Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1481: It doesn't matter

Yes, why? Zhou Fan's rise is too abrupt and too fast!

Xiao Hui's words made Wang Daozi and Ye Gaoshan silent for a while, and a chill grew in their hearts.

They never believed in the existence of the so-called Diaoshen Sect. In their view, the Diaoshen Sect was just a layer of skin put on by the forces behind Zhou Fan.

"It's not surprising." Ye Gaoshan said suddenly: "They disappeared for so many years, maybe they left the Great Wei, developed far away, and only come back now."

This speculation is very reasonable. No matter how strong Xiao Yewang's three clans are, the most they can do is to investigate the neighboring two countries.

But how could a family that was on the verge of annihilation go so far back then?

Wang Daozi picked up the teacup, took a sip and said, "How to deal with them?"

No matter how the other party survived and developed, the question now is how to solve this serious problem?

"Under the current situation, keeping the troops in motion is the best countermeasure." Ye Gaoshan coughed again, he could hold back during the court meeting, but he would not hold back his cough in private, "We even they I don’t know how many people have the strongest cultivation base, and it’s not very useful to continue to send cultivators.”

"Do you just watch them grow step by step?" Xiao Hui said solemnly.

"You are wrong, they are already so powerful, not growing step by step." Ye Gaoshan added: "The only thing we need to worry about is that they told the truth of the year to the Great Wei Royal Family, but they wanted to say that they had already said that they would not. Until now."

"Even if I say it, I'm not afraid." Wang Daozi showed a cold expression, "It's been three thousand years, not to mention that they have no evidence, even if there is evidence, the three of us have been loyal to the Li royal family for three thousand years. What did the past do to us?"

"I think the best thing is to pretend not to know and try to compensate the Zhou family."

Xiao Hui said worriedly: "We really don't need to worry about the Li family, but our opponent is the Zhou family. With three thousand years of hatred, they have already hated our three families to the core. If the Li family compensates the Zhou family, it will be for us. The scariest thing ever."

"We can't let the Zhou family rise." Ye Gaoshan, the most old-fashioned and conservative, said solemnly: "The ancestral teaching must not be forgotten. This is the foundation for our three families to stand for three thousand years."

Wang Daozi and Xiao Hui both showed awe.

The ancestral teachings of the three families that only the patriarch can know are actually the same, there are only three.

The first rule is never to betray the royal family of the Great Wei Li family!

The second rule is to kill that family!

The third rule is that women from the clan should not be married into the royal family. If a woman in the clan is favored by the royal family, she should be expelled from the family first, and people in the clan should not have any contact with them.

The first and third points are the attitude of the three families of Xiao Yewang towards the Great Wei Li family, and the second one is for the Zhou family. The ancestors listed a separate ancestral instruction, and the three families of Xiao Yewang have never forgotten the three ancestral instructions.

"It seems that the ancestors also knew that it was not easy to destroy the Zhou family, so they left such a legacy." Wang Daozi sighed.

"The ancestors did not necessarily expect this situation." Ye Gaoshan frowned and said: "The ancestors left such a legacy because the Zhou family's deceitful talent is too strong, and without killing them, the three of us will never be able to Peace of mind."

The three discussed it for a while, and they all felt that they needed to figure out the strength of the Zhou family before they could wait for an opportunity.

"Will the Sage really let Zhou Fan be the Daoist of Hanbei?" Xiao Hui asked, his handsome face also looking a little gloomy.

If there is one person in the Zhou family who is the master of the Tao, it would be really uncomfortable for them, so they tried their best to plan a court discussion and persuade the emperor Wei in the name of a civil official.

They also did not expect that the Zhou family would have a solution to Lord Yunyan, which made the reversal of the situation all of a sudden become serious.

"Probably not..." Ye Gaoshan paused and sighed, "It's hard to say."

The thoughts of the current sage are the most difficult to guess among the emperors of Great Wei. No one knows what he is thinking, that's why Ye Gaoshan said this.



Eunuch Egong presented the exhortation memorial written by the civil servants to the Emperor of Wei.

Dawei Tianzi just opened the memorial, glanced at it, and put it aside. He picked up the sapphire jug, took a sip of wine, and smiled gently: "Why did you come out today?"

Eunuch Goe will not appear unless it is important. Now he will hand over the memorial to the Great Wei Emperor, which shows that the matter is very important.

"Are you also interested in the matter of the Hanbei Daoist?" The Emperor Wei said in a teasing tone.

The Master of One Path, in the view of the Great Wei Tianzi, can't be placed in the eyes of Eunuch Eun, that's why he said this.

"Old slave doesn't dare." Eunuch Goe said with a wry smile.

"The old man looked at me and said what he wanted to say without hesitation." The Great Wei Tianzi said again, he always treated Eunuch Eun as his elder.

"Duanmu Xiaohong refused to reveal what method Zhou Fan used to drive away the Lord of Yunyan, and he took all the responsibilities. Seriously, if something happened, he was willing to take responsibility for it." Eunuch Eun said slowly.

Zhou Fan drove away the master of Yunyan, of course the officials were interested, but they didn't even ask questions because Duanmu Xiaohong made a promise.

"Senior Brother Xiaohong is also a gentleman." The Great Wei Tianzi said, "He said there is no problem, then there should be no problem."

"The old slave is not suspicious of Duanmu Eunuch Eun squinted slightly and said, "The old slave is worried that Zhou Fan has a problem. "

"Zhou Fan..." Da Wei Tianzi took another sip of wine. He heard this name was still in the Hua Feihua affair, but even for him now, this name only represented a genius like Da Wei. The scorching sun is rising, other than that, he doesn't have much thought.

"The Diaoshen Sect may not be called the Diaoshen Sect. It is rumored that Zhou Fan is from that sect, but this old slave has never heard of such a sect." Eunuch Eun said calmly: "If this sect exists, then it is not the sect of the Great Wei Dynasty. It will not be Xi Liang or East Vietnam.”

"Your Majesty, it is impossible for Zhou Fan or the academy alone to drive away the Lord of Cloud Mist. It may be that the Diaoshen Sect took action."

"Aren't you worried about Zhou Fan, but about Diaoshen Sect?" Emperor Wei said silently.

Eunuch Goe nodded slightly and admitted: "Your Majesty, every once in a while, there will always be some foreign forces coveting our Great Wei's most precious Tongtian Mirror..."

"I understand." Emperor Wei interrupted Eunuch E's words and said lightly, "But they did drive away Lord Yunyan. As long as they didn't show such intentions, why should they care?"

Now it was Eunuch Goe's turn to be silent for a while and bowed his head, "If the sage said so, this old slave will be relieved."

Emperor Wei raised his head to drink and said seriously again: "Old man, I know you are still worried, but you really don't need to care. The forces coveting the Tongtian Mirror come and go, who can take it away? So it doesn't matter."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Eunuch Goe breathed a sigh of relief. Compared with the previous answer, he was truly relieved.



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