Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1232: Black Snow Rune

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Qi Xiuyong's panicked shouts echoed in the mountains and forests. He was really panicked. Now he can only hope that Elder Xiao will come over soon.

He suspected that Zhou Fan had already entered the Rune Realm, otherwise how could he have killed Chang Gaoping, who was similar in strength to him, in one move.

Qi Xiuyong's figure retreated violently, and Zhou Fan teleported to keep up.

Qi Xiuyong's speed was not as fast as Zhou Fan's. Seeing Zhou Fan getting closer, the jasper green knife in his hand slashed out, and countless green raindrops sputtered out one by one, destroying everything in front of him.

Zhou Fan's figure disappeared before the light of the explosion.

But Qi Xiuyong knew that Zhou Fan would be fine, he swung the knife, just not wanting Zhou Fan to get close to him.

So after he chopped the knife, he stepped on his foot and shot to the left, smashing the trees.

Only then did Zhou Fan appear at Qi Xiuyong's original position, and he teleported to Qi Xiuyong again.

But Qi Xiuyong, who was already frightened, didn't dare to come into close contact with Zhou Fan at all. Every time Zhou Fan came after him, he used the jasper green knife in his hand to force Zhou Fan to dodge.

After fighting for a few breaths, circles of green flames rose up in the mountains and forests, sweeping the surrounding forests and rocks, and black smoke curled up.

Under Zhou Fan's pressing step by step, Qi Xiuyong was frantically squandering his true energy with a jasper green knife. Even if he was a golden cultivator, the true energy in his body could no longer support it.

"Elder Xiao!" Qi Xiuyong turned pale and shouted again, he was like a poor little beast being stared at by a wolf and tiger.

Zhou Fan appeared beside Qi Xiuyong like a shadow, Qi Xiuyong didn't use the jasper green knife anymore, because he only had enough real energy in his body to dodge, but his speed was far inferior to Zhou Fan's, and he was quickly attacked by Zhou Fan again. Where catch up.

Zhou Fan let out a strange syllable, and golden ripples spread out from his body, shrouding Qi Xiuyong in it.

At this moment, a cold hum suddenly sounded around, and with this cold hum, it was as if the temperature had dropped by dozens of degrees.

Black snowflakes fell.

The imprisoned Qi Xiuyong showed ecstasy on his face. It was Elder Xiao.

The snowflakes cut like a blade, it fell on a tree, and the whole tree was cut into countless wood powder by the brilliance of the snowflakes.

And these black snowflakes almost all fell towards Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan had already raised his sword. If he dared to kill Qi Xiuyong, he would not have time to escape.

In this instant, Zhou Fan did not withdraw his sword and retreated, his breath became deep and vast, and the grayish light of the sword flashed past.

Qi Xiuyong's head flew up.

The snowflake first fell on the golden ripples, and was frozen by the golden ripples for a moment, but the golden ripples quickly dissipated, and the black snowflakes continued to move forward and landed on Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan walked out of the black snow without incident.


"how can that be?"

The white-haired old man who had just appeared three feet away looked at Zhou Fan in astonishment.

He called bold first because Zhou Fan dared to kill Qi Xiuyong, but then he saw Zhou Fan walked out of the black snowflakes unscathed, and said a second sentence.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly. He used the Infinite Potential just now, so he was able to walk out of the black snowflakes without incident, but he felt that the Infinite Potential had almost reached its limit.

Is this the means of the Rune Realm?

This black snowflake doesn't look like the martial arts or magic tricks motivated by real essence, it's very strange.

The white-haired old man looked at Zhou Fan, his face was solemn, and he didn't dare to have any contempt, because the black snowflake was the rune he cultivated, a unique method of rune realm.

The fact that Zhou Fan can ignore his rune and come out is too strange, especially since Zhou Fan killed two golden bodies in a very short period of time, he has already regarded Zhou Fan as a master of rune realm.

"No wonder the clan ordered the Zhou family to be wiped out." The white-haired old man's face returned to a calm expression. This man is so young and has such skills. If he continues to let him go, it will be difficult to kill him in the future.

The white-haired old man pinched his hands, and black snowflakes fell in the air.

It's just that a shallow circle of black flames appeared on the edge of the snowflake at this time. The appearance of the black flames made the temperature in the air lower, and a thin layer of ice floated on the ground. Under the reflection of the rising sun, it exuded magnificent colors.

Even if Zhou Fan walked out of the black snowflakes just now, the white-haired old man didn't think that Zhou Fan could ignore his rune attacks all the time. There is a limit to everything!

Zhou Fan's figure teleported back and forth, avoiding the black snowflakes coming towards him.

His mind turned, he didn't mean to fight the white-haired old man desperately, his purpose was to delay time.

Just now he saw that only the white-haired old man and his parents were on the top of the mountain, and he had an idea in his heart. He slashed the gap at the foot of the mountain with a knife, which seemed impulsive and reckless, but in fact, it was so that Xiaoxuan could easily pass through the rune. .

Then he fought with two golden cultivators and led the white-haired old man down. The white-haired old man thought he was alone, which would be a mistake. With the help of Xiao Xiaolong, he could easily save the three of them.

It was Zhou Fan who wasn't sure whether the white-haired old man would have set up a forbidden talisman formation when he left the top of the mountain. Once the forbidden talisman formation was set up, the only way for Xiao Su to take Xiao Xiao was to attack the talisman formation hard.

But Zhou Fan was afraid that it was a talisman formation that would destroy people. He specifically told Xiao Su that if there was a talisman formation on the top of the mountain, don't mess around and just retreat.

Zhou Fan stepped back again and again, the white-haired old man sneered in his heart, this man really did not reach the rune realm, and he was able to get out of his rune attack just now. I think he used some kind of special defense technique, but that Such a powerful defensive spell cannot be used continuously.

The white-haired old man's hand seal changed, and the black snowflakes fused together into seventeen black pythons, slaughtering towards Zhou Fan. UU Reading

These black python pythons swam through the air with ice and flames on the outside. The white mist drifted away, layers of blue ice condensed in the air, and the nearby trees were turning black and withering.

While dodging, Zhou Fan used his double knives to chop out countless knife gangs and shoot at seventeen black pythons.

Thunder Dao Gang surrounded by black thunder arcs, Flame Dao Gang with cold blue fireworks, Ghost Dao Gang exuding blue-black ghost energy, Feather Dao Gang with flying feather sputtering all over the sky.

Various kinds of sword gangs slammed on the seventeen black pythons. In the sound of chi-chi, the black pythons were forced to stagnate, but the sword gangs were unable to harm the bodies of these black pythons.

Zhou Fan's complexion changed slightly. He had mixed a lot of True Essence with these blade gangs, and the power was more than ten times higher than when he used Qi Gang stage, but he couldn't help these black pythons.

The white-haired old man kept changing the seals, and he was also shocked. He had seen many cultivators use Astral Qi, but he had never seen a single person who could use so many different strengths of Astral Qi.

This man is simply a freak, he must not be allowed to live!

The white-haired old man didn't bother to use the utensils, his face became cold, and two black snow runes appeared on his wrinkled left and right cheeks.

At the moment when the black snow rune appeared, the seventeen black pythons fighting with the sword gang burst into a dazzling black light.

The sound of bang bang bang sounded, and all the sword gangs around the python body were shaken into broken beams.

Seventeen black pythons emitting black light came to Zhou Fan at an astonishing speed, opened their huge mouths, and devoured them towards Zhou Fan.

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