Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1210: black and white mortal enemy

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"Senior, what can we do to help you with our strength?" Li Gaofeng carefully said what everyone thought.

"Your strength is very weak, but I really need your help. Without you, I only have a 50% chance of winning this war, but with you, I can have a 10% chance." Heihe Chi slowly road.

"What kind of war? How do you want us to help you?" Zhou Fan asked.

"I have a mortal enemy." Black and white said lightly: "I think you have all seen it, the weird fat giant that appeared at night in the blood meadow."

Everyone's complexion changed greatly, especially Zhou Fan's pupils shrank, Black and White Chi was talking about Chubby.

The mortal enemy of Black and White Chi is Chubby, so is this Black and White Chi also quasi-agnostic or unknowable?

Otherwise, what Hei Chi would do would be death.

The rest of them are not as clear as Zhou Fan, but they also understand that the fat giant spraying blood rain must be very difficult, at least not at the level they can deal with.

This black and white light man wants to fight the fat giant?

This really shocked everyone.

"That fat giant, you humans call it Chubby." Heihe Chi said Chubby's name again.

Zhou Fan's heart trembled again, the black and white chi really didn't come unprepared, but Zhou Xiaoxiao didn't mention the fat chi and the mortal enemy.

But he thought it wasn't a strange thing, after all, it was impossible for Zhou Xiaomao to mention the existence of Heihe Chi for no reason, nor could she have predicted in advance that he would meet Hei Chi.

"I've been looking for it for a long time." Black and white Chi said, and there was excitement in its voice.

Zhou Fan's heart was heavy, and he thought again that there was no reason for Black and White Chi to not know that this was just a projection of Fatty, so this was actually a projection of Black and White's attempt to destroy Fatty?

Or is Black and White Chi trying to get something through Chubby's projection... such as finding the real trace of Chubby?

But no matter what, Black and White Chi's idea of ​​daring to beat Fat Tuo is definitely not some ordinary strange orange.

Heihechi didn't mention Chubby's origin, and he didn't mention that it was the projection of Chubby. Either he wanted to hide it from them or he was too lazy to mention it.

"What I want you to do for me is very simple. You just need to attack the fat tug for me after it appears, and when it wants to attack you, you can back off and leave." Black and white said.

The crowd remained silent.

Many people even wondered if Heihe Chi wanted to use them as cannon fodder, but what's the point of being cannon fodder?

"Senior, can you tell us what effect we can do by attacking that fat squat on behalf of the senior?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Of course you can, you don't understand Fattooth, Fattooth is not what you call a wit, it has always been in a relatively special state, it rarely attacks creatures when it is not necessary, but when there are creatures that attack it , it will fight back."

"The way it fights back is also very special. It will choose the strength of the counterattack according to the strength of the enemy. Generally, it is twice the strength of the enemy. The weaker the enemy, the weaker its strength will naturally be."

"When you make it weak, I can kill it with one blow, and then it won't be able to change and increase its strength." Heihechi explained his plan completely.

After listening to it, everyone showed a look of thought. They didn't know if Heihe Chi was lying, but they naturally had 10,000 resistance to being a cannon fodder.

"As long as you help me, I will let you go back to your original world after that." Heihechi said slowly again: "I forgot to tell you, if I don't let you go back, you will be gradually assimilated by my world, and then Can't leave."

"And if you don't help me, if I am killed in battle, my world will collapse, and you will also die."

"In your human terms, we are now in the same boat."

"Now tell me, are you willing to help me?" Black and white looked at Zhou Fan and asked.

Of course I don't want to... But no one dares to say that. In the current situation, I'm afraid that all of them will not be the opponents of this wit.

There is no need to try this at all, because the power that Black and White Chi had shown before was too strong, and the black line vortex that could not be eliminated was pulled into its domain by force.

No one in the crowd is willing to try how strong the Black and White Chi is. As long as you are not stupid, you will understand the truth.

Even a person with an abnormal IQ like Zhang Benben would have a wind ghost to comfort her softly and stop her.

This made Zhou Fan feel a little regretful. In fact, he hoped that someone would try to see how strong the Black and White Chi was. What if this Black and White Chi was only strong from the outside, but to scare them?

Even if this possibility is low, it is still possible.

But after seeing so many things, it is obvious that no one dares to use their own lives to bet on whether the black and white are strong from outside.

"Senior, it's our honor to be able to help the senior, but does the senior want to put us back in the original world?" Mu Sanying said, "If we were in this world, would we be able to attack Chubby for the senior?"

As soon as Mu Sanying said these words, everyone's minds floated up. Only by breaking away from this weird black and white world can they escape the control of Black and White Chi.

I just don't know what to say about this weirdness...

"Of course you can't attack Fat Tu in my Black and white Chi smiled: "It seems that you are all willing to help, then I will let you go to the original world immediately. "

Many people were secretly happy when they heard it.

"But there are some things I need to tell you in advance, otherwise you will blame me for not saying it beforehand." Heihechi said, "After you return to your original world, don't try to escape."

"I don't think you are stupid enough to do this, because after you go out, you will find that my invitation is still there, and I can invite you into my world at any time."

Everyone's heart sank, and the so-called invitation was still there, referring to the black swirls on their bodies.

"Oh, I don't even need to invite you in, I can kill you through the power I leave on you, just like your two dead companions die again." Heihechi said again: "But There is no way I won't do it, I like to bring you into my world and let you die slowly in my world."

"This is more in line with my style."

Everyone's expressions changed slightly. If they were like this, would they dare to escape?

"Okay, it's still a while before it gets dark. Are you planning to go out now?" Heihechi asked, "If there is no problem, I'll send you out. After we go out, I won't be able to communicate with you so easily. To communicate with me, I have to invite you in."

"Senior, wait a minute, I have something to say." Zhou Fan suddenly said.

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