Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1418: congratulations

Zhou Fan watched his body uneasily, fearing that some unimaginable mutation would suddenly appear in his body.


The smile on Yingjiu's face had long since disappeared, and her eyes were fixed on Zhou Fan.


Only the baby giggles echoed on the boat.


The tremors of the heart and bones also slowly calmed down, which made Zhou Fan slightly startled, is it over?


It seems... it's not as dangerous as Ying Jiu said.


However, Zhou Fan was very skeptical about whether it was over. He looked up at Ying Jiu, hoping to know the answer from Ying Jiu.


Yingjiu didn't say anything, she just kept her face straight, because the result was different from what she expected. She expected that Zhou Fan might not die, but only if the ship was shot, but now the ship hasn't shot, how can it be over?


Zhou Fan hesitated, and just wanted to ask, his expression suddenly changed, because he couldn't help trembling, and all the power such as flesh and blood was being absorbed and rushed into his stomach.


There seemed to be a huge vortex in his belly, constantly absorbing everything about him.


Zhou Fan's face was contorted and he yelled loudly, in unimaginable pain.


Yingjiu's eyes were full of light, that's right, it's finally about to start, what will you do with the boat? Do you really have a way to save him?


Zhou Fan lost weight at a speed visible to the human eye, and he became as thin as a tree.


This was originally on the boat. Logically speaking, even if he died on the boat, he would be fine, but the fruit, like the life fruit he swallowed before, could affect his body outside.


So if he died on the boat this time, he would also die in the outside world... Zhou Fan endured the pain and did not cry out in pain, trying to control the flow of physical strength, but this flow was out of his control, or is constantly passing.


However, he soon discovered that this passage had slowed down, and before he had time to think about it, it was over.


Zhou Fan was panting slightly, his physical condition was very wrong, a lot of his strength was absorbed, and now he seems to have only a layer of skin attached to his bones, which is terrifyingly thinner than the thin monkey, and his eyeballs are slightly sunk into the eye sockets. Inside, it looks like the eye sockets have become deeper.


He hurriedly sat down with his legs crossed to confirm his physical condition. He found that most of his flesh and blood and true essence had been absorbed. The indispensable power of the dragon **** blood was only absorbed a little bit, and both flesh and blood and true essence could be recovered. Come here, which means that this absorption has little effect on him.


But he was still very worried. The feeling of being absorbed all of a sudden was terrible. If he did it again, he might die.


What he is more concerned about is where did the power that he was sucked away go to?


He looked inward at the condition of his body, looking for abnormalities, and then he was shocked to find that there were three small **** in his belly. He tried to look inside the three balls, but he could only see a blur, what Can't see either.


Could it be that I have three tumors... Zhou Fan thought with a sullen face, he didn't dare to touch these three small **** whose colors couldn't even be identified, for fear of causing a bigger rebound.


Yingjiu saw that Zhou Fan had maintained her state and did not die. She also frowned and looked at the scrawny Zhou Fan. Is this the end?


She still didn't see any sign of the boat helping Zhou Fan.


Zhou Fan opened his eyes and looked at Ying Jiu who was staring at him, "What's going on? Is it over?"


"I don't know, but I don't think so." Yingjiu said slowly, "Because you're not dead yet."


And because the ship hasn't been shot yet, how could it be over?


Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth. If anyone who knew him saw how thin he was, he would definitely not recognize him. He said, "Is there a way to confirm whether it's over?"


"If you want, I can check it for you." Yingjiu thought for a while and said seriously.


"Okay." Zhou Fan didn't refuse. If he couldn't confirm it, Yingjiu was willing to help him. He had no reason not to agree.


In fact, no matter whether it ends or not, even if the fruit is in trouble again, Zhou Fan has no way to stop it, but if he can confirm the end, at least he won't be so anxious.


As soon as Zhou Fan agreed, Yingjiu came to him, and she stretched out a slender, white finger to point on Zhou Fan's Yintang.


Zhou Fan could feel an extremely powerful force penetrated from his Yintang, and then quickly flowed through every corner of his body. On this boat, Yingjiu couldn't hurt him, so he didn't worry, just waited patiently. result.


That powerful force finally stopped on the three small **** formed in his belly.


Yingjiu retracted her fingers, a look of astonishment appeared on her face, and her eyes dropped.


"What's wrong?" This is the first time Zhou Fan has seen such a look on Yingjiu's face. As far as he knows, this woman is neurotic and is not even afraid of the boat. Why did she show such a look, he asked nervously again: " What's wrong?"


"How can this be possible..." Yingjiu ignored Zhou Fan's question, her face was stunned and puzzled.


"What's impossible?" Zhou Fan asked again.


Yingjiu still ignored Zhou Fan. She raised her eyebrows slightly, stretched out her fingers and swiped, and every time she fell, a black rune was formed, and the rune was quickly connected to form mysterious black runes.


The black runes are suspended in the air, they are not fixed, but constantly changing shapes.


Zhou Fan didn't understand what Yingjiu was doing. He suspected that Yingjiu was inferring, but he wasn't sure.


The speed of Yingjiu's talisman is getting faster and faster, and her brows are getting tighter and tighter, like a little sad flower.


There are more and more black runes in suspension, and they emit a faint black light. Finally, with a bang, they completely disintegrate into black particles of light.


Yingjiu stretched out her hand and stroked the black particles of light. The black particles of light disappeared completely. Her face returned to calm, and she turned to look at Zhou Fan's deep eyes.


Zhou Fan subconsciously straightened his hoping to get an answer from Yingjiu.


"I lost." Ying Jiu said lightly, "You have digested that fruit, and there will be no such treasure in the world."


Zhou Fan's face was filled with joy, he couldn't believe that he actually swallowed this fruit and didn't die, it seemed that the ship didn't help, as long as it didn't die, but he quickly smiled and asked, "Then the three in my belly What's with the little ball?"


When Yingjiu heard Zhou Fan's question, she laughed wildly again.


Zhou Fan's heart sank, this doesn't seem to be a good thing.


"I didn't expect this fruit to be like this." Yingjiu said with a smile on her face, "It's not right to say that, or it's just like its ever-changing appearance, and it will vary depending on the person who can digest it. different effects."


It's really bad for you to talk like this... Zhou Fan said anxiously, "So what exactly is going on here?"


Yingjiu smiled lightly and said, "Congratulations, you are pregnant."

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