Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1447: one-legged cloud deer

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A huge one-legged cloud deer lingered outside the village.

It is ten feet tall and seven feet wide. Its entire body is composed of orange-red clouds. The antlers that spread out like coral branches are also composed of dense smoke. The sunken eye sockets are pitch-black, and no pupils can be seen.

Xiaozhai Village was very nervous.

Because the orange-red cloud is exactly the same as the cloud falling from the sky, and because the one-legged cloud deer has never been seen nearby.

This strange body is so big, like a moving house, if it really appeared, it is impossible not to have any impression.

It is very likely that it has a lot to do with the orange-red clouds that just fell from the sky.

"It should be afraid of Weigu and dare not enter the village." The patrol captain of Xiaozhai Village stood on the edge of the village and said in a deep voice.

He kept his voice calm to calm his teammates, but there was deep fear in his eyes.

If this weirdness is really related to the orange-red cloud, then judging from the movement made by the orange-red cloud, this weirdness is probably very powerful. If you don't enter the village now, it may not be because you are afraid of the Weigu in the village. Many behaviors of weirdness are impossible. explained.

The village was also in chaos because of this strange appearance.

"Weigu didn't make any movement either." Master Fu of Xiaozhai Village frowned as he watched the one-legged cloud deer.

The one-legged cloud deer sometimes stood still, and sometimes walked back and forth.

"Two adults, what should we do now?" Xiaozhai Village asked worriedly.

"It's in this direction, let everyone in the village wait at the edge of the village in the other direction. If it really rushes over and we can't hold it back, then let them flee quickly." Master Fu sighed softly.

Although the wilderness is dangerous, it is better than staying here and waiting to die. At least there is hope if you escape.

"We have already reported to Qimuli Yiluan Division, but even if Qimuli Yiluan Division wants to send someone over, it will take time." Another Master Fu said anxiously: "I hope it doesn't come over and leave quickly..."

When everyone was discussing, the one-legged cloud deer started walking again. It only had one foot, but when it walked, it was not jumping, but floating like a cloud.

Instead of walking back and forth this time, it drifted toward the village.

The Wei drum in the center of the village turned into black debris and scatters in the wind.

Fear and despair enveloped the entire village.



All kinds of news came together towards the Great Protectorate of Blackwater City, and various orders were spread from the Great Protectorate of Blackwater City to all places.

There is an abnormal news from Xishi County that has attracted the attention of Daduhufu.

After Zhou Fan got the news, he gathered everyone together.

"Before a stick of incense, there was a sudden sign of an ice storm in Gudi Township, Xishi County, but the ice storm dissipated immediately before it was formed."

"After the ice storm dissipated, an orange-red cloud appeared in the entire Gudi Township. Later, the cloud converged in one direction, and finally condensed near a village called Xiaozhai Village and landed."

"According to the last news from Xiaozhai Village, there was a one-legged deer that was 10 feet high and 7 feet wide and formed from orange-red clouds outside their village. Strange things were wandering in their village..." Du Ni said this Exception message.

The reason why it attracted attention was because it had something to do with the ice storm, which made the Great Protectorate feel an unusual aura.

After Du Ni finished speaking, Zhang Li Xiaohu frowned and said, "You said that the last message from that village means..."

"That village has lost contact." Zhou Fan said: "Qimuri, Gudi Township, is asking the nearby village to send someone to verify the specific situation."

Lost contact... Zhang Li Xiaohu was not too surprised. He asked, "Since there is a description of that weird look, have the people in the house found out what kind of weirdness it is?"

"No one knows, and is still looking up the relevant books." Du Ni said.

"The problem now is that the ice storm that suddenly appeared in Gudi Township, the talisman masters in Gudi Township did not find any signs beforehand. It appeared suddenly and disappeared suddenly." Zhou Fan said: "And after the ice storm disappeared. That strange one-legged cloud deer is also a little unusual, I am a little worried, let the Xishi County Yiluan Division send..."

Before Zhou Fan's words were finished, another clerk walked in with the news.

Zhou Fan took over the paper with the news on it, and then he looked up and said, "Everyone in Xiaozhai Village has disappeared, and there is no sign left. The one-legged cloud deer is drifting towards another village. "

The ominous news came one after another. The one-legged cloud deer was on its way to the second village, and the people of the second village got the news. They decisively abandoned the village and fled to the wilderness, but the news was cut off here. , and the people of the second village also disappeared.

The warrior who watched the one-legged cloud deer also disappeared, and the one-legged cloud deer disappeared.

When the news of the one-legged cloud deer came again, it had already appeared outside the third village.

It didn't take long for a third village to lose contact, followed by a fourth.

In the evening, there was news that the fifth village had lost contact.

There are only ten villages in Qimuli, and half of them lost contact in less than a day.

Qimuli Yiluan Division sent people to rush, but the warriors who saw the one-legged cloud deer disappeared, including the Anxi envoy of Qimuli Yiluan Division.

It was late at night, and the Great Protectorate of Heishui City was brightly The remaining five villages are still keeping in touch with the news. I haven't seen the figure of the one-legged cloud deer. It seems that it is because of the night. The reason, stopped. "Yelaitianxiang sorted out all the news.

The people of the five villages disappeared for no reason. This is the biggest event that Zhou Fan has encountered since he became the Protector of the Great. Of course, the Protectorate of the Great will continue to pay attention.

The matter has gone beyond the scope of the Qimuli Division of Yiluan, and the warriors of the Yiluan Division of Gudi Township are on their way to Qimuli.

Zhou Fan even directly ordered Xishi County Yiluan Division to send high-level warriors to support, because he was worried that Gudi Township Yiluan Division could not handle it.

However, it will take a certain amount of time for people from Yiluan Division in Gudi Township or Yiluan Division in Xishi County to arrive.

According to the speed of the village's disappearance, if the one-legged cloud deer continues to appear tomorrow, then maybe the support has not arrived yet, and there will be no village left in Qimuli.

What worries Zhou Fan even more is that the one-legged cloud deer might even rush to Qimucheng. Once there is a problem in the center of Qimuli, Qimuli will be completely destroyed.

When I want to rebuild it again, I don't know how much time it will take.

There is no academy in the Heishui Duhufu, only a branch of the Great Buddha Temple, but the number of people is pitiful, so he cannot rely on the academy and the Great Buddha Temple.

He felt enormous pressure.

"Haven't you found out the origin of that weirdness?" Zhou Fan asked Du Ni, looking at him.

Qimuli Yiluan Division, Xishi County Yiluan Division, and Heishuicheng all sent talismans to read through the classics, hoping to find the origin of the weirdness.

Only by collecting the information about the one-legged cloud deer can we deal with it better.

"No." Du Ni sighed and said, "It is very likely a new unknown and strange."

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