Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1379: Golden Shadow Silk

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"You said that Jin Ying Shi Si does not have any harm?" Zhou Fan asked again.

"Really not." Yingjiu affirmed: "This is just a kind of spiritual material, what harm do you think it can do?"

"Then you said it would kill me again?" Zhou Fan asked with a confused expression on his face.

"That's what I said." Yingjiu's face showed a sinister smile: "But the reason, this is not within the scope of my answer."

Zhou Fan really wanted to kill this woman...if he could.

"You are lying to me." Zhou Fan said with certainty.

Jin Ying Shi Si is not harmful, Ying Jiu can't lie about this, then there is only one possibility, Ying Jiu is lying to him.

"If you say I lied to you, I will lie to you." Yingjiu said calmly: "But have you ever thought that if I am not lying to you, you are trying to use your life to bet the truth of my words? "

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Why is Jin Ying Shisi a time-law spiritual material? I don't see the ability to use the time law in the big urn boiled shadow."

If he wanted to identify whether Yingjiu was lying, he could only try to know more information about Jin Yingshisi, even if he was basically sure that Yingjiu was lying to him just now, but if he didn't solve the problem of Jin Yingshisi who had entered his body , he still felt uneasy.

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, you will understand, because the ability of the big urn to cook shadows does imply the law of time." Yingjiu snapped and said, "Does your time pass in the urn world the same as in the outside world?"

"It's different." Zhou Fan thought for a while and shook his head.

After coming out of that world, he and Du Ni knew very well that they had been in the urn world for almost half a day, but after they came out, they found that it was just the sunset, and the time did not match at all, that is, Said that their time in the urn world was either fast or slow.

As for whether it is fast or slow, you have to enter the human world to identify it clearly. In short, the flow of time is indeed different.

"That's not right." Yingjiu said: "There is another verifiable example, didn't you see those huge horn shadows quickly breed a huge number of offspring? Rapid breeding means that time has accelerated."

Zhou Fan's face was slightly condensed, if this is the case, Da Weng Zhuying does possess the power of the law of time, no wonder Ying Jiu called it a very rare blood-killing monster.

"Of course, this urn's cooking power is average. At most, it's just a rough understanding of the laws of time." Yingjiu said again with a look of disdain.

"Then why are you so interested in Jin Ying Shisi?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Because the spiritual material of the law of time is relatively rare, it is normal for me to be interested." Yingjiu said frankly: "Time is a powerful law. I have thought about whether to practice the law of time before, but unfortunately I gave up in the end. After that, I never found a good opportunity.”

"Then what is the rule you master?" Zhou Fan asked curiously.

Yingjiu glanced at Zhou Fan and said, "Inquiring about the laws mastered by a monk is very taboo, even if you want to know, I won't tell you, I can only tell you that the laws I master are no weaker than the laws of time. ."

Comparable to the law of time, Yingjiu was reluctant to say so, Zhou Fan continued to ask: "How to use this golden shadow silk?"

A sinister smile appeared on Yingjiu's face again: "This is very simple, as long as you master a secret technique to refine it, you can integrate it into your own time rule."

"Of course, the premise is that that person has the law of time, but you have the chaotic old demon and the blood of the dragon god, you can also be considered to have the law of time. This golden shadow silk is really suitable for you, and it allows you to have the law of time. Get stronger."

Zhou Fan's face showed joy, but luckily he didn't promise Yingjiu rashly, or else she would be tricked by her to take away this precious time law spiritual material.

"I have this secret method, do you want it?" Yingjiu asked.

"Of course I want it, but I don't know what the price will be?" Zhou Fan asked tentatively. If the price is small, he can accept it.

"You swallow that fruit, and I'll give it to you." Yingjiu said.

"Can you not mention that fruit!" Zhou Fan said angrily: "I think this kind of refining secret method is not difficult, and the value is not very high. "

Yingjiu looked thoughtful, she seemed to be thinking.

Zhou Fan just waited patiently. If Yingjiu didn't want to, then he could only think of another way. With Yingjiu's moody personality, he really couldn't confirm whether Yingjiu would agree.

"As you said, this kind of secret method is really not difficult, and its value is not high, but the problem is that you won't." Yingjiu smiled: "For you, it has great value, but You definitely don't want to swallow the fruit I prepared for you for this."

"That's why I decided to accept you..." Yingjiu paused and said, "30,000 big gray worms, if you don't think so, then forget it."

Thirty thousand big gray worms... This price is much cheaper than Zhou Fan thought, he cautiously said: "30,000 large gray worms, I agree, but please tell me honestly, when you said Jin Ying before Is it true or false that silk will kill me?"

Yingjiu sneered: "You are really fake, I just wanted to lie to you, Jin Ying Shisi lied, I didn't tell you that Jin Ying Shisi didn't have any Is it dangerous?"

Zhou Fan stared at Yingjiu, and he thought the same thing in his heart, but there was one thing he couldn't understand, which was why he felt uneasy, "Why do you think she wanted to extract Jin Ying Shisi for me? "

Zhou Fan said that she was naturally the gray-shadowed woman in the ghost burial coffin.

"That's a good question." Yingjiu frowned slightly and said, "If the ghost burial coffin is a ghost burial, then it is impossible to contact you. She refined the golden shadow silk for you and gave it to you. Has she communicated with you? Pass?"

"Absolutely not." Zhou Fan shook his head.

"Then is there anything unusual about her every time she appears?" Yingjiu asked again, she was really interested in this question.

"No, she and the two children just kept staring at me. In addition to this, she gave me a grimace mark at one time, and now she gave me a golden shadow silk." Zhou Fan's face showed Dazed color.

"It's really not easy for her to be a widow with two children. There's only one possibility." Yingjiu sighed and said, "She has a crush on you, and I hope you can marry her."

"..." Zhou Fan said angrily, "Don't make such a joke."

"I'm not kidding, I'm serious." Yingjiu said with a serious face, "Don't you think it's not possible?"

"I don't think this is possible at all." Zhou Fan thought about it seriously and shook his head: "If she really likes me, why does she watch me in danger every time and not save me?"

"You are really an idiot." Ying Jiuyin smiled and said, "Do you think she is a normal creature? She is looking for you who can lie down in a coffin after death, and she must wait for you to die."

Zhou Fan: "..."

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