Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1460: Whereabouts of Clouds and Smoke

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"Do you know the reason?" Zhou Fan asked.

This situation made him very puzzled. Not all unknowables were interested in him, but some unknowable monsters were interested in him. Why were those unknowable monsters interested in him?

"The Hidden Thread Skull is very different from the Lord of Yunyan." Ying Jiu said, "It can be said that they have nothing in common except that they are both rated as unknowable. There are quite a few Hidden Thread Skulls, and they are more similar to each other. It's a group, not a weirdo..."

"And the burial ghost, they will chase after you, if it is really for the same thing, then neither the blood of the dragon **** nor the body of the scorpion is not qualified, but the lifeless person is the most likely. "

Zhou Fan froze for a moment and said, "Why is the lifeless person the most likely?"

"Because it is the most mysterious, it is not within the cause and effect of this world, and there is no person with destiny." A strange smile appeared on Yingjiu's face: "I have only read the relevant records in the classics. After boarding the ship, I have never seen the boarding of the lifeless person."

"Maybe it is the fate of your lifeless people that attracts those powerful and strange people. Maybe if you swallow you, you can make them go further. Most of the lifeless people are short-lived and will encounter unbearable bad luck. The implication may be that it will provoke some unknowable monsters."

Zhou Fan shuddered, if this is the case, then this fate is really unfortunate, and in the future, when encountering unknowable monsters, you have to be cautious.

"Of course the dead person is just a guess, I have another guess." Yingjiu said: "It may also be because of the boat, but this may not be big, because I have never heard of a boarding person like you before. the same, so the problem is more likely to be with you."

"Then is there any way you can get me out of this fate?" Zhou Fan asked hurriedly. He was really fed up with this lifeless person. He had asked several other guides before, but those guides all gave negative answers. .

"Of course it's impossible." Ying Jiu laughed dumbly, "Fate is fixed, even a cultivator who masters the law of destiny can control his own short-term destiny at most, but in doing so, he still has to make up for it, just like a river. , unless you plan to let it dry up halfway, or it will flow into the sea no matter what."

"Fate is the river that will eventually flow into the sea. If you want to change your fate, unless you reach a level beyond me... But do you think it's possible?"

The corners of Zhou Fan's eyes jumped, which means that at least in the short term he doesn't have to think about it anymore. He turned back to another topic and said, "Is there really no way to deal with that cloud smoker?"

He has asked this question several times, but Yingjiu has given negative answers, but Yingjiu often lies, so he needs to confirm it again.

"I can't think of any other ways than the ones I told you before." Yingjiu cut the fish fillet with a knife and said slowly, "Not all unknowable monsters can find its weakness. , there are some unknowable monsters, there is absolutely no way to deal with them except to crush them with strength."

Zhou Fan sighed helplessly, if this is the case, it will be troublesome.

"Don't worry too much, when it is really full, it will leave, but a lot of people will die." Yingjiu said indifferently, "This may be the first time you have seen such a thing, and you will get used to it after you see it a lot. , Sometimes it's good for a cultivator to protect himself, don't think too much, it's useless."

"Can you tell me how you killed Lord Yunyan before?" Zhou Fan asked unwillingly.

Yingjiu cut another fish fillet and said with a smile: "It was like cutting a fish, I cut it into countless pieces, and then I used the law to destroy it piece by piece, and then borrowed a device of the law of death to cut everything around me. The vitality is cut off, but I didn't expect it to survive..."

"Maybe because I, a human, killed it before, it hated humans even more."

Zhou Fan has a heart to say that if this is the case, don't you feel guilty? Anyway, give me another way to come out, but he still didn't say it, because a person like Ying Jiu would not have any guilt at all.

"You'll understand in the future that the stronger you are, the more ruthless." Yingjiu seemed to see what Zhou Fan was thinking, she ate the fish fillet and smiled, "Besides, if Lord Yunyan is only now resurrected, then I'll do it for you. All the creatures in the world have fought for a lot of time, even before I started, I didn't think so, after all, it is a matter of infinite merit, are you right?"

Zhou Fan was speechless.

Early in the morning, Zhou Fan woke up with a heavy heart. He didn't go anywhere, just stayed where he was cultivating, waiting for the first bad news.

When the first bad news came, the only benefit was to know the current position of Lord Yunyan, but even if he knew it, it would not be of much use. He could only wait for the support of the officials, hoping that they would come sooner.

The entire Gudi Township was migrating, fearing that he would become the target of the Lord of Clouds and Mist, and became a mess.

The sky was overcast with clouds, and the sun could not be seen. Zhou Fan received the message from Datuhufu only after an hour of dawn

He was stunned when he heard the news.

The news said that the Lord of Yunyan appeared in the Ice Pole State!

"Is the news accurate?" Zhou Fan took a breath and asked in disbelief.

"There can be no mistake, it is Bingji Prefecture, and the news was sent to me from the academy channel." Du Ni replied.

This is not a message from the Hanbei Daoist Mansion, but from the academy channel, so there can be no mistake.

Zhou Fan's face seemed to freeze, which was too unexpected for him.

Because Bingji Prefecture and Heishui Duhufu are separated from the Barbarian Demon Ice Territory, the Barbarian Ice Territory covers a large area, and even the barbarian tribes only live in the Barbarian Ice Territory near the Heishui Capital Protectorate. The Ice Pole State has not been invaded.

When he brought Lord Yunyan into the Demonic Ice Territory, he never thought of bringing disaster to the east. Even if he didn't like the Hanbei Taoist Lord's Mansion very much, he would not do such a thing.

He took Yunyan Lord and did not flee to the south where the Bingji State was located, but kept fleeing to the deep east of the Wild Demon Ice Territory, and at that time, he only cared about escaping for his life, and it was good to be able to escape. How could he think so much?

After escaping, the location of Yunyan Lord is much closer to Gudi Township. If he is Yunyan Lord, he should return to Gudi Township by the same way.

So he never thought that Lord Yunyan would go to Bingji State instead of near and far.

"After all, this is weird, not human, how can weird thoughts be like people..." Zhou Fan muttered to himself, a very complicated look on his face.

Du Ni and the others over there have received such news, and I am afraid their mood is very complicated.

The Black Water Protectorate is temporarily safe, but Bingji Prefecture is about to suffer.

"Send all the information we have collected about the Lord of Yunyan to the Secretary of Yiluan in Bingji Prefecture." Zhou Fan returned to his senses and said.

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