Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1212: Return to Blood Meadow

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There is still a long time before the sky completely darkens.

Everyone looked at each other, but no one spoke for a while, because the black and white blurry figure was right beside them, and no one knew if Heihuichi could hear them talking.

"Let's go, let's go back to the Blood Grass first." Wu Kai glanced at the crowd and said.

But the crowd did not lift their feet easily, and stood still.

"Do you have any idea of ​​running away?" Wu Kai asked with a sneer.

After listening to Heihe Chi's words, he had completely given up the idea of ​​running away, so he dared to ask so openly.

"Don't you want to?" Li Gaofeng snorted.

"Of course I want to, but I have self-knowledge, I can't escape its invitation, what's the use of thinking?" Wu Kai shook his head and said, "You can escape as long as you can."

"No one can escape!" Liao Banyan said coldly, "I will kill anyone who dares to escape."

Liao Banban's words made many people's faces change slightly, but they understood why Liao Banban said this, because someone just suggested to Hei Chi, whether one person could attack Fat Tuo, so that they wouldn't have to take all risks.

But it was rejected by Black and White Chi, because if so many of them shot together, they might not be able to wake Fat Tuo, if only one person could do it at all.

This has a lot to do with Chubby's huge body.

Black and white Chi also said that if they couldn't wake up Fat Tudor by then, they would kill all of them.

That's why half of Liao said that, the smaller the number of people, the less likely they are to succeed.

"No matter what kind of grudges we have before, if we want to survive, it's better to be united." Wei Yun also said: "It's watching us, even if we want to escape, the success rate will be extremely low, in comparison. , it's better to listen to it and help it wake up the fat tug."

"As long as we wake up Fatty, I think it will let us go."

Mu Sanying said with a cold face: "We can do it to wake up the fat man, but how can we escape smoothly after waking up the fat man? If we can't escape, it's just death if we go."

"It depends on each person's ability." Feng Guijiang sneered and said, "You don't think that others will come up with a way to save you, right?"

The blood of the blood slave and the imprisonment of the fat man awakening, even if he knew it in advance, it was not easy to avoid it...

Those who hadn't thought of a solution, all frowned.

Zhou Fan has not spoken, because he will not consider this for the time being. What he is thinking about now is whether to run away!

He is not afraid of the verbal threats of Liao Banban and these people, and it is not that he has never escaped from the hands of these people. What he is worried about is whether he can escape from the hands of Heihe Chi!

Why is he so eager to escape?

Because even if he knew what danger he would encounter when attacking Fat Tuo, and what could be done to deal with it, if it wasn't a last resort, he didn't want to do such a thing for Heihe Chi. After all, who can be sure that Heihe Chi would let it go after it was completed. them?

Don't say whether the black and white chi is weird, even if it is a human, he would not dare to put his life in the hands of a person he doesn't trust.

In case the other party doesn't plan to let him live at all, he can use the black thread vortex to kill him just by thinking about it!

He glanced at the vortex of black lines on his body. If he wanted to escape, he had to figure out how to solve this so-called invitation, or he would be dragged into the realm of black and white at any time...

He thought of this, and suddenly his face changed slightly, he felt that there was something wrong with his thinking!

Heihe Chi just said that if it wasn't for no other way, it would not choose to use the black line vortex to kill people directly, but would use the black line vortex to drag people into the realm... Then why would it have no way to drag people into its own world? Woolen cloth?

Is there any way to prevent it from dragging people into its realm, just what way?

He couldn't guess because he knew too little about Black and White Chi.

Zhou Fan coldly looked at the people who were arguing from time to time. Some people seemed to have figured out a way to deal with Chubby. Some people couldn't, so they just wanted to know how to deal with Chubby from the mouths of those people.

But those who thought of a way said they couldn't teach others the way, so they rejected it outright.

From the quarrel of these people, Zhou Fan heard that Wei Yun, Feng Guijiang, Liao Banban, and his party seemed to have come up with a solution, but Wu Kai, Mu Sanying, Li Gaofeng, and Li Gaofeng's concubines had no idea.

As for Zhang Benben, who hasn't spoken, Zhou Fan doesn't know if she can do anything, and Zhou Fan didn't join the discussion, and no one knows if he can do anything.

After arguing for a while, Wu Kai, who had not yet thought of a solution, said coldly, "If there is no way, it would be impossible for me to die for you."

"Anyway, they're all dead. The big deal is that I'll just sit and wait for death." Li Gaofeng also sneered, "So what if you think of a way? You don't want to die with us!"

"If you don't accompany us to attack Fat Tuo, once the mission fails, I'm afraid that your life would be worse than death." Wei Yun said with a cold expression.

"If we can't bear it, we're going to commit suicide. Even if we can't commit suicide, it's just a little more pain before we die." Mu Sanying retorted with a stern face.

Wei Yun and the others looked at each If this is the case, then it will be troublesome. The black and white Chi told them about the danger of Fat Tuo, but it caused them to break up. Did the black and white Chi anticipate such a situation?

Maybe Heihechi didn't expect this situation, maybe he expected and didn't care, after all, the thinking of geeks is very different from that of people.

"We don't need to quarrel here, it's still a long time before the dark and fat tao appears. During this time, you can seriously think of a way, and we will also think of a way for you, and strive to make everyone happy. Survive." The wind ghost will ease his tone.

Wu Kai, who had no idea what to do, looked at each other and didn't argue any more.

The crowd discussed it for a while, and some suggested to go back to the **** grass first. They could think as they walked, that if they didn't return to the **** grass before dark, they wouldn't be able to attack the fat man.

After all, the blood grass has a wide range, and they don't know which corner of the blood grass will appear.

Most of the people agreed, and Zhou Fan couldn't have any objection.

Everyone was using their movement skills again, running all the way, and soon returned to the nearest edge of the **** grass.

Returning to the Blood Grass, the wind ghost general glanced at everyone, his eyes finally fell on Zhou Fan, he said solemnly, "Where's your dog?"

When the wind ghost general said this, everyone realized that Zhou Fan's fat dog was gone, and their expressions changed instantly. Could this person want to escape?

Zhou Fan calmly said, "It's none of your business?"

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