Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1431: Tianhan City

"The Hanbei Daoist Palace tripled the tax, is this also in compliance with the rules?" Zhou Fan asked in a deep voice, holding a bright jade talisman.

Qian Feifei's voice came from the jade talisman, "Master Hui, the Daoist Hanbei does have the right to modify taxes."

The Lord of the One Path is very powerful. He conscripts soldiers if he likes it, and increases taxes if he likes it. As long as there is no major trouble under his jurisdiction, the officials will generally not interfere with the Lord of the One Road.

"Have the other three states also increased their taxes?" Zhou Fan asked again.

Three states and one prefecture in Hanbei Road, if only increased the taxes of the Heishui Protectorate...

"Judging from the documents issued, the taxes in the other three states have also tripled," Qian Feifei said.

Zhou Fan's brows were slightly wrinkled. The powers of the other three states and four envoys were not as great as his, but there were many factions. Hua Feihua wanted the three states' Yiluan government to obey him in acting. It was not so easy.

Is it true that the other three states also tripled their taxes?

"My lord, the reason for the increase in taxes in the Hanbei Daoist government is that the cold winter is coming, and we are worried that the relief will not be timely, so we have prepared funds in advance. If the disaster is serious in that place, we will use the funds for rescue. After the cold winter, we will pay more taxes. The tax will be returned to the three states and one government..." Qian Feifei knew what Zhou Fan was wondering, and he explained.

Only then did Zhou Fan understand. His face was slightly cold, which is not surprising. Hua Feihua had a legitimate reason for levying taxes, and he promised to return the levy. Of course, the other three states would not have any objections.

But the Heishui Duhufu is already much poorer than the Sanzhou. If he really imposes taxes according to the idea of ​​the Hanbei Daoistfu, it will definitely make the people angry, and even if the money is paid, it is estimated that Hua Feihua will He will also find various excuses not to return it to the Great Protectorate.

Of course, he now has the head fruit tree, and he can afford the money even if he doesn't ask for it, but that's not how money is spent.

"Sir, what should we do?"

Qian Feifei's words interrupted Zhou Fan's thinking. He thought for a while and said, "The reply letter tells the Hanbei Daoist Palace that the Heishui Duhufu is too poor to hand over so many taxes."

"If you reply like this, the Hanbei Daoist Mansion will definitely apply for our Daduhu Mansion, and order us to complete the tax collection in our own way." Qian Feifei said helplessly.

"If they reply like this, then we should stop being tough and say that we will try our best to complete it." Zhou Fan sneered.

"Does your lord really want to levy additional taxes?" Qian Feifei exclaimed, "Sir, don't do it. If you do, it will cause a big mess."

"What are you thinking about?" Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and said, "Of course there will be no additional tax."

Raising taxes will only make the people below him turn against him, and it will not do any good.

"That lord means..." Qian Feifei asked in confusion.

"It's just for you to argue with the Hanbei Daoist Mansion." Zhou Fan said.

"But procrastination is not a long-term solution, what should I do when it expires?" Qian Feifei said in a daze.

"Then wait until it's due." Zhou Fan said in a hurry.

After the communication with Qian Feifei was interrupted, Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly. It seemed that this was still a serial scheme. First, they robbed their mines and then levied taxes.

As the Great Protector, if he didn't want the Blackwater Protectorate to survive the cold winter, he could only pay for it himself.

If he didn't pay, and the Heishui Duhufu had a big problem in this cold winter, then he would be to blame.

There may be a sequel to this series.

Zhou Fan thought for a while, and then he sent another message to the Dadu Protectorate, and then disappeared into the vast wind and snow.



Tianhan City is the capital of Dongxuezhou and the most prosperous place in Dongxuezhou.

Dongxuezhou Yiluan's mansion is located in Tianhan City, and Yan Gao, the envoy of Dongxuezhou's expedition to the east, who is sitting in his room, has been in high spirits recently, because he and the new Hanbei Daoist Hua Feihua are from the Wild Fox Sect.

He got on the big boat of the flower master, and even if he could not sit in the position of the master, there would still be a lot of benefits waiting for him.

And what the flower master asked him to do was very simple to him.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and took a sip of tea with a smile on his face.

"Is the tea good?" A voice asked softly.

Yan Gao felt like a chill invading his body, goosebumps all over his body, his real energy was running, and he shouted: "Who?"

This is the heavily guarded Dongxue State Yiluan mansion. How can he not be afraid of someone who can easily sneak into his room but never let him find out?

His true essence was ready to go, and he was in a state of high vigilance. He looked at his room, but he still couldn't see anyone.

"Master Yan should recognize me." The voice said softly again.

Yan Gao's face became heavier and heavier, because he still hadn't discovered the existence of the other party, and because he had shouted loudly just now, but there was no movement outside.

How is this going? He asked in surprise: "Who are you?"

"I'm Zhou Fan." The voice said with a chuckle, "Daduhu of the Heishui Duhufu, you just stole my Yunlei Mine. I don't think you don't even know me."

"Zhou Fan?" Yan Gao's hand patted the storage bag lightly, and a khaki light came out from the silver bag, falling on his hand and turning into a bronze mirror.

He suspected that there was a talisman array around the room to isolate the sound, so his voice could not be transmitted. As for the person who spoke, he might be in a state of invisibility. Utensils talisman.

"We have no grievances and no enmity, why did you come to me?" Yan Gao said solemnly while shooting the house with a bronze mirror: "If it is for Yunlei Mine, then you should go to the Hanbei Daoist Mansion, this is Hanbei Dao The Lord's Mansion awarded it to the Secretary of Yiluan in Dongxue Prefecture."

"Master Yan, do you think I don't know anything?" Zhou Fan's voice sounded in Yan Gao's When Hua Feihua said that the Yunlei Mine would be commuted to the Yiluan government in Dongxue Prefecture, Dong Xue All four state envoys understood that this was caused by the conflict between Hua Feihua and me. "

"The other three envoys of the four expeditions don't want to get involved in this matter, and they don't want to accept that Yunlei Mine will cause disputes with our Heishui Protectorate. It is you who suggested that if you don't accept Yunlei Mine, you will offend Shangguan..."

"Who told you?" Yan Gao shouted angrily.

The four expeditions from Dongxuezhou include Yunzhongnan from a family faction, Jian Chuanning, a lay disciple from Dafo Temple, and Eunuch Chen from Jinggong, but there are no monks from the same academy faction as Zhou Fan. He wondered how Zhou Fan knew about it?

"Does it make sense to ask this? There is no airtight wall in the world." Zhou Fan laughed.

"So what if it's me?" Yan Gao raised his eyebrows slightly. He searched in the mirror for so long and couldn't find Zhou Fan. He couldn't help but feel impatient, "Zhou Fan, do you still want to kill your peers? This is a big taboo. matter."

"A dog will jump over the wall in a hurry. It seems that Hua Feihua didn't tell you that I was a total lunatic." Zhou Fan's voice was cold and ethereal, "Who knew I did it to kill you?"

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