Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1471: round tower

The gray and white round pagoda is about ten feet high, very similar to the Buddhist pagoda, but it seems to have no windows and no tile roof, and it seems to be in a sealed state.

Zhou Fan was still far away from it, so he might not have a window. Perhaps because the window was too small to see clearly, he continued to walk in the direction of the round tower.

He passed through a deserted village. The houses in the village were dilapidated, most of the roofs had collapsed, the wooden or mud walls were entwined with vines, and gray moss grew in the shadows.

There were no living creatures in the village, and no human or animal skeletons.

The silence was heartbreaking.

What the **** is going on in this dream?

He found that there were some snakes, worms and ants in the forest, but there was nothing here. The snakes, worms and ants seemed to stay away from here.

He searched and found nothing more, so he left the village and walked towards the round tower.

He walked to the grass, and the round tower was getting closer and closer to him.

But there is a black rock trail in the grass.

If it weren't for the dream world, he would definitely avoid this black stone path... It should be said that he would stay away from the gray and white round tower, but he is now in the dream world, and the dream told him that he should walk through the black stone path.

So he really stepped into the Blackrock Trail.

The light and shadow were constantly changing, and when the change stopped, what he saw was still green grass, but a strange feeling emerged in his heart.

He seemed to have been subjected to a lot of peeping, with great malicious peeping, and his body trembled faintly.

Who is watching him?

Zhou Fan took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He raised his foot again and walked forward.

The light and shadow were changing again, and many scenes flashed before his eyes, but he couldn't capture a clear picture, and he couldn't see what was going on in these scenes.

Every time you lift your foot and stop, the light and shadow change will stop.

He tried it a few times.

He understood that it was the influence of the Black Rock Trail, and the feeling of being maliciously peeped became stronger and stronger, as if something would jump out at any time and devour him.

Even though I knew it was a dream, I couldn't suppress the fear in my heart.

He quickened his pace, the light and shadow changed faster and faster, his eyes hurt from irritation, and blood flowed from his eyes.

He no longer tried to distinguish these light and shadow content, but closed his eyes and walked, occasionally stopping to confirm that he had not walked out of the Black Rock Trail, and then closed his eyes and walked.

The feeling of malicious peeping is strong enough to be real.

Finally, he finally arrived in front of the gray and white round tower.

Sure enough, the tower has no windows, except for the arched tower door, which is a completely sealed building.

The gray-white walls were smooth and brand new, and the material could not be seen, as if it had just been built, and the tower was even bigger than what he saw in the distance.

He couldn't see what was inside the tower gate. The tower looked dark and deep, and there was no light shining through.

He never walked in through the not-so-wide tower gate, only to find that the sealed round tower was not as dark as he thought.

But where does light come from? Why can't I see anything outside? He couldn't figure it out either.

The inside of the tower is covered with dust and cobwebs sticking together, and it seems that no one has visited here for a long time.

He looked at the spiral gray-white staircase, was silent for a moment, and then stepped on the gray-white staircase to the second floor.

The second layer is stacked with human skeletons, and countless yellow and white skeletons are stacked together, as if telling the tragic past before their death.

He had almost nowhere to go, but fortunately the gray and white stairs leading to the third floor were not blocked, so he ignored the bones and walked to the third floor.

After walking up to the third floor, it was a rotting corpse, not a human corpse, nor a beast's corpse, but a variety of indescribable corpses. The corpse worms glowing green were sucking carrion.

The rotten smell made his internal organs seem to be turned upside down. He covered his nose and felt a little puzzled. These seemingly strange corpses were just rotting. Didn't they die for a long time?

The fourth floor seemed to have nothing, but the walls were inscribed with densely packed characters, which were somewhat like tadpoles, swimming back and forth, switching back and forth between darkness and light.

He looked shocked, looking at the words that seemed to have life, and these words were somewhat similar to the ancient words he had seen in Zhou Xiaoxiao before.

He came closer and looked closely, but couldn't understand the meaning, but the words conveyed a very clear emotion to him.

Fear... They were feeling fear, and there was a chill oozing from the bottom of his heart, what were they afraid of?

These words are constantly changing and cannot be remembered. If they are forced to remember, it seems to absorb a huge amount of unknown knowledge, and the impact will make people's souls collapse. There are many differences with those of Zhou Xiaoxiao. He doesn't know if it is the same word. .

He touched it with his hand, and the gray-white wall powder rustled down, and the words in one place disappeared, and his touch killed these words.

He stood quietly and observed for a while, or left, and came to the fifth floor. The fifth floor was still filled with those strange characters that would swim on the walls. Other than that, there seemed to be nothing.

The feeling of malicious peeping came again. He couldn't help but turn around and saw a dark corner. There seemed to be a face looking at him. He walked quickly, but saw nothing.

The face seemed to be gone, but the feeling of malicious peeping did not dissipate.

What is looking at me... He thought irritably, and walked up the stairs to the sixth floor. On the sixth floor, eight gray-white rays of light were suspended, and the rays of light were flickering, as if they could breathe.

He tried to reach out and touch one of the gray-white rays of light, but nothing happened. There were still floating words on the sixth floor wall, and the words seemed to be afraid of something.

He couldn't figure it out, but when he kept going up, his nose could still smell the rotten and stinky smell. After walking up to the seventh floor, he saw a lot of skin as thin as cicada wings, piled up on the seventh floor.

He picked up one of the peculiarly shaped skins, which seemed to be the skins shed by some peculiar existence, but other than that, there was no abnormal change.

He pulled off the skins and looked at the wall, there was no more words on the wall.

He silently counted the height he had walked. If he guessed correctly, the tower should be on the ninth floor, and if it was on the ninth floor, there should be two floors left.

This tower contains strange Except for those words, there is no connection.

What about the last two floors?

When he was thinking like this, he had already walked up the gray-white stairs.

On the eighth floor, he saw a corpse. Looking at the swollen, pus-filled corpse, his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and his face showed fear.

This is his own body.

Suddenly seeing his body in front of him, even though he was mentally prepared to face the fear, he still felt a shudder.

He took a deep breath and told himself that it was only a dream that made his soul come to an end, and he looked directly at his corpse.

The corpse was swollen. Yellow-black pus flowed out, and bright green hairs appeared on the face and arms.

He had a feverish, dizzy feeling, and there was something outstretching its paw and scratching his neck.

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