Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1467: why are you so proud

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It's not impossible to kill Hua Feihua.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly and quickly overturned the previous idea. If he used the red fortune droplets and the law wheel, there was a certain chance that he could kill Hua Feihua, but after the efficacy of the red fortune water droplets, he would be in bad luck. This side effect is too strong, this method can only be regarded as an alternative.

He had to come up with a way to kill Hua Feihua without major side effects.

He meditated in the house for a while, and an idea came to his mind.

Ten days later, he found Du Ni and the others, explained a few words, and then left Blackwater City.

As soon as he got out of Blackwater City, he took his little sister to run unhurriedly, gradually moving away from Blackwater City, and then slowly stopped.

Zhou Fan looked around the white snow, but saw no figures, only two snow bunnies were seen in the distance, and he said mockingly, "Hua Feihua, come here. "How long do you have to wait until you dare to come out?"

Hua Feihua had already handed over the seal of Hanbei Daoist and left Hanbei Daocheng.

If you want to kill him, the time has come to Blackwater City.

Hua Feihua came slowly in the distance from the snow. He wore a jasper crown on his head, and three gold, silver and jade tokens were tied around his waist. The tokens were inscribed with different runes.

He looked at Zhou Fan calmly.

Zhou Fan also looked at Hua Feihua in silence, ironically speaking, this was the first time he had seen one of the former Seven Great Dao Masters.

Hua Feihua said indifferently, "Why are you so proud?"

Of course, Hua Feihua also saw that Zhou Fan was deliberately leading him out, but he still didn't care, because in Dawei, of course, he was not an invincible existence, but in Hanbei Dao, what cultivator was his opponent?

He couldn't think of any reason to fear Zhou Fan?

If he is so afraid, then he doesn't have to do anything in the future.

"I didn't expect that a person of your identity would also be a swordsman." Zhou Fan said with some feeling.

"Duanmu Xiaohong is not in Hanbei Road, and you left the city again, why are you so proud?" Hua Feihua said with a disdainful face: "What can you rely on to win me?"

"Why do you keep asking? Are you afraid?" Zhou Fan asked back with a smile.

Hua Feihua laughed wildly, he laughed unbridled, and the thick white snow on the ground gave birth to colorful flowers.

The flowers are blooming, the flowers are blooming into the sea.

The ice and snow have become a sea of ​​flowers, as if the cold winter has ended and the spring has arrived.

Zhou Fan only had a little place to stand, and thousands of flowers were absorbing his true essence and blood.

This is Hua Feihua's rune-seeded Soul Devouring Flower. Once the Soul Devouring Flower is unfolded, it is difficult for ordinary monks to resist.

"Why are you so proud?" Hua Feihua asked softly, "If it weren't for the academy, what qualifications would you have to be my opponent?"

It's him who should be proud.

Zhou Fan looked at the thousands of blooming flowers, and a strange and evil smile appeared on his face.

"Ah, what a beautiful little flower." He said with admiration, then spread his arms and let himself fall into the blooming sea of ​​flowers, rolling around in the sea of ​​flowers, he was giggling, his body covered with bright petals.

It seems that the Soul Devouring Flower can no longer play any role on 'Zhou Fan', because this is no longer Zhou Fan, but Ying Jiu.

Hua Feihua's face was slightly condensed, and he whispered to himself: "Is it possessed? It turns out that this is what you rely on, but you want to win me?"

Hua Feihua had countless patterned talismans appearing all over his body, and the flowers in the sea of ​​​​flowers became more and more beautiful, and there was also a faint flame. He used his own flames.

Ying Jiu's body, who was rolling around in the sea of ​​flowers, was quickly sucked into a human body, and the crimson flames burned her, causing her to let out a terrifying scream.

Hua Feihua watched indifferently until the bones were burnt into fine dust particles in the sea of ​​​​flaming flowers. A faint smile appeared on his face, but the smile froze before the smile fully emerged.

In the place where no **** was left, the flames were rapidly receding, the bones and dust particles flew back, and the time picture was reversing rapidly, Yingjiu returned to her original appearance, she smiled gloomily: "Come and kill me. Ah, if you can't kill me, then you're going to die."

Hua Feihua had an uncontrollable chill in the bottom of her heart. What happened to this person, why did he not die even after receiving his rune and flames?

This is impossible!

Hua Feihua knew something must have gone wrong, but he was experienced, but without any stagnation, he reached out and took off his golden token.

The golden token turned into a round of golden blazing sun rising.

"All traces!" Hua Feihua said coldly.

The blazing sun shines brightly, sweeping away all the shadows. He suspects that the other party has hidden the body, otherwise it is impossible to die like this.

Yingjiu just smiled evilly. She glanced sideways at the golden blazing sun above her head and praised, "Nice little sun, it's so warm and comfortable."

Hua Feihua's face changed slightly, his token could not only illuminate the trace, but also kill the opponent.

Yingjiu is like a vacation in the ocean of flowers in spring, she reached out and picked a flower, put it between her nose and sniffed, "You junior, is this the only thing you can do? Kill me~www.readwn .com~ Although this flower is beautiful, I'm tired of seeing it."

As soon as she said a word, the sea of ​​flowers withered rapidly.

Hua Feihua's face suddenly turned pale, his eyes showed horror, he had already formed a golden elixir, and the talisman seed was within the golden elixir. He couldn't see how this person made a move, but it could severely damage his talisman seed!

The jasper crown on his head exuded strands of jasper light, which penetrated into his nose and mouth, making his complexion quickly return to normal.

This jasper crown is the magic weapon of his life that he cultivated into the golden elixir, which can make him recover quickly.

Yingjiu sat cross-legged, and she didn't make another move.

The flowers are blooming again.

The flowers bloom into the sea.

The flame entwined flowers attacked Yingjiu, but this time it seemed to be hit by an illusory shadow and could not hurt Yingjiu in the slightest.

The scorching sun in the sky is also getting more and more blazing, and the golden light blasts down one after another, just like a talisman seed, without any use.

"Is that all you have?" She was laughing, her laugh funny and harsh.

Hua Feihua didn't smile, he took off the silver token from his waist, and the silver token turned into a mass of silver light, and the bright light spread out and turned into a mysterious talisman.


Yingjiu's laughter stopped abruptly, her whole body stopped, gray lines appeared on her body, and she became a gray stone sculpture.

Hua Feihua held the last sapphire token, and the sapphire token turned into a sapphire knife covered with runes.

In just an instant, he reached the gray stone sculpture that Ying Jiu had transformed into, and slashed out ninety-nine-eighty-one knives.

The gray stone carvings collapsed like a knife cutting tofu.

Hua Feihua's face is bright, this knife can directly attack the human soul, can this person still be alive now?

The gravel on the ground shook slightly, flew up, and shaped into an identical gray stone statue.

The gray stone statue said, "Come, cut it again."

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