Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1433: Peace is precious

Yan Gao was really scared.

As an experienced cultivator, he has seen a lot of bizarre tricks, and he has also seen many cultivators cast spells.

But it has never been like today, falling into an illusion, life and death being held in the hands of people.

He couldn't even confirm whether he was really out of the illusion. The illusions were layered on top of each other, and there was another layer waiting for him.

The first layer is absurd, the second layer is real.

Anyone would be scared by such an illusion, and even the words he said in the second illusion just now that he planned to return the Yunlei Mine back were guided to speak the truth.

Otherwise, how could he think that Zhou Fan had left so easily, and why would he speak his heart out for no reason?

Yan Gao didn't dare to think about it any more. He thought about it seriously this time, and felt that there was no need for Zhou Fan to let him fall into the illusion again. Of course, he was not sure whether Zhou Fan had already left.

He glanced at the room suspiciously, stood up, pushed open the door and walked out of the suffocating house.

He plans to ask the people in the house to change him a room, and he doesn't want to step into the house again.

It didn't take much time for Yan Gao to summon the three and four expeditions from the mansion.

"Lord Yan, what's the matter with us in such a hurry?" asked Jian Chuanning, a lay disciple of the Great Buddha Temple.

Yun Zhongnan, who came from an aristocratic family, and Eunuch Chen also looked at Yan Gao.

"It's mainly for Yunlei Mine." Yan Gao said.

"Yunlei Mine?" Yun Zhongnan said in surprise, "Could it be that the Black Water Protectorate went to the mine to make trouble?"

Jian Chuanning and Eunuch Chen also pricked up their ears.

"That's not true." Yan Gao coughed softly: "The main reason is that I think the Yunlei Mine decision we agreed on last time is a little inappropriate, so I want to discuss it with you again."

The faces of the three people in Yunzhongnan became a little more subtle.

"Master Yan, I remember that the last decision was made by you." Eunuch Chen looked puzzled.

"It was my proposal, but didn't you object?" Yan Gao sighed, "But for the past few days, I have thought about it carefully, and it is really wrong to do so."

"What's wrong?" Jian Chuanning asked.

"This Yunlei Mine has been awarded to the Heishui Dufufu for many years. Even if Hanbei Dao suddenly changed his mind and supported us to take back the Yunlei Mine, the Yunlei Mine has long been the default of the Heishui Dufufu. It's over." Yan Gao looked at the three of them with a straight face.

"Even if we are in Dongxuezhou, there is no dispute about this matter. Now that we have brought back the Yunlei Mine, the Heishui Duhufu will definitely not be convinced, and I don't know how much it will cost for this mine. dispute."

"We are all affiliated to the Great Wei, and the Heishui Duhufu is our neighbor. There is no need to hurt peace over this matter. In everything, peace is the most precious thing..."

The three people in Yunzhongnan all looked at Yan Gao who was talking with strange eyes. Some time ago, Yan Gao didn't say that. He said that Yunlei Mine should have been in Dongxuezhou. Many examples to demonstrate.

But now he has completely changed his mind. It's you who dares to be emotional, and you are also the ghost... While listening to this, the three of Yun Zhongnan slandered Yan Gao in their hearts.

"This is not right." Yun Zhongnan finally waited for Yan Gao to finish, and he pondered for a while: "The Yunlei Mine has been taken without it. The Protectorate may not appreciate it either."

"We voluntarily returned to Yunlei Mine, and the Heishui Duhufu is too late to be happy, how could they not appreciate it?" Yan Gao said anxiously: "As for the Hanbei Daozhufu..."

He paused and said, "We replied to the Hanbei Daoist Mansion, saying that we don't want Yunlei Mine, can the Hanbei Daoist Mansion still force us to accept Yunlei Mine? The Hanbei Daoist Mansion will definitely be happy for our Dongxue state ceremony. Luan Si knows the general and understands courtesy..."

Eunuch Chen looked at each other in dismay, shouldn't this Yan Gao be fake?

The high-ranking officials of the entire Hanbei Road, who do not know the conflict between the Flower Daoist and the Heishui Daduhu, and there are even well-informed people who know that the Flower Daoist will be transferred from Tiannan Dao to Hanbei Dao, and Heishui Daduhu will be transferred from Tiannan Dao to Hanbei Dao. Zhou Fan has a certain relationship.

But this kind of thing can't be put on the table, so they can't refute Yan Gao's words.

"What do you think?" Yan Gao said for a while, then looked at Yun Zhongnan and asked.

The four of them are all four envoys. Even if the envoy to the east has more power in deciding things, but if all three of them object, Yan Gao, the envoy to the east, will not be able to persist, but this method will not work, and he must continue to think about it. In other ways, if the Yunlei Mine cannot be returned to Zhou Fan, then he will be miserable.

"Yunlei Mine is a lot of income, it's a pity to go back..." Yun Zhongnan expressed his objection.

Jian Chuanning had a hesitant look on his face.

"Our family thinks that what Mr. Yan said is reasonable. The Heishui Duhufu is our neighbor. The matter of Yunlei Mine has been settled long ago, and there is no need to quarrel about it again." Eunuch Chen said.

Yan Gao looked happy. He was very grateful to Eunuch Chen. Eunuch Chen agreed. Even if Jian Chuanning objected, he could settle the matter with the envoy to the east. This is how he abused the power of the envoy to the east. Offended Yun Zhongnan and Jian Chuanning.

Yan Gao looked at Jian Chuanning and hoped that Jian Chuanning would make a statement.

"Okay, then I don't want this mine anymore." Jian Chuanning nodded slightly, he knew in his heart that if he objected, the matter would be in a stalemate. Judging by Yan Gao's appearance, he would probably settle down with a tough attitude. , not as good as he promised.

In this way, the Secretary of Yiluan in Dongxue Prefecture will not cause too many conflicts over this matter, which is not good for the four of them.

"That's it." Yun Zhongnan didn't have any reason to insist, so he reluctantly agreed.

"So good." Yan Gao said with a smile.

The other three still felt strange in their hearts, what happened to their envoy to the east, and their attitude has changed so much?

Of course, Yan Gao would not tell the three of them. After the meeting, Eunuch Chen returned to his room. He took out the sound transmission to activate it. After waiting for a while, Eunuch Ao's voice came from the sound transmission: "Little How is it?"

"Brother Ao, the matter is resolved." Eunuch Chen hung his voice and said respectfully in a low voice: "But it's strange, why did Yan Gao change his mind?"

The reason why Eunuch Chen agreed is because of Eunuch Ao. In fact, the news that Yan Gao facilitated the Yunlei Mine incident was also revealed to Eunuch Ao by Eunuch Chen.

If Yan Gao knew that Eunuch Chen betrayed him, he would definitely have the heart to strangle Eunuch Chen.

"Very good, not bad." Ao Gong Gong praised, and said mysteriously: "You don't need to worry about this, how can you guess about our family's methods?"

"Big Brother Ao is really amazing, really a role model for my generation to learn from..." Eunuch Chen was proficient in talking nonsense and flattering his ass, but he didn't believe that Eunuch Ao made Yan Gao change his mind at all.

Whoever believes is an idiot!

But he really couldn't understand why Yan Gao's attitude made a 180-degree turn.

His head hurts just thinking about it!

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