Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1266: 3 Battalion Commander

Grey Monkey Northland.

Under the preparation of the Yiluan Division, 40 military camps are planned to be set up. There is a long distance between the military camps. Each military camp has about 10,000 people. Except for some reserve personnel, almost all of the 10,000 people are Warriors, most of these warriors come from officials and institutions such as the Yiluan Division and the Patrol Team in the three counties of Qianma, Grey Monkey, and Feihe.

Of course, there are not 40 military camps, only 15 military camps, but every day a large number of official warriors come over, and the camps will continue to expand.

This is a war. In order to eliminate the small-brained demon and let the red-brained demon leave automatically, the three counties of Xiaoleizhou Qianma, Grey Monkey, and Feihe, while retaining a certain defensive force, invested all the combat power that could be invested in it. .

In addition to the official camp, many warriors from caravans, aristocratic families, and sects have already rushed over, but their camp locations are more behind the official camp.

This time, the official family announced that they would allow private forces to enter the Northland and assist the official family to eliminate the small brain demons. The non-official family forces immediately boiled over. They all saw the huge benefits, and when they got the news, they immediately set off and rushed over. .

If the official family does not allow it, then only powerful warriors can try to break through the official family's blockade, but the official family allows and removes the blockade, and no matter the strength of the warrior, they can justifiably enter the Grey Monkey North Land.

This made the situation in the north of the gray monkeys mixed, and there were occasional fights among the folk warriors, and many places became chaotic.

But the officials ignored this for the time being, and their attention was focused on the red-brained demon. At this time, it is impossible for those civil forces to have too many conflicts and contradictions.

After discussing again to confirm that there was no problem with Luan Si formulating a strategic plan, the discussion ended.

Three Taoist monks from Zhou Fan and two Taoist monks from the academy and Dafo Temple in Grey Monkey County. There are five Taoist monks in total, and one person is responsible for the promotion plan of the three camps.

Of course, the specific command is done by the warriors below. Zhou Fan and the others only need to supervise and eliminate the high-level cerebellar demons that may appear.

There are not many warriors from Xiaoleizhou Mansion following Zhou Fan's three and four expeditions, but each of them is a high-level warrior who has entered the third stage of Qi Refining.

These warriors can play a key role in the outcome of a small battle, and the cultivator can play an even greater role. Their opponents are powerful high-level small brain demons.

This is the meaning of Zhou Fan and the others rushing over.

In the future, Taoist monks will continue to come, and then the number of martial camps in charge will be further adjusted. If they predict, it should be based on the strength of the strength, and a Taoist monk will be responsible for one or two camps.

Now Zhou Fan is in charge of the fourth, fifth, and sixth military camps.

He rushed to a large tent within the distance of the three military camps. There were about twenty warriors sitting in the tent. They were all elites from the fourth, fifth and sixth military camps, and were responsible for the specific promotion strategies of the three military camps.

Everyone's face was solemn, and they didn't dare to show any disrespect because of Zhou Fan's age.

Before they came over, they had already found out that the person in front of them was the envoy of Xiaoleizhou Zhengbei, and the official rank was high enough to overlook everyone in the tent. More importantly, this was a Taoist cultivator. Compared with the official position, Strength makes them even more in awe.

In the quiet atmosphere, Zhou Fan glanced at the outline of the plan for the fourth, fifth, and sixth camps submitted, and then he raised his head and spoke in a calm voice.

"I'm lazy, I don't want to worry about how you manage your team, I just need to see the results of the daily plan."

"If the progress of the plan does not meet the standards set by the plan, then replace the person immediately, it is useless for anyone to intercede!"

The faces of the warriors changed slightly, leading a team and getting a lot of merits every day. If they were replaced, it would be a huge loss for them.

"On this point, is there any problem?" Zhou Fan glanced at everyone and asked calmly.

"Sir, I think this is too harsh." A warrior said with a stern face: "In the previous period, not many teams could successfully complete the advancement task set by the Yiluan Division."

"It used to be before, and now it is now." Zhou Fan's voice became colder: "This is my rule. If you can't accept it, you can think of changing to another military camp."

"Sir, if you blindly request to speed up the advance, it may cause a lot of battle damage." Another warrior couldn't help but reminded.

"I didn't tell you to speed up blindly." Zhou Fan glanced at the warrior coldly and said, "Hasn't the military camp already formulated regulations? Once there are excessive battle losses due to the commander's problem, the commander will be held accountable. Everything The military camp must follow the regulations when advancing, and whoever has a problem, who is responsible!"

"Sir, it is very difficult for us to achieve low battle damage and complete daily advancement tasks." Another warrior couldn't help complaining.

"I said, this is a problem you have to solve yourself!" Zhou Fan said solemnly: "I only look at the results. If you can't do it, I'll remove someone else, and replace it with something that can be done."

"Go back to me now and think about it. How can I complete my task tomorrow? If you feel that your ability is not enough, you can also apply to retire on your own. Do you want to retire?"

No one said a word.

"Okay, you can go." Zhou Fan said again: "You don't need to come over tomorrow, just set off for me to carry out the task at dawn."

All the warriors stood up and saluted Zhou Fan and left, but when they got out of the tent, many people showed indignation, and they slandered Zhou Fan, the wonderful commander in their hearts.

Don't give any method, just look at the result, let them complete the difficult task, it really makes them feel very angry.

But no matter how as long as they don't want to be replaced, they must think about completing the task, at least try their best to do it, even if they can't complete it, they can't get too bad grades.

In their opinion, there will definitely be many teams unable to complete the advance task tomorrow. Zhou Fan, the commander of the three battalions, cannot replace all the unfulfilled commanders, but it is very likely that killing chickens and warning monkeys will happen. No one wants to. Be the one who gets fired.

After the group of warriors left, Zhou Fan returned to the separate tent that had been arranged for him.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with what he was doing. He really had no time to pay attention to how these warriors completed their tasks, so he adopted sheep-herding management.

He has his own business to do tomorrow.

When he thought of the existence of so many small-brained demons in the Northland, his heart became hot. To him, they were all big gray worms!

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