Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1225: no offset

Zhou Fan looked at the dark night, and his nervous heart relaxed slightly. At least it was still night, which means that he was not sent too far.

But the current situation is better or worse than it was near the state capital, Zhou Fan is still unclear.

If it wasn't near the Burning Valley... he would inevitably feel anxious in his heart.

He lay down directly, and said silently in his heart: "Zhou Kitten, let me in."

He wants to go in and ask clearly, what happened just now, and his chance to enter the ship at any time this month has not been used.

It's just that he waited patiently for a while, and the boat kitten didn't pull him into the boat, which left him at a loss for a while.

Could it be that what happened to Zhou Xiaomao in the space just now made her ignore him now?

But how is this possible? It's just a part of Zhou Xiaomao's soul. Her body is on the boat and there is a boat. Is there any power that can erode the boat and affect her body?

The matter seemed complicated, and Zhou Fan didn't understand it either, but since he couldn't get into the boat, he didn't think much about it. Now the key is to figure out where it is.

He can only hope that this place is not too far from the Burning Valley.

"Little 绻." Zhou Fan shouted, looking at the pitch-dark environment around him.

Xiao Qian immediately jumped out of Zhou Fan's head.

"You release all the little ones, explore around, and give me an idea to find out where this is." Zhou Fan said.

Xiaoxiao nodded hurriedly, and then began to split into small clusters one by one. The number of clusters became more and more, until it was almost a thousand, and then Xiaoxiao stopped splitting and ran towards the dark night.

Zhou Fan's face was sullen. Even if Xiaoxiaoxuan was dispatched, Xiaoxiaoxiao would be able to see in the dark at night, but Xiaoxiaoxiao's intelligence was too low. It was really difficult for them to identify where this was.

In fact, let alone Xiao Xiaoxiao, even if he was in the wilderness, if he didn't see a special marker, it would be difficult to tell where he was, and he could only find out his position slowly while walking.

The original plan was for Zhou Xiaomao to send him to a place near the Burning Valley, and then Zhou Xiaomao would give him directions, so that he could return to the village in the Burning Valley as soon as possible, but there was a problem with the space movement. was interrupted.

The anxiety in his heart was getting heavier.

His ear-consciousness expanded to the limit, and he did not hear any human voice, which means that he was in the wilderness, and there were no human settlements within the range of ear-consciousness.

After about half a column of incense, a group of little scorpions rushed back and merged with them.

"Master, master, the little ones saw the red stone mountains." Xiao Qian said with a happy face.

"Are you talking about the red stone mountain in the red stone kiln?" Zhou Fan asked anxiously.

Near the Burning Valley is the Hongshi Kiln. When Sanqiu Village and two other villages moved to the Burning Valley, the Hongshi Kiln village came to grab the Burning Valley, and was later beaten back by Zhou Fan.

Xiao Ling followed Zhou Fan to Sanqiu Village several times, and was still deeply impressed by the nearby red stone mountain.

"It looks very similar to me from Xiaoxiao's memory." Xiaoxiao was not very sure.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look." Zhou Fan picked up the talisman and said.

He dashed forward with Xiao Qian and the others, and soon stopped.

Zhou Fan looked at the darkness. He didn't have night vision, so he could only ask Xiao Wan, "Is it Hongshi Mountain?"

But he couldn't get the result by asking this question. Xiaoxuan has night vision ability, but night vision ability has a distance, and he can't see at all if he is too far away.

With a wave of Xiaoxiao's hand, she gathered all the little ones and ran towards the red mountain.

After a while, Xiaoxiao ran back. They merged with Xiaoxiao, and Xiaoxiao finally pieced together the shape of the whole mountain through their memories.

"Yes, there shouldn't be anything wrong." Xiao Ling shouted loudly, this is Red Rock Mountain.

"Where are we now? Which direction do we want to go to is the Burning Valley?" Zhou Fan asked anxiously with ecstasy in his heart.

He was originally worried that there was a problem with the space movement of Zhou Xiaomao. He was not near the Burning Valley. It seemed that he was near the Burning Valley.

Xiao Qian immediately pointed out the direction to Zhou Fan.

Without saying a word, Zhou Fan ran towards the Burning Valley in the direction pointed out by Xiao Qian.

Before long, he saw the three villages in the Burning Valley. The light of torches or oil lamps was bright and soft in the dark night in the whole valley.

Zhou Fan's footsteps stopped slightly.

"Master." Xiao Ling looked at Zhou Fan with some concern.

Zhou Fan didn't speak, he ran forward again.

"Who?" When Zhou Fan approached, the guards of the village patrol shouted.

Zhou Fan reported his name, and there was silence there, before another voice came out: "Master Zhou, please wait a moment, let's call Captain Lu and the others."

Zhou Fan could not wait to rush into the village immediately and ask what happened, but he still suppressed the impulse in his heart.

It didn't take long for a large group of people to run out, and under the light of the torches, they saw Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan glanced at everyone, not only Muzheng Luo Kaitian and Huang Mao, the two talismans, and the patrol leader Lu Kui, but also several martial artists who seemed unfamiliar to him.

"It's really Lord Zhou." Huang Fushi and other people who recognized Zhou Fan looked happy.

"Master Zhou, why did you come back so quickly?" A thin middle-aged man asked suspiciously.

"I was on my way home, and I didn't receive a letter from Secretary Yi Luan until I almost got home." Zhou Fan gave the reason.

He knew that he would definitely scare a lot of people by coming back so quickly, but he couldn't care about such trivial matters now, he just wanted to know how they were doing?

After confirming that Zhou Fan's identity was all right, Zhou Fan realized that the middle-aged man who asked the question just now was the envoy of Annan in Tianliang.

Zhou Fan is now the envoy to the north of Xiaoleizhou, a high-ranking person. His parents have a problem, and the Yiluan Division in Tianliang is also very nervous. He immediately sent a Si'an envoy to bring people over.

Zhou Fan followed the crowd into the meeting room of the patrol camp. He glanced at the humanitarian who came over from Tianliang, "I want to ask Captain Lu and the others alone."

The Annan envoy left with the people from the Yiluan Division. Zhou Fan's rank in the Yiluan Division did not know how much higher than them they were. Of course, they could not refuse Zhou Fan's order.

The reason why Zhou Fan let them leave is very simple. He doesn't believe Even if they are from Yiluan, they are strangers to him. He is afraid that when he asks, those people will not know. They will force Luo Kaitian not to tell the truth in advance.

Compared with those people, he believes more in the acquaintances who have lived together with Luo Kaitian.

As soon as the outsiders left, the two talisman masters Luo Haetian, Lu Kui, and Huang Mao all showed guilt.

"Lord Zhou, I'm really sorry, it's our incompetence, we didn't protect your parents." Lu Kui sighed.

Zhou Fan frowned slightly and said, "I don't want to hear this, I just want to know what's going on, what happened to my parents and the others? Why did Yiluan say they are missing?"

The message from Yiluan Division must have come from the message talisman sent by Sanqiu Village. He originally had a message talisman contact with Sanqiu Village, but when he went to Xiaolei Prefecture, the message talisman could not be transmitted so far, and he could not communicate with Sanqiu Village. contact directly.

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