Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1217: head floating behind

Zhou Fan opened his eyes and found that those people were still discussing ways.

He understands that this is a normal thing. After all, it's only a momentary time outside. In the eyes of outsiders, it means that he just closed his eyes and opened them again soon.

Zhou Fan was too lazy to pay attention to the lives of Wei Yun and the others. He glanced at Zhang Benben and Feng Guijiang, feeling a little pity in his heart. Even when Zhou Xiaoxiao was about to run wild, he didn't dare to mention any more conditions.

Otherwise, he would definitely let Zhou Xiaomao catch Zhang Benben and Feng Guijiang for him, and it would be a great credit to bring these two back to the Yiluan Sifu.

But forget it now, save your life!

While everyone was not paying attention, Zhou Fan put his hand on the grass and solidified the black stone. Even if someone saw it, he just thought that Zhou Fan had picked up a stone on the ground.

In fact, even if he found out, Zhou Fan wouldn't care.

Zhou Fan stood up, he patted the grass clippings on his body, and then he called Zhou Kitten's name in his heart.

What Zhou Fan did has been under everyone's attention, and now that he stood up, everyone saw it.

But as long as Zhou Fan didn't leave, everyone wouldn't say much.

What they didn't know was that Zhou Fan's human soul had floated back into the sea of ​​human souls, and now it was Zhou Xiaomao who controlled Zhou Fan's body.

Zhou Xiaomao took a deep breath. She looked at the sun that was already sloping west, and sighed again. The outside world is so beautiful, this is the feeling of freedom.

She glanced at everyone coldly again. She heard Zhou Fan mentioned these people, but she didn't care at all.

She was too lazy to care whether the relationship between these people and Zhou Fan was an enemy or a friend.

She moved her gaze and landed on the blurred black and white figure, but there was still not much expression on her face.

Even if the cat falls in Pingyang, she is still the cat, no one can bully her, not even the unknowable level, nor the unknowable level.

She started to turn away.

"Where do you want to go?" Feng Gui shook his figure, stopped in front of her, and stared at her coldly.

The rest of the people also looked at Zhou Fan.

If Zhou Fan really wanted to leave, they would try to stop him no matter what.

Never let him go like this.

Zhou Xiaomao didn't speak, she directly took out the knife, the light of the knife swayed, and the fierce and domineering sword intent permeated.

Even if the boat kitten didn't say a word, the wind ghost would have been on guard, and he immediately wanted to quickly back away.

His body really flew backwards, but his head flew out of the body strangely.

Everyone was startled, they didn't expect that the wind ghost general in the Yuan liquid realm would be killed with just one knife.

They have seen Zhou Fan take action, but how could Zhou Fan be so powerful? Such strength is really terrifying!

Even those who were familiar with Zhou Fan's eyes narrowed, and he keenly felt that Zhou Fan's temperament seemed to have undergone indescribable changes.

The blade did not touch the slightest blood and water, and dazzled people's eyes under the rays of the sun.

The head of the wind ghost general did not fall to the ground, but hung strangely beside the boat kitten.

"Xiaofeng, you killed Xiaofeng." Zhang Benben screamed, the blood on her embroidered shoes surging frantically, winding up.

Zhang Benben was bloodshot all over her body, and she rushed towards Zhou Kitten.

Zhou Xiaomao just looked at Zhang Benben indifferently, a mere golden body cultivator who also only needed a knife.

But a strange scene happened, the bloodshot suddenly pulled wildly, pulling Zhang Benben who was flying backwards, Zhang Benben let out a crazy roar: "Let me go, he killed Xiaofeng, I, I will fight him desperately. !"

Zhou Kitten raised her eyebrows slightly and glanced at the blood-red embroidered shoes that Zhang Benben was wearing. There was a hint of interest in her eyes, but it was useless because she couldn't get them.

Besides, she didn't have much time to come out, so Zhang Benben couldn't come, and she didn't bother to kill Zhang Benben again.

Zhou Kitten put the knife into the sheath, and she glanced at the crowd again.

Except for Zhang Benben, no one dared to look at her, and they all consciously moved their eyes away.

Everyone felt scared. This person was obviously only a Primordial Liquid Realm cultivator, but his strength was so terrifying.

A group of fists clenched, and Zhou Fan's power shocked him even more. After meeting Zhou Fan again, he knew that the distance between him and Zhou Fan had widened, but he did not expect it to be so outrageous.

Kill the essence with a knife.

This made him not dare to follow, because Zhou Fan didn't tell him to follow, and if he followed, he might also be killed.

Zhou Xiaomao turned and left, and Feng Guijiang's head just floated behind her.

Everyone watched her leave like this. No cultivator had ever given them such a shocking force. They would probably never forget this back, this person.

After Zhou Kitten left, the bloodshot retracted into the blood-red embroidered shoes, and Zhang Benben burst into tears, crying bitterly while hugging the headless body of the wind ghost general.

The reason why the head of the wind ghost general follows Zhou Xiaomao is because Zhou Xiaomao made it, and it was requested by Zhou Fan in the sea of ​​​​human souls.

After Zhou Xiaomao killed the wind ghost general, Zhou Fan promised that as long as Zhou Xiaomao helped him take away the wind ghost general's head, he would give Zhou Xiaomao 5,000 large gray worms.

Five thousand big gray worms is not too many, but taking away the head is just a matter of the trend, and the boat kitten took the head of the wind ghost general.

Zhou Fan, who was in the sea of ​​human souls, was also shocked by the knife that Zhou Xiaomao made.

I really don't know. Compared to a knife like Zhou Xiaomao, Zhou Fan felt that he was a folk master at best.

Because it's his body, he can see better than everyone else.

Zhou Xiaomao's knife seems to be but it is mysterious and delicate. Based on his true essence, it has inspired the domineering attributes of the holy essence of the sky and the moon. The spread of the knife will make the wind ghost general who wants to retreat. The real essence was stunned, this was the suppression of the weak real essence with the powerful attribute real essence.

After being frightened, the speed at which the wind ghost will run the real essence will inevitably be affected, and the two powerful martial arts of dead wood and annihilation are integrated into the knife, so that the knife has not cut off the head of the wind ghost general, and the wind ghost general has already. He was killed by Wu Shi because his true essence could not produce an effective defense.

It seems simple, but no matter which step goes wrong, it will not work as it should.

What is needed is a deep understanding of power, the precise invocation that is needed.

Such a knife... Zhou Fan was silent for a while, he sighed, knowing that it was very difficult for him to do it, and he didn't know how many times he had to practice to do it.

He secretly looked forward to it in his heart. The kitten three-style has not even completed the first-stage recording of Daoyu. If it is completed, how strong is the kitten three-style that Zhou Xiaomao is proud of?

Zhou Kitten is teleporting out of the pit.

They had already moved away from Wei Yun and the others, but Heihe Chi had not yet shot at Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan, who was in the sea of ​​human souls, became worried. Wouldn't it be bad if the black and white chi hadn't shot after the time for Zhou Kitten's possession?

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