Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1407: found

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The rocks and forests in the ice area are covered with snow and ice, and the branches are covered with ice thorns. These are all cold-resistant vegetation, and the vegetation that is not cold-resistant has long been eliminated by this cruel world.

Now is the time when the weather is good. If the weather is bad, goose feathers will fall heavily in the sky, the wind will roar, and even the direction of the snowstorm will be unclear. If such weather occurs, you can only find a not-cold weather .

Zhou Fan walked for a while, cleaned up some strange things, and after half a column of incense, he stopped, and in the ice and snow, it seemed that he was the only one.

"Little silk." Zhou Fan called.

Xiao Ling's little head came out from the thick khaki dog hair of the younger sister, and she and Momo both hid on the younger sister's body and slept.

"Send your little ones out and search this area for me?" Zhou Fan said.

Under the training of Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao can do more and more things, including reconnaissance.

Xiaoxiao has never seen the Flying Skull clan, but as long as he finds the barbarian monster clan, he can come back and tell him, so he can confirm it.

"Yes, Master." Xiaoxiao replied with a smile, and quickly split into hundreds of little ones.

The little ones ran away from the snow and soon disappeared in front of Zhou Fan's eyes.

Zhou Fan waited patiently. He wanted to find the Flying Skull Clan, only with the help of a small ribbon.

It's just that this method is still too stupid. If the Flying Skulls are not in this direction, then his hope of finding the Flying Skulls is zero.

The wild demon ice field is too big, and it is really difficult to find a wild demon tribe from it.

He gave himself ten days to search along the way in this direction. If he couldn't find it, he would go back.

After going back, I can only think of strengthening the defense, try to beware of the barbarian demon tribe crossing the defense line, and how to keep them after crossing the defense line.

In the blink of an eye, seven days passed. During these seven days, Zhou Fan and the others searched for the Flying Skull Clan in this wild and primitive icy world. During this period, Xiao Xiaoxuan found three wild monster tribes.

But the three savage monster tribes were not the Flying Skulls, and Zhou Fan quietly went around again.

His purpose is the Flying Skull Clan, not the three barbarian monster tribes. Once there is a conflict with them, who knows if they will have a way to notify the Flying Skull Clan?

Zhou Fan leaned in front of an ice tree and ate dry food heated by his own yang qi, while waiting for Xiaoxiao to come back again.

Xiao Ling and the others were all sitting on the side. Xiao Ling yawned when she was bored. She was very happy to be able to enter the ice area before, but after so many days of trekking, all she could see were snow scenes, no matter how beautiful the snow scene was. Tired of watching.

Before Zhou Fan had finished eating the dry food, the little ones had already rushed out from all corners like a tide, making squeaking sounds.

Xiaoxuan beckoned to them, and the little ones ran towards Xiaoxuan, fused together one by one, and then turned into several strands of jet-black hair.

After Xiaoxiao accommodated the black hair of the tree roots, she opened her eyes, her eyes changed from dull to agile, she said excitedly: "Master, Xiaoxiao discovered a large tribe."

Zhou Fan's eyes brightened slightly. The three barbarian demon tribes he discovered before, the most people were hundreds of small tribes, and the big tribe that Xiao Ling said was probably the Flying Skull tribe he was looking for...

He had planned to give up.

The cheered Zhou Fan let Xiao Su lead the way.

Xiao Ling pointed out the direction to Zhou Fan. Not long after, Zhou Fan stood on the top of a canyon. He watched from below. Sure enough, there were many snow-white tents on top of the canyon, and figures were walking around.

Surveillance spies were also arranged around the canyon.

Zhou Fan was invisible, so the spies didn't find him. He opened his eyes and looked at the spies who were closer to him.

These spies don't seem to be much different from ordinary humans, but their heads are very large, twice as large as ordinary people's, and their necks seem to be unusually thick and strong in order to support their own heads.

There are linear lines on their foreheads, the lines look like mysterious runes, and the colors of the lines are very different.

Such an obvious feature is the Flying Skull Clan he has been looking for for many days.

Now that the Flying Skulls have been found, what should we do?

Zhou Fan has been thinking about this issue for a while. With his strength, he is sure to completely wipe out the Flying Skull Clan.

But it doesn't make much sense, because he already has a deep understanding. It's too difficult to find a barbarian demon tribe in the barbarian demon ice area. He can't be looted by a barbarian demon tribe, so he goes deep into the barbarian demon ice area. find them.

This is not realistic for him at all. He was lucky to be able to find the Flying Skull Clan this time.

Next time, if you want to find the barbarian demon tribe who came to the Blackwater Protectorate to loot, you may not have such luck.

Strengthening the defense line and preventing the barbarian demon tribe from invading the two counties of the Heishui Dufufu is even more difficult. The most lacking thing in the Blackwater Dufufu is people, and the number of people in the defense line is not enough.

The area of ​​the Barbarian Demon Ice Region is The Barbarian Demon Tribe chooses a lot of directions to invade, no matter how many people are not enough to fill the long line of defense, and building a wall to defend against it will cost even more High, the official family can not afford the money.

It is not without reason that the barbarian demon tribe will become the most difficult problem for the Blackwater Protectorate to deal with.

Since the establishment of the Heishui Duhufu, this problem has not been able to be fundamentally solved.

No matter whether it is soft or tough, the policies formulated by the previous Daduhu can only play a temporary role.

Zhou Fan didn't have much confidence that he could do things that most other guardians couldn't accomplish, but he didn't have any ideas in his heart. Just try your best.

In the past few days, he sent a letter to Du Ni and the others, and after discussing it, he said he could try it.

As for the dispute caused by his idea, I don't know if he is not present.

But this method has never been tried by other Daduhu, and he has the mentality of trying it. If he fails anyway, he will think of other methods.

If he can't solve the problem of the barbarian tribe, his position as a guardian will always be uncomfortable. If something major happens, he will be forced to be dismissed or resigned like the previous guardians.

But Hua Feihua is staring at him, and he is more likely to be dismissed.

Du Ni and the others sent a letter to Zhou Fan, saying that Hanbei Daocheng already knew about the matter of the Flying Skull Clan, and Hanbei Yiluan's government had entrusted the entire Heishui Datu Protectorate for this reason, and asked them to quickly handle the matter properly.

"Whether that idea is feasible or not, we have to clean up the Flying Skull Clan first. If even the Flying Skull Clan can't be cleaned up, the follow-up plan will not be able to start at all." Zhou Fan jumped from the top of the canyon and reached the mouth of the valley. He released his stealth. In this state, he walked slowly towards the gate of the Flying Skull Tribe.

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