Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1464: Big defeat

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"If you don't want to give the blood of the dragon **** or the inverse chakra body, then..." Ying Jiu glanced at Zhou Fan and said with a bright smile: "It doesn't matter, I want the three little guys in your belly, what do you think? "

Want three little guys in my belly? Zhou Fan was stunned. He didn't expect Yingjiu to make such a request. He agreed without opening his mouth, but cautiously said, "Can those three guys be transferred too?"

"Why not?" Yingjiu said: "They are in your stomach, so they belong to you. This is something the ship told me to transfer, and the ship also suggested that you transfer them to me."

The corners of Zhou Fan's eyes jumped, it might be true that the transfer was possible, but the boat suggested him to transfer it to Yingjiu, but he didn't quite believe it. Tone: "The boat said you were lying."

"How is this possible? That's what the ship told me." Yingjiu insisted.

"You, even if the facts are in front of you, refuse to admit it." Zhou Fan snorted coldly.

"Okay." Yingjiu smiled: "It seems that the ship really told you, I admit that it did not make such a suggestion, but aren't you very scared of these three little guys? Transfer it to me, I will help you Solving the problem of the dangers of dreams is a beautiful thing for you to kill two birds with one stone."

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, "It sounds good, but I'm more afraid of death. The boats are said to belong to me, but they are not under my control. They seem to be able to see my thoughts. If I let them know that I sell them Well, maybe they'll kill me."

"You don't need to worry about this issue at all." Ying Jiu comforted her softly: "They are one with you now. If you die, they won't survive. How can they harm you? As long as we make a deal, when they are born, the boat will not survive. They'll put them on the boat, and they won't be able to kill you if they want."

Zhou Fan didn't say a word. He was indeed afraid of the three things in his stomach, but the more Yingjiu said that, the less he dared to use them in exchange with Yingjiu. For him, there were too many unpredictable things.

When Yingjiu saw that Zhou Fan refused to exchange, her face suddenly turned cold, "Then just wait to die."

After she finished speaking, she ignored Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fancai didn't care whether Yingjiu was angry or not, he turned around and went to practice.

A few days later, in addition to cultivating, Zhou Fan was also shocked by the news from Bingji Province.

Lord Yunyan is in Bingji Prefecture. After swallowing a mile of people, he will stop to digest for a while. This period of time provides valuable time for the reinforcements of the Iceji Prefecture Yiluan Division and the Hanbei Daoist Mansion.

After Lord Yunyan devoured the people in the second mile, the monks from Bingji Province and the high-level warriors and monks from the Hanbei Road Lord's Mansion finally gathered, and under the leadership of the leader of Hanbei Road, Hua Feihua, they attacked Lord Yunyan.

But the result was terrible. At the beginning of the battle, eleven cultivators died on the spot, and the number of dead high-level warriors was even more numerous. The surviving cultivators all fled quickly. It is reported that the front leader of Hanbei Road, Hua Feihua, broke a left arm. to escape.

After hearing the news, Zhou Fan became silent. He originally thought that there was a reminder from the Great Protectorate that these people should not act so recklessly. A way to deal with the Lord of Clouds.

What did they think it was? This is unknowable and strange, and it is simply ignorant of life and death.

In the end, he still didn't believe in the Great Protectorate. Zhou Fan sighed because of this. He didn't care about taking pleasure in Hua Feihua's misfortune. How to deal with them when they are killed.

The Hanbei Daoist Mansion's action against Yunyanzhu failed, and when the news of the heavy losses reached Jingdu, the entire Jingdu officialdom became a sensation.

Eleven cultivators and thousands of high-level warriors, such heavy losses have not occurred in Dawei Qidao for a long time.

At the court meeting that day, officials of the academy faction, led by Chen Zheng, launched an impeachment against Hua Feihua.

The officials of the aristocratic family and the Wild Fox faction were silent and did not dare to refute any more, because the facts were in front of them, and Hua Feihua was the initiator of this operation. With such a huge loss, whoever stood up to argue for Hua Feihua would be punished. Sprayed with blood.

Not only the academy faction, the officials of the Great Buddha Temple, who have always been neutral, also began to stand on the side of the academy faction and support the academy's impeachment of Hua Feihua, because among the eleven monks this time, one of the dead golden monks belonged to the Great Buddha Temple. , the Big Buddha Temple can no longer stand idly by, they want to spend Feihua paying the price.

It is impossible for Sansan to suppress the memorial of impeachment and send the memorial of impeachment Hua Feihua into the imperial study.

Impeaching Hua Feihua is one thing, and the various forces of the Wei Dynasty are also concerned about how to solve the Lord Yunyan.

Hua Feihua's actions this time also confirmed that the Dadu Protectorate's judgment was correct. Even if this monstrosity was not unknowable, it was terrifyingly powerful.

At least Hanbei Dao is difficult to solve this weirdness.

So what to do?

The civil servants were noisy, but they all knew that this kind of thing was not something they could solve.

Dawei Tianzi just picked up the memorial, casually opened it and looked at it, then threw it on the table without looking again.

Standing beside him was the goose father-in-law.

Dawei Tianzi raised his eyebrows slightly. He was not worried about Hua Feihua. He thought about it and said, "Is the Lord Yunyan confirmed to be unknowable?"

"There are indeed some records in the classics, but not many, but Hanbei Dao can't deal with it. Now that it has eaten so many people, it can only be treated as an unknowable." Eun Gong said softly.

"I don't know its weakness." Emperor Wei sighed: "The North Cold Road is too far away, and I don't know its strength. Will Wei Cangjiang help to test it?"

"I've asked, it doesn't want it." Eunuch Goose was silent for a while and said, "But according to the agreement, we'll take a tougher attitude. Even if it doesn't want to, it will shoot."

Emperor Wei hesitated for a moment and said, "Forget it, don't force it, lest there will be another wave in Hanbei Dao, since that's the case, I'll come."

"Your Majesty, the matter of the red-brained demon has just passed..." Eunuch Goe couldn't help but persuade.

"It's okay, in fact, it doesn't make much sense to test. Since it may be unknowable, then this reason is enough." Emperor Wei said lightly.

As his words fell, a layer of shallow ripples rippled across the huge blue mirror that accommodated the palace.

The one-legged cloud deer that was drifting towards the next human gathering place in Bingjizhou stopped. It raised its head covered with coral branches and long horns and looked in the direction of Jingdu.

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