Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1222: interdomain

As soon as Zhou Fan opened his eyes, he found himself on the ship full of gray fog. He caught a wisp of gray fog and shouted in a hurry, "Little girl, are you there?"

His hurried voice caused Zhou Xiaomao, who was sitting at the table, to raise her eyebrows slightly, and she looked at Zhou Fan, who seemed to be a little unusual tonight.

"Zhou Fan, I'm here." Chofu's voice came from the gray fog: "Did something happen?"

Qifu could sense Zhou Fan's anxiety in his voice.

"My father and mother are gone. I don't know what happened or where they are. Can you find it for me?" Zhou Fan said anxiously.

He remembered Chifu because the rotten bone swamp where Chifu lived was near Tianliangli, not too far from Sanqiu Village in Burning Valley, at least much closer than him.

"It's gone..." Chefu was also stunned, and she responded, "Zhou Fan, I'll find them right away."

"It's dark outside now, you can wait until it's dawn before you go." No matter how anxious Zhou Fan was, he didn't want to let Chufu take risks. He urged, "I'll pass on their appearance to you."

The boat can use the gray fog to describe their appearance for Zhou Fan, and then he can pass it on to Chifu, so that Chifu seems to have seen them.

"Darkness doesn't have much effect on me." Chufu thought for a while and said: "I will let the mushroom clan and the grass seed swarm to find it. First, I want to rush to the vicinity of the Burning Valley to find it as soon as possible."

"Okay, then I'll contact you when I go back." Zhou Fan agreed. He doesn't know anything now, and Chefu's identity is sensitive, so she can only let her take her strange group to the wilderness near the Burning Valley to find it. , hope to find out.

The two discussed a few more words, and Chifu asked to disconnect, and she was going to find someone.

"Little girl." Zhou Fan hesitated for a while, but stopped Chifu.

Qifu responded and said that she was still there, and she wanted to know what Zhou Fan had yet to say.

"Be careful yourself." Zhou Fan said.

There was a hmmm and the connection was disconnected.

After disconnecting, Zhou Fan patted Momo, who had been standing on his shoulder, and told her to play aside. He looked at Zhou Kitten.

Zhou Xiaomao listened to Zhou Fan and Qifu's words, of course she also understood what happened, she looked at Zhou Fan calmly.

"Do you have a way to make me travel far away and return to the Burning Valley in an instant?" Zhou Fan asked with a deep breath.

This is what he wants to do most now. Only when he goes back can he know what happened. After he knows that they have an accident, he has been unable to calm down, otherwise he should fall asleep immediately and ask for help.

"I need to know the distance between you and the place to know if I can do it." Zhou Xiaoxiao didn't say it could, nor did it say it couldn't.

Zhou Fan hurriedly described the distance between Xiaoleizhou Mansion and Fengudi to Zhou Xiaomao.

Zhou Kitten thought silently.

"If you can't go back in an instant, half an hour or... half a day is fine. In short, the sooner the better." Zhou Fan gritted his teeth.

If he can't get back right away, he can only do the next best thing, but the later he wants to find them, the less chance he has.

"If you want to move long distances, you can only tear the space, and you can move quickly when you enter the interspace. It's difficult to do it when you don't have a top cultivator to help you." Zhou Xiaomao said slowly: "But it's not impossible, you are very lucky, You have a pair of broken bones, and it can help you."

"Jianyu is a special world outside of space, and we often use it for long-distance spatial movement." Zhou Xiaoxiao thought that Zhou Fan might not know it, and added.

"Can Shattered Bone do it?" Zhou Fan was slightly startled, he always thought that Shattered Bone could only escape from the confinement space.

"That's just because you don't know how to use it." Zhou Xiaomao shook his head and said, "The use of broken bones is greater than you think, and long-distance space movement is its most precious use."

"You don't have to think about the issue of broken bones. What you need to consider is the risk of entering the interspace."

"What risk?" Zhou Fan asked anxiously.

"You are too weak, and there are all kinds of eddy currents and tearing forces in the interdomain. If you accidentally touch it, you will be torn apart." Zhou Xiaoxia's face was slightly condensed: "The danger of interdomain is yet another. Not only that, it also has all kinds of hidden monsters and imaginary creatures living here."

"Do you have a solution?" Zhou Fan asked again.

"Yes, and the method is very simple. I am attached to you and complete this space movement for you." Zhou Kitten said.

"Why can you, but I can't?" Zhou Fan frowned.

"Because I have moved countless times in the interspace in the past, I know all the dangers in the interdomain. How to avoid these dangers is not difficult for me." Zhou Xiaomao snorted.

"How many grey worms do you want this time?" Zhou Fan said silently.

Zhou Xiaomao would not help him for no reason. Now that he is in such a big trouble, Zhou Xiaomao will definitely slaughter him.

Thinking of this, he sighed in his heart, he shouldn't let the kitten know about it, but if he told Qifu, the kitten would definitely hear it.

In other words, the order in which he dealt with this matter should be to first ask Zhou Xiaomao if there is a way for him to return to the Burning Valley quickly. If there is no way, he will ask Qifu for help... But at this time, he can't concentrate and calm down. Consider too many things.

such a mistake.

Zhou Xiaomao looked at Zhou Fan indifferently and said, "Your current lifespan is forty-seven years. If you are sixteen years old, you will have thirty-one years of life left. I want your thirty-year lifespan!"

Want my thirty years to live?

Zhou Fan was stunned. He looked at Zhou Xiaomao. Of course, he knew that his lifespan was forty-seven. Yuan Huajing gave him an extra ten years. In the middle of the realm, his life expectancy increased by six years, and he also increased his life expectancy by five years by eating the longevity fruit.

The original lifespan of twenty plus these is forty-seven years.

If his lifespan is taken away from thirty years, then his lifespan will become seventeen, and by his birthday next year, if there is no progress in his realm, he will die, and this is only less than a year left. time.

"Why do you want my lifespan?" Zhou Fan asked inexplicably. The only person who wanted his lifespan was The rest of the guides didn't do this. Insect, Mist used his life to pay off the debt.

But he now has more than one million big gray worms. He originally thought that the boat kitten either wanted him to have a lot of big gray worms or the opportunity to possess it. He never thought that the boat kitten wanted his lifespan.

"This has nothing to do with you." Zhou Kitten said coldly.

"Have you given up the control of the escape ship?" Zhou Fan looked at the little boat and said, "If you give up wanting my lifespan, I can give you two chances of being possessed."

Isn't it what these guides want to do most to escape the control of the ship? He didn't believe she could bear it.

"I don't want anything but thirty years of life this time." Zhou Xiaomao replied firmly.

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