Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1488: Jindan

"You shouldn't be able to do it." Zhou Fan turned his head and said: "Zhou Xiaomao told me that if you want to check a person's closed reincarnation memory, you need to be very strong to do it. This is not something that can be done by a single soul. things to come.”

"You can't do it, it doesn't mean I can't do it." Yingjiu smiled and said, "You don't need to worry about why I can do it, you just need to know that it won't kill you, what are you afraid of? "

"As long as you show me your memory, your natal magic weapon will have the law of the heart. Where can you find such a good thing?"

Zhou Fan remained silent. Even though he knew that the law of the heart was dangerous to use, he still wanted it, because this law was powerful enough, and it was really at the juncture of life and death. How could he even care whether it was dangerous or not, maybe it would become a trump card to reverse everything.

"A memory that even boats dare not look at, aren't you afraid of death?" Zhou Fan asked curiously.

"I'm afraid." Yingjiu said, "But I just want to see it, even if I'm afraid of death."

Zhou Fan: "..."

He asked tentatively again, "Do you have any other powerful but not very dangerous laws besides the law of the heart?"

"Of course there are laws, but they are not comparable to the laws of the heart. Are you sure you need such laws?" Yingjiu said.

Zhou Fan thought about it for a while, uh, it seemed that he didn't have many choices, he didn't rush to agree, it was a big deal, he needed to think about it.

Yingjiu didn't mean to rush, she was very patient with this kind of thing.

After Zhou Fan obtained the "Golden Core Secret Record", he handed over the affairs of the Taoist Lord's mansion to Du Ni and the others, and began to retreat and study the exercises.

In such a flash, another seven days passed, and Zhou Fan used the seven days to finally master the "Golden Pill Secret Record".

After he had fully understood the exercises, on the morning of the eighth day, he activated the protective formation in the courtyard, sat down with his legs crossed, adjusted his state to the best, and the true essence in his body started to run according to the exercises.

A jet-black flame rune appeared between his eyebrows, followed by his cheeks, and the rest of his face, hands, arms, and other parts of his body had jet-black flame runes.

There were all kinds of strange illusions manifesting all over his body. The little sisters and the others had already hid in the house. Otherwise, they might be completely lost in the illusions.

Zhou Fan closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, he appeared in the space of pure white light.

In front of his eyes was a cloud of dark burning mud.

This is the delusion of his rune king.

Zhou Fan pointed his finger at his rune, and black and red yin winds began to breed, and soon filled the entire space.

This black and red yin wind is his ghost dream calamity.

The cold wind blew past, but it couldn't have any influence on him, because it had already been refined by him.

Zhou Fan's face was solemn, and his hands formed mysterious marks.

The black, red and cold wind began to converge with the dark burning mud as the center, completely surrounding the dark burning mud.

Time is passing slowly, and the black-red gloomy wind and the burning dark mud are constantly merging, and finally a bead the size of a fist condenses.

The surface of the round beads has black and red lines, which breeds black and red wind and dark flames.

The wind blew the fire, and the beads shone brightly, illuminating the entire space.

Dan Cheng!

When Zhou Fan opened his eyes again, he had already returned to the courtyard, and the thick True Essence rose again and again, emitting from the body, and the formation barrier that was originally arranged was also shaken by the impact of these True Essences.

As soon as he thought about it, the real essence was all contained in the body, otherwise these real essence formations would not last long.

With a faint smile on his face, he finally succeeded in forging a golden elixir and became a cultivator in the golden elixir realm.

He opened his mouth, and a black and red bead flew out of his mouth. The bead the size of a projectile quickly turned into the size of a fist and was suspended in the air. The black and red wind was entwined with the jet-black flame.

The beads are connected to his mind.

He opened his mouth slightly again, and the golden core became smaller and burrowed into his mouth.

Ordinary cultivators will not release their golden elixir unless it is for special cultivation or forging magical treasures. Otherwise, once the golden elixir is destroyed, they will die.

In addition to the growth of True Essence in the Golden Core Realm, it also has a rapid increase in lifespan. Just when he entered the Golden Core Realm in the early stage, his lifespan can also increase by thirty years.

In this way, his life span has reached one hundred and fifty-five years!

Of course, Zhou Fan was not complacent about this. He knew very well that he had been brave and diligent along the way, and he had not encountered difficulties in cultivation. Once many monks were stuck in a certain state, their lifespan may be exhausted, and they may not be able to get a breakthrough.

"Of course, judging from my outstanding talent, I'm afraid it's very difficult to encounter a practice dilemma like an ordinary cultivator." Zhou Fan thought to himself.

While he realized the changes in the Golden Core Realm, he couldn't hide his joy. His current realm was really barely in line with his identity as a Taoist master.

Of course, his Golden Core Realm is different from that of an ordinary cultivator, and the ordinary Immortal Realm will not be his opponent in this Golden Core Realm.

As for an opponent like a Daoist, it is a bit difficult to say. After all, every Daoist is a leader in the same realm. It is not so easy to kill a Daoist. This is because the immortal realm is always difficult to kill, and some Daoists even beyond immortality.

After a while, he took out a golden box from the storage bag.

Inside the box is the magic weapon of natal life that he obtained, the magic sausage Zhou Fan looked at the box and pondered. Now that he has entered the Golden Core Realm, the matter of the magic weapon of natal life cannot be delayed any longer.

During this time, he has been considering the conditions proposed by Yingjiu, but when it comes time to make a decision, he will inevitably hesitate.

Even though Yingjiu repeatedly assured her that she would swear with her heart, he was still a little worried. After all, Yingjiu's personality is eccentric, no different from a lunatic, can she really trust her?

"As long as she's not really crazy, then she has no reason to break her oath and hurt me. I don't think she's really crazy."

"Don't mention Daoxin's oath, she swears to the boat that if she is bound by the boat, it will be difficult for her to hurt me..."

Zhou Fan's eyes became resolute, he couldn't take no risk at all, so the price risk was already very small for him.

He opened the golden box and made a decision in his heart, so he would not hesitate any longer. Now the remaining question is what should his natal magic weapon look like?

The phantom sausage ice in the box collided left and right. Although there were not many materials, it was actually enough to forge any shape.

Once the natal magic weapon is made, it can be large or small, so there is no need to consider the volume issue.

Zhou Fan first ruled out bells, mirrors, dings, bells and other magical weapons. What he needs is magic weapons with cutting and lethality, because the phantom ice has a bad luck effect. , it will not be able to effectively exert the characteristics of phantom ice.

As for adding the law of the heart, it doesn't need to consider the influence of the form. The law of the heart is motivated by the cultivator, ignoring the ability of distance.

Zhou Fan gradually had an idea in his heart!


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