lift the curse?" Feng Gui Jiang said coldly, "Can it still see through the quirks of people's hearts?"

"Even if there is, is it strange?" Gong Laogui and Du Canyang stood on the same front, he said angrily, "If you don't believe us, then let's wait to die together!"

"Xiao Feng, what should we do?" Of course Zhang Benben is not a person with ideas, she looked at Feng Gui Jiang and asked.

The wind ghost general didn't say a word, and he didn't know what to do.

Zhou Fan listened to the crowd, and he rarely interjected. After the black line vortex appeared on them, everything seemed to become weird.

Are Du Canyang and Gong Laogui dead or alive?

Zhou Fan quickly and seriously recalled everything that happened today.

If Du Canyang and Gong Laogui didn't die, it means that they fell into hallucinations before encountering the golden fungus baby.

As for whether the time will advance any further, he is not sure. It may even happen after entering the Thousand Machines Pit.

But did they really fall into such a powerful hallucination unknowingly?

And is the curse of the black line vortex they saw true or false?

If Du Canyang and Gong Laogui are indeed dead, and what they saw is fake, then this black-line vortex may be real, because it may be a group hallucination caused by the black-line vortex.

How to distinguish between the unreal and the real?

"Xiao Ling, did you see Du Canyang dying in front of me?" Zhou Fan asked silently in his heart.

"Master, I saw it, but I also saw him appear in front of your eyes. I saw everything the master saw, and it was no different." Xiao Qian replied seriously.

It seems that Xiao Ling can't help me either... Zhou Fan frowned slightly, looking at the crowd who were arguing again. Among the crowd, only the man in the white mask did not speak. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

The white-masked man walked towards Zhou Fan.

Some people noticed this scene, but no one was in the mood to pay attention to this kind of thing, what they needed was a solution.

After approaching, the white-masked man took off his mask, revealing a young and resolute face, but there was a sullen aura between his eyebrows, which made his resolute face look strange.

"Sure enough, it's you." Zhou Fan sighed. He had guessed before, but now he has confirmed it.

The man in the white mask is exactly one line.

"I didn't expect to see you here. Originally, I didn't recognize you, but I recognized you when I saw your fighting style." Xingyi sighed slightly: "Unfortunately, the situation does not allow it, or I will have to meet you. Let's chat again..."

When the party said this, he paused for a while. He remembered that Zhou Fan cut off half of the palm of the golden body with a knife, and shook his head: "No need to learn from each other, I'm still not as good as you."

"I heard that you are in a demon." Zhou Fan said with a condensed expression.

"Yes." Yixing said frankly, "Do you want to eliminate demons and defend Dao?"

"Your reward in the house is not low." Zhou Fan smiled and said, "It's a pity that the timing is not right, otherwise I really want to try."

"It seems that you don't care whether I'm righteous or evil, human or demon." Xingxing smiled bitterly: "In your eyes, I'm just a pile of valuable bounties, what do you think of this?" Fast computer: https://www.@x81zw@@

The group looked at the people who were arguing endlessly, but kept a lot of restraint and did not do anything, and talked about business.

He didn't take action against Du Canyang and Gong Laogui because even if they didn't believe they were real, they still had a bit of luck in their hearts.

"What about you? Buddhism has always been good at seeing through falsehoods. Do you think they are true or false?" Zhou Fan watched Du Canyang and Gong Laogui swearing at everyone, like a shrew scolding the street.

It’s ridiculous to say that there are so many Taoist monks, but in the end, no one dares to do it. It’s just a battle of words. I want to believe it but I can’t believe it. I’m afraid of wasting time, but this is actually a waste of time, and many people’s faces are inevitable Showing a certain degree of anxiety.

"I don't know either." Yixing shook his head and said, "I don't have any feeling of being in an illusion, and I can't see that the two are illusory."

Zhou Fan was silent for a while, but at this moment, the little girl ran back with a little black dragon sitting on her dog's head.

The little sister approached Joyfully and shook the dog's tail, and the little black dragon flew over Zhou Fan's shoulder happily.

"Your dog doesn't have the vortex curse." Xingyi asked, "Is this curse only for us humans?"

Zhou Fan didn't speak, the little girl was very special, and it's not surprising that she didn't get cursed. As for Momo... After all, she is a half-blood descendant of the Dragon God clan. The purity of her Dragon God blood is much higher than that of Zhou Fan's, so it's fine. Not surprisingly.

It's not surprising that Xiaomei and Momo are fine. Zhou Fan was just thinking about how to solve this problem. He said solemnly, "We can't continue arguing like this."

"What do you think we should do?" A group of people looked at Zhou Fan and asked.

"I think it's very unlikely that Du Canyang and Gong Laogui are alive!" Zhou Fan said coldly: "If they are dead, whether they are resurrected or we are hallucinated by the whirlpool curse, everything they say It's fake, we don't need to waste time here."

"If what they said is false, how to break the vortex curse?" A line asked The key is to break the vortex curse.

Zhou Fan was silent for a while and said, "I don't know either, but since they want us to stay here and waste time, then we can't stay here anymore, we have to leave."

"Don't forget, this is a giant pit of thousands of machines, and the time we can stay here is not too long!"

There was a look of stunned expression on the faces of the party. If Zhou Fan hadn't mentioned it, he would have almost forgotten that this place is a huge pit of thousands of machines, and it may be closed at any time. Once it is closed, how should they get out?

Even though it seems that there is still a lot of time, entering the Thousand Machines Giant Pit this time is unusual.

"The curse can go out and talk about it. After all, it hasn't happened yet." After Zhou Fan said this, he said loudly to the crowd decisively.

After listening, everyone closed their mouths and thought about Zhou Fan's suggestion.

"It's ridiculous, we're running out of time." Du Canyang said with a cold face, "Are you an unknown person trying to kill us all?"

"Yeah, we can't waste any more time. Whether we use my method or Du Daoyou's method, we must try it as soon as possible, and it will be too late." Gong Laogui also objected sharply.

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