Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1392: counterattack

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Lei Tianyang came out of the meeting room, and he has been sullen. He lost face and money this time, and even the business that he had accumulated for many days was gone. It was a complete defeat!

He walked through the corridor, ignoring the warriors who passed by and saluted him respectfully. If he used to, he would definitely stop with a gracious face and say a few words to them to win people's hearts.

But he knew very well that once the meeting in the mansion ended and what happened in the meeting room came out, this kind of respectful attitude towards him would be gone forever.

Anger was building up in him.

It's all because of those five insatiable idiots, if they hadn't been greedy for five million dollars and didn't tell him, why would it be?

If it weren't for their strength, it would be useful to keep them, I really want to kill them!

He didn't stay in the Daduhufu any more. Even if he had his house in the Daduhufu, he originally planned to eat and live in the residence, communicate with the warriors in the residence, and make a sympathetic gesture. Now these are unnecessary.

He left the Daduhu mansion and got on the carriage. After a while, he came to the house he rented. Before entering the house, he looked vigilantly on both sides to make sure that no one was following him. Then he opened the door and walked into the house. Inside.

After closing the door, he quickly walked through the courtyard and opened the door inside the house.

The environment in the room was dark, but when he was about to cross the threshold, he retracted his feet again, looked coldly at the dimly lit room and said in a low voice, "Who?"

"Brother Lei." A hoarse male voice came from the darkness.

Lei Tianyang's face sank slightly, he walked into the house, closed the door, and then made a dharma seal with one hand, and the house instantly became brighter.

A tall man wearing a fur coat and felt hat was sitting on a chair and looked at Lei Tianyang with a smile on his face.

"You shouldn't be here." Lei Tianyang frowned slightly and said, "We agreed, we can contact you through the message sign if there is anything."

"Brother Lei, what are you afraid of?" The middle-aged man's face was wide and his nose was small, and his uncoordinated face showed disdain, "Who in Hanbei Dao has seen the true appearance of Xue Liancheng, even if we are now protected by most people Surrounded, you and I can go out openly and aboveboard, who are you afraid of?"

"That's right, but it's better to be careful about everything." Lei Tianyang said with a cold face, "We can be contacted by a message sign, what's the point of you entering the city?"

"Staying outside in the wilderness, watching the snow every day makes me tired." The middle-aged man said impatiently: "I walked into the city to relax, and I came to see you by the way, but you found five good helpers for me. ."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man smiled, but the smile looked a little fake, "Brother Lei, what you are doing is really reckless. Do you think they can be trusted?"

"If there is an inner ghost among the five, or if you betray us and try to take guilt and make merit, have you thought about the consequences?"

Lei Tianyang shook his head and said, "They can't possibly have a way back, and the possibility of ghosts inside is very small. Besides, I didn't tell you to trust them completely."

"Even if you told me to believe them, I wouldn't believe them, so I asked people to look at them." The middle-aged man said lightly: "The surnamed Zhou has been here for so many days, when will he be able to kill him? "

"You ask me, how do I know?" Lei Tianyang snorted: "You guys are not willing to listen to me, if you listen to me, help me control the Great Protectorate, then Zhou Fan will still be able to. How long will he stay in Blackwater City? When he leaves, he will die!"

Lei Tianyang's plan was to make Xueliancheng disappear, and then preach that he had exterminated the snow thieves, killed Xueliancheng, and regained some of the lost property, which would help his reputation increase, but these people rejected him. .

When he thought about this, he got angry.

The middle-aged man laughed and said: "According to your plan, it's too slow, we can't wait for so long, why don't we do what we did last time, I'll take people to Daduhufu again, and kill Zhou Fan directly. , so everything is settled."

"No." Lei Tianyang said solemnly: "Now that the city is on guard, and I don't have my secret help in the Dadu Hufu, why did you bring so many people in?"

"Even if he can get in, Zhou Fan has brought some good helpers. The key is that if he is ruthless and activates the rune formation in the city, I'm afraid none of you will survive."

The middle-aged man heard the talisman formation in the city, and his eyes showed a look of fear. The defense formation of Blackwater City is very powerful, but it is not something that ordinary monks can resist. The last time they were able to enter the city, it was because someone was ventilated. It was reported that the five deputy governors who could open the great formation were transferred away intentionally or unintentionally, so that such a feat could be accomplished.

Now that the city is on guard, and the great formation in the city has been taken over by Zhou Fan again, they really dare to enter the If Zhou Fan does not care about hurting the people in the city and starts the great formation, they will all leave. No.

Moreover, even without the help of the Great Array, the patrolling battalion of the Protectorate's Mansion and the warriors of the Great Protectorate's Mansion are not vegetarians.

It was a surprise last time, but this time, it is really difficult to accomplish such a thing.

Lei Tianyang thought for a while, and then said softly.

After the middle-aged man listened to Lei Tianyang's plan, he showed a sinister smile on his face: "Lei Dudu has a good strategy, so just do as you say."

"Pay attention to the scale, don't go too far." Lei Tianyang said slowly: "Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to clean up the situation."

"Don't worry." The middle-aged man nodded lightly, "When things are done, I will give you the gift of Xue Liancheng to help you become the Great Protector."

"Thank you in advance." Lei Tianyang laughed, swept away the gloom in his heart.



In a blink of an eye, another seven days passed. These seven days were very peaceful. Zhou Fan had been waiting patiently. He knew that Lei Tianyang would not just let it go.

Before he cleaned up the five deputy guards, he thought that Lei Tianyang would clean up the Xuelian City, but the result was beyond his expectations, Lei Tianyang did not bring back the so-called head of Xuelian City.

In addition to waiting for Lei Tianyang's next move, he is still waiting for one person, the snow thief Mi Rongzhi. In his opinion, Lei Tianyang's last move is probably inseparable from Xueliancheng, and it is important to eliminate Xueliancheng. The heaviest.

If you want to destroy Xueliancheng, you can only find Xueliancheng's lair.

It's just that Mi Rongzhi never showed up, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

On the eighth day, when Zhou Fan was discussing some trivial matters with Du Ni and the others, Qian Feifei walked in quickly, his face was pale and he said anxiously: "Sir, something happened."

Zhou Fan looked up at Qian Feifei with a panicked expression, his eyebrows raised slightly, is he finally here?

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