Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1424: Reproduce the blue-green

After Eunuch Ao left, Wrinkle Shenshen naturally followed him. Wen Xiao and Thin Monkey didn't say much, and also withdrew from the tent.


As soon as they left, only Zhang Li Xiaohu and Zhou Fan were left.


Zhang Li Xiaohu took out a talisman from the storage bag and stuck it on the ground. The light mask emitted by the talisman was to prevent anyone from eavesdropping outside.


"Brother Zhang Li, what do you want to say to me?" Zhou Fan asked with a smile.


"Brother Zhou, the next question is very important. What I want to ask is, do you intend to compete for these head fruits in the name of the Great Protectorate or as an individual?" Zhang Li Xiaohu asked.


"Does it make a difference?" Zhou Fan asked in a daze. It can be said that the Great Protector's Mansion belongs to him, and everything is arranged by him.


"Of course there is a difference." Zhang Li Xiaohu said with a cunning look on his face: "If it is in the name of the Great Protectorate, then you will be the Great Protector if you win these head fruits. If you want to use Blackwater City, no one can say anything. , but it will be recorded in the end, and the Heishui Duhufu has full autonomy, but it is nominally under the command of Hanbei Daocheng."


"So many head fruits are not a small amount. The Hanbei Daocheng side knows about it. What do you think they will do?"


Zhou Fan's face was slightly condensed. If Zhang Li Xiaohu hadn't reminded him, he would not have thought of this. The key is that Lei Tianyang has been too quiet recently, but it does not mean that Lei Tianyang has not done anything. Maybe Lei Tian Yang Zao had already received the news and told the Hanbei Daoist Mansion, and the Hanbei Daoist Mansion had begun to pay attention to this matter silently.


Once they have captured the head fruit, they will reach out and pick the fruit.


"Brother Zhou is not surprised, but I am in Zhang Li's house, and my brothers can break their heads for some petty profits..." Zhang Li Xiaohu calmly said: "It's better to ask the Qian staff not to record this matter, We take the head fruit in our own name."


"In this way, we don't need to use merit to replace the head fruit. If the treasury is too empty, you can donate the money to the treasury in your own name. It is the same with the left hand and the right hand, but no one can say anything."


"Brother Zhang Li is right." Zhou Fan smiled and said, "Then I will contact Staff Advisor Qian and the others later and tell them that they will know what to do."


It is said that the Heishui Dadu Protectorate has insufficient staff, and for safety reasons, he did not dare to participate in this matter, but chose to wait and see what happened.


At that time, I really got the head fruit, and it had nothing to do with the Great Protectorate.


Zhou Fan is very satisfied with this. He brought Du Ni and these people, it is not ineffective, the reminder of Zhang Li Xiaohu alone is very worthwhile, otherwise he will reach out to the Hanbei Daoist Mansion in some name, and he will Not easy to deal with either.


"These are just small problems. I hope Brother Zhou's method can play a big role." Zhang Li Xiaohu shook his head lightly and said, if you can't get a lot of head fruits, then the follow-up plan is useless.


It didn't take long for Zhou Fan to leave the camp alone, and he also left his little sister and Momo in the camp.


He walked in the direction of the head fruit tree. Originally, he only had general ideas in his mind, but Zhang Li Xiaohu said that it is best to win the head fruit in his own name, which made his thoughts more clear.


But it is still a prototype of the plan, but the prototype is enough, no matter how detailed the plan is, it cannot keep up with the changes.


He quickly entered a state of invisibility, and he flew up after casting the wind control technique.


The higher he flew, the farther and farther the ice and snow land became. He kept a certain distance, opened his eyesight, and saw the tribes stationed in the ice and snow.


He felt that it was a pity, because there were so many savage demon tribes... If the Black Water Capital Protectorate had enough troops, maybe they could wipe out the savage demons in one go, and never have future troubles.


But these savage monster tribes are powerful. If they really go to war, the Heishui Dufufu may not be able to win, and the savage monster tribes will not foolishly fight with you. If the situation is not right, they will hide in the depths of the ice, so The idea of ​​gathering troops to destroy the savage demon tribe simply cannot be implemented.


Zhou Fan knew that some pretty powerful savage monster tribes would be wary of the sky, so he didn't fly too low, but started to circle around the savage monster tribes, observing each and every savage monster tribe.


He circled from the outside to the inside, and the closer he got to the huge ice-blue fruit tree, the fewer barbarian demon tribes, until in the end, only five distinct tribes remained.


Zhou Fan, who was suspended in the air, looked at the savage monsters walking around like ants in the five tribes. He observed their positions, numbers, and appearances, and recalled some ability introductions about the savage monsters of the five tribes collected by the Great Protectorate in his mind.


The thoughts in his heart became clearer and clearer. After observing, he raised his head and glanced at the human head fruit tree not far away from him. He didn't fly over again, because even if he was invisible, he might be caught with special pupil power. Or observed by some savage monsters with some special items.


The ecology of the barbarian demon tribes is complex, and they often fight, but some large tribes do not kill all the captives of other tribes, but bring some useful barbarian monsters into the tribe and drive them as slaves, so the big barbarian monster tribes, and Not only a single barbarian monster, but also other slave barbarian monsters to help.


Of course, some savage monsters would rather die than give in, so they can only kill them.


Zhou Fan turned around and flew away. He quickly flew out of the outer layer of the wild monster tribe, until it was far enough that he closed his eyes in the air. When he opened his eyes again, there was a blue-green color in front of him. The ray of light condensed, and soon a blue-green monster about the same height as him was condensed.


There are four transparent wings behind the blue-green monster. There are blue-green vortex patterns of different sizes on the wings. The vortex patterns are perfectly symmetrical on the left and right, and the blue-green vortex patterns are constantly flickering and changing in size.


The blue-green monster has three blue-green tentacles floating in the wind above its three compound eyes as large as a human head, and it seems to be watching Zhou Fan.


This blue-green monster is exactly the same as the blue-green monster that almost destroyed Gaoxiang Of course it is fake, it was transformed by Zhou Fan using Wang Zhiwei's imagination, but it is exactly the same as the real thing.


Zhou Fan looked at the blue-green monster he had made with great interest. He even looked closely with his eyes, but he couldn't tell that it was fake.


He stretched out his hand and directly penetrated the blue-green monster's body, but he didn't touch anything.


"It's really too real. If it wasn't for direct contact, it would be impossible to find out that it is an illusory illusion." Zhou Fan rubbed his chin and clicked his tongue in amazement, and according to the news he got from Yingjiu, Wang Zhiwei thought about this. The power of the law-based rune is that even if it has the pupil power to penetrate the illusion, it is difficult to recognize that it is a fake illusion.


The more perfect his rune became, the harder it would be to see through his illusions.


Of course, changing the illusion that is hard to see through is just the most basic ability of the King's Conspiracy, and it also has more powerful uses.


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