Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1403: The strongest rune

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Zhou Fan looked away from the fruit on the sapphire plate and said, "I want to know all the information about the Rune Realm."

Yingjiu smiled and said, "Of course there's no problem with that. I'd be happy to serve you, my master."

After Yingjiu finished speaking these words with a sarcastic nature, she snapped her fingers, transformed into a huge transparent glass ball, and took a thousand large gray worms from it.

Zhou Fan glanced at his glass ball. The number of big gray worms he currently owns plus the number of chokers is only about a million. This number is not too much. At most, there are no bait for two times.

Ying Jiu took the big grey worm and said, "I think you know the basic knowledge of runes, right?"

"I know, what I want to know is what I don't know or few people know about." Zhou Fan nodded.

"Then ask what you want to know?" Yingjiu felt bored and sat on the bench of the square table, "There is actually nothing to say about this state, there is not even a practice method, and the practice method is still the practice method of the golden body state. , As long as there is a way to accommodate, the cultivator is physically strong enough, selects a good rune, accommodates the rune, and then can enter the rune realm."

"As long as the cultivator doesn't overestimate what he can do and forcibly accommodate more runes than he can bear, there will be no danger..." Yingjiu glanced at Zhou Fan again, and she tutted, "Where did you find the old chaotic demon? The method of cultivation is this kind of cultivation method, so you basically don't have to worry about having a rune that you can't accommodate."

"I have the golden body technique of "Old Demon of Chaos", do you want it? If you want it, the price is negotiable, and I have other techniques that are also very good. Are you interested?" Zhou Fan took the opportunity to sell road.

What he has is not only the "Chaos Old Demon" exercises, but also precious exercises such as "Beautiful Sea". Even if these exercises are sold, there is no loss to him, and they will not be sold for nothing.

"Not interested." Yingjiu said lazily.

"Really not interested?" Zhou Fan was a little afraid to believe: "You definitely don't have these exercises, even if you have already surpassed these realms, but they should have some reference for you, even if there is no reference, then It can also be sold to the boarding person at the back."

"There's nothing to learn from." Yingjiu shook her head and said, "I used to collect a lot of martial arts and martial arts, but now I don't need these things anymore. My path is different from that of ordinary monks. As for selling them to boarding people... …”

Yingjiu paused for a moment and smiled perversely: "I seldom make deals with boarding people. Often in the end, they will be willing to give everything of themselves to me, and so will you."

Zhou Fan's heart is getting colder, this is really a lunatic, who knows what she wants or doesn't want, then forget it, he turned and said: "Since this is the case, let's go back to the original problem of Fu Seed, the world's Fu Seed is strong How to divide the weak, is there a standard?"

"Of course there are standards." Ying Jiu plucked the round gold earring hanging from her left ear with her hand, "Those people have already divided the thousands of runes in the world into one, two, and three classes, and there are many others that don't fit into the third class. Influx rune, you don't want me to tell you one by one, do you?"

"It doesn't make any sense, I don't have the interest to tell you one by one, and I don't have any books on the ranking of the runes. I have most of these in my mind, and you don't need to know all the news of runes. ."

"Of course, I don't mean it." Zhou Fan didn't dare to force it. If he angered the moody Yingjiu, who knows what she would do, "Have you heard of Haoranhuo? It can be ranked first. How long?"

"Hao Ranhuo?" Ying Jiu tilted her head and thought for a while, and she said disdainfully, "Second-class middle-level level, it is best not to accommodate such a rune."

It's just a second-class middle-level level... Zhou Fan's mouth twitched, this was too far from what he expected, and of course it had a lot to do with the leader's vision.

Zhou Fan thought about it for a while and then carefully described the runes possessed by Wrinkled Deep. He felt that the power of Wrinkled Deep runes was not too weak.

"Second-level middle-level level." Yingjiu commented, "If that person is practicing kendo, then this kind of talisman may be slightly stronger than the Haoranhuo you said, otherwise it will only be in the middle."

Wrinkled and deeply cultivated talismans are faintly stronger than Haoranhuo. I heard that the wrinkled and deeply wrinkled talismans were found by Eunuch Ao... Zhou Fan's face was complicated, Mr. Da, Mr. Da, why don't you? A eunuch?

Of course, Zhou Fan just spit it out. In fact, he also knows that the godfather of Eunuch Ao is the chief manager of Jinggong. The treasures owned by Jinggong are the most treasures in the world. If he asks his godfather, he can't get it. Yu Haoran's talisman was deeply wrinkled, that's not too strange.

In any case, it was only Haoranhuo at the second-level middle-level level. He was still a little interested, but now he instantly feels boring.

In any case, he would never choose Haoranhuo, which is only a second-class middle-level You ask me so much, just want to know if I have any powerful runes in my hands, right? "Ying Jiu glanced at Zhou Fan and asked with a chuckle.

"Then what powerful talismans do you have in your hands?" Zhou Fan did not hide his intentions. He really wanted to know what powerful talismans Yingjiu had in his hands.

If Yingjiu doesn't have it, then he can only think of fishing to get it. His goal is to be rated as a first-class upper-level rune.

The strange smile appeared on Yingjiu's face again: "Actually, I do have a very powerful rune in my collection. This rune is not only a first-class rune, it's also recognized as the strongest rune."

The strongest rune?

Zhou Fan's expression became subtle. He paid a thousand big gray worms to ask about all the runes. Yingjiu couldn't lie, then she really had the strongest rune in her hands!

"Besides it, there are eighteen kinds of first-class upper-level runes. These eighteen kinds of runes, because of their different uses, are difficult to distinguish between superiors and inferiors. Only it... The monks who are qualified to know it dare not dare to. Doubt it ranks first." Yingjiu smiled: "It deserves the first place among the runes, because it is so powerful that the eighteen runes feel ashamed."

"There are even monks who think that it should be listed separately, rather than lined up with the eighteen kinds of symbols."

"It's called the King's Conspiracy." Yingjiu said with a contemplative look on her face.

Wang Zhiwei... Zhou Fan frowned, just listening to the name, he couldn't guess what type of rune this "Wang Zhixian" was.

"Wang Zhiwei, among so many runes, only it can be crowned the title of king, and it is the undisputed king of runes." Yingjiu said in a tone of admiration: "You know why it is so powerful. Thousands of talismans, are they called number one?"

I know it's weird... Zhou Fan thought silently.

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