Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1220: Huizhou

Last night, the roar of cloud-piercing cracking stones sounded in the depths of Baiqing, and everyone in the periphery of Baiqing heard it.

Many people even packed their bags and were on guard to flee overnight if they found anything wrong.

Until the sky lighted up a little, all the forces quickly sent people to check in the direction of the depths of Baiqing.

In particular, those who have Taoist monks participating in the exploration of the Thousand Machines Giant Pit are even more nervous. After all, if something happens to their leader, this force will often fall apart.

The investigators found that there was a big blood rain in the depths of Baiqing. The blood rain dyed the rocks and vegetation red, and also gathered into streams that flowed into the stone pits.

The investigators looked at all this in fear, did not dare to be stained with a trace of blood, and quickly returned to report.

The news soon spread in the human settlements of Baiqing. Some people believed that the rain of blood was a harbinger of the disaster of Baiqing. They did not dare to stay in Baiqing and began to pack up and leave.

But as the rain of blood that had been falling for the whole day stopped, there was no danger of rushing out from the depths.

The hearts of the desperate desperados who had been on the verge of death were relieved.

Then soon another big news spread in Baiqing. The famous Tang Wenkang in Baiqing was found dead in his house in the morning.

His inn was also set on fire.

I asked the shopkeeper and other people who escaped from the Tang Wenkang Inn, but those people were all ignorant.

It wasn't until about ten days later that Baiqin learned of an even more astonishing news. The Taoist monks in Baiqin quietly formed an exploration team to explore the depths of Baiqin, and none of them came back.

But these have nothing to do with Zhou Fan, because he has already taken his little sister on the way back to the state capital.

Tang Wenkang was killed by him. After he came out from the depths of Baiqing, he immediately caught the real Tang Wenkang. After a lot of questioning, he realized that this person really colluded with Wei Yun and the others, and deliberately put the fake Tang Wenkang. Tang Wenkang, the wind ghost will let him in.

When asked about the facts, Zhou Fan naturally wouldn't be polite to Tang Wenkang, so he simply killed him, looted all the property he had accumulated over the years, and left Baiqing.

If possible, Zhou Fan didn't want to leave Baiqian so soon.

Because even if everyone in the expedition team died, and he returned to Baiqian alone, he would inevitably be jealous of the major forces, and no one would dare to contact him again.

Of course, with his strength, no one dared to provoke him when the cultivators of the Hundred Boundaries Dao Realm were almost wiped out.

The deeper reason is that he is worried that the black and white chi will find him, and naturally he has to escape as far as possible.

Anyway, he has collected enough Yuanjing, leaving is to lose the resources that can be obtained in the pit, even if it is a little distressed, but it is not the point of having to stay.

And he has been away long enough, and it is time to go back, otherwise the state government will urge him.

As an envoy to the north, he could not be away for too long.

It took Zhou Fan more than ten days to travel from Baiqing to Xiaoleizhou Mansion. During these more than ten days, he traveled during the day and night to cultivate, and finally, the day before he arrived at the town outside the prefecture, with the help of Yuanjing , successfully reached the mid-phase of Yuan Liquid Realm.

It's really not easy... Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief, if it wasn't for Yuanjing and other top-notch cultivation aids in the Primordial Liquid Realm, he would have stayed in the early Yuan Liquid Realm for a long time.

Zhou Fan returned to Xiaolei Yiluan's house, and told the three and four envoys of Yuan and Ei what he could say. He also inevitably made up some details that did not exist.

After Zhou Fan finished speaking, he offered the head of the wind ghost general.

Yuan E, Chen Yushi, and father-in-law looked at the head of the wind ghost general with stunned expressions. They didn't expect Zhang Benben to be in Baiqing.

Zhou Fan didn't tell the three of them that he was now tied with Zhang Benben. What he said was that because of the presence of Black and White Chi, he took the opportunity to kill Feng Gui Jiang and escaped.

"In other words, Zhang Benben is likely to be dead?" Chen Yushi questioned.

"I'm not sure about this either. After all, she is a golden cultivator, so there's no way she can escape." Zhou Fan shook his head.

"If you say that, neither the ghost master nor the ghost general knows the whereabouts of the corpse master, but they agreed on a place to meet." Yuan E looked at the wind ghost general's head and said with some regret: "It's a pity, if you can know that the corpse master is there Anywhere is fine."

"Master Zhou is very good to be able to bring back the head of the wind ghost general, and it can be regarded as a great achievement." He said with a smile.

Even though Xiaolei Yiluan's office does almost nothing and Zhou Fan does everything by himself, this task was assigned by Yiluan's office after all. Now Zhou Fan has brought back the head of the wind ghost general. The entire Xiaolei Yiluan Sifu will benefit from this.

Even if the whereabouts of the corpse owner were not found, such a credit would not be small.

The head of the wind ghost general was quickly taken down, and the four of them said something else, and ended the discussion because of Zhou Fan's return.

After the discussion, Zhou Fan and Chen Yushi got together again in private. After all, everyone knew that they belonged to the academy. Even if they deliberately avoided the eyes of some people, it would be meaningless.

Zhou Fan asked Chen Yushi if anything major happened while he was away?

Chen Yushi shook his head and said that nothing major happened. After all, they had always been on guard against Zhang Benben causing trouble. Who would have known that Zhang Benben had gone to the Land of Hundred Cursors. During this time, nothing happened in Xiaoleizhou.

"Master Chen, I have entered the Yuan Liquid Realm." Zhou Fan said with a chuckle.

"Are you already in the Primordial Liquid Realm?" Chen Yushi asked in amazement.

Chen Yushi looked at Zhou Fan, and he always had a sense of illusoryness. After all, Zhou Fan had only entered the Yuanyuan Realm for a short period of time, and now he came back to the Yuanli Realm, which really made him not sure what to say.

In fact, not only have I entered the Primordial Liquid Realm, but I am also in the middle of the Primordial Liquid Realm... Zhou Fan added silently, he smiled and nodded again, and said with an embarrassed expression: "Mr. If I enter the Primordial Liquid Realm within a month, the academy will give me rich rewards."

This is why Zhou Fan told his realm.

"You write a good letter, and I will hand it in for you." Chen Yushi could not laugh or cry.

Referring to the Chen Yushi handed two letters to Zhou Fan again, saying that someone sent him, but because it was not an expedited letter, Zhou Fan was not notified.

Zhou Fan took the letter and thanked him, then went back to his room where he was handling official business, and opened the letter and read it.

One of the two letters was written to him by his parents, and the other was written to him by Xiaoliu. Of course, the ghostwriter of the letter from his parents is now Xiaoliu.

The letters from the parents were all about small things, such as minor changes in the village, they were in good health, and Zhou Fan should pay attention to safety outside and not wait too hard.

Xiaoliu's letter didn't dare to mention the matter of cultivation, but kept implying that she was making rapid progress, and asked when he was free to come back, saying that she missed him very much...

Zhou Fan read the letter with a slight smile on his face, thinking in his heart that the Yiluan Sifu had a holiday, and he would go home in a few months to see his parents and Xiaoliu.

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