Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1490: madman

Yingjiu stretched, she glanced at the little sister and Momo in the room, and smiled.

Both Xiaomei and Momo felt strange looking at Yingjiu, and they felt that the master had become a little different.

Yingjiu ignored the little sister and Momo, her figure faded and disappeared into the room.

The little sister and Momo looked at each other, but Zhou Fan didn't let them follow, so they stayed in the room.

In a very short time, Yingjiu left Hanbei Daocheng and appeared outside the wilderness.

Zhou Fan didn't know why Yingjiu left Hanbei Daocheng, he could only watch now.

When Yingjiu arrived in the wilderness, she waved her hand, and a set of talismans flew out from the storage bag, which was arranged around, covering her figure.

When she thought about it, the storage bag flew out of the pitch-black knife forged by the ice phantom.

"This prototype is too ugly." Ying Jiu said.

"It's easy to use." Zhou Fan coughed lightly. He never cared whether the weapon's shape was good-looking or not. It was like he liked the bug girl, not because of her beauty. This is the same reason.

As for what he likes about bug girls, this is a question worthy of further investigation.

Yingjiu didn't care either, she opened her mouth, and the golden pill that Zhou Fan made flew out again.

The golden pill reflects the snow.

Yingjiu flicked her fingers lightly, and a strand of transparent filaments flew towards the suspended jet-black knife, entangled in the blade's edge, and the jet-black knife trembled faintly.

Yingjiu's hands formed a seal, and the transparent filaments turned into countless white brilliance and penetrated into the jet-black knife.

Until the white brilliance completely merged into the jet-black knife, the jet-black knife burst into a deep black light, and bursts of pleasant Taoist sounds came out.

Yingjiu waved gently, the jet-black knife received the black light, and flew around her like a swimming fish, and finally flew into the golden core with black and red lines.

"This is done, it looks really simple." Zhou Fan watched Ying Jiu take back his golden core in the sea of ​​souls, and he couldn't help but spit out a bad sentence.

But he also knows that it may be really simple, but a thread of law is not so easy to obtain.

Yingjiu took out the soul-refining bowl from the storage bag again, and she gently stroked the edge of the soul-refining bowl with her hand, "Accept."

Zhou Fanren's soul exclaimed and was taken out of the soul sea and inhaled into the soul refining bowl.

The corners of Yingjiu's mouth were slightly upturned, and a sinister smile emerged. She closed her eyes and let her split soul sink into the soul refining bowl.

Zhou Fan appeared in the sky blue space, and he knew that he must be in the soul refining bowl.

A pair of evil eyes suddenly appeared above the sky blue space, and there were countless runes generated in the eyes.

Zhou Fan found himself as if he was about to explode, his body was boiling with dark flames.

He knew that those eyes must have been made by Ying Jiu's spell, in order to check his deep memory.

He also had a strong feeling of being watched. He was no stranger to this feeling. He had felt it in that round tower world.

As if after a long time, those evil eyes suddenly shattered like mirrors.

Zhou Fan frowned slightly, was it a success or a failure?

He waited patiently, believing that he would be out soon.

Yingjiu outside opened her eyes, her face was gloomy, "As expected, it's not that simple. I didn't see anything, so I broke my technique."

But she quickly showed a smile, looked at the soul refining bowl in her hand and said slowly: "Ship, this time I won."

"Zhou Fan's soul is in my hands. If I want, I can kill him at any time."

"It's not that the golden elixir is broken and the body is destroyed. Once the human soul is destroyed, even you can't save it."

"This is between my thoughts, even if you want to destroy my soul, but you are not as fast as me, I can definitely destroy his soul before you do it, I believe you will understand what I mean Facts, right?"

Zhou Fan in the soul-refining bowl also heard Yingjiu's words. With a look of astonishment on his face, he shouted loudly, "If you kill me, then you will also die. You made an oath."

"Of course I know that." Yingjiu laughed and said, "But I'm a lunatic, I just want to bet my life on yours, who can stop me?"

Zhou Fan's face became ugly. Yingjiu had fulfilled her promise of refining the magic weapon of her own destiny. Now she said that she would kill other people's souls, but as long as she didn't really do it, the heart of the Tao would not attack, and if Yingjiu didn't lie, then Even if the boat kills Yingjiu, he will be finished.

He did all the calculations, but he never thought that Ying Jiu would really be willing to kill him with the life of her top cultivator.

This crazy woman!

"Calm down." Zhou Fan in the soul refining bowl had nothing to do, sweat oozing out of his forehead, this was just what he thought, the human soul manifested, in fact it is impossible for a human soul to sweat, "Why do you want to kill me?"

Zhou Fan thought to himself, even if Yingjiu said that he wanted to kill him before, there is no need to be crazy enough to kill him with his own life, right?

Is it worth it?

"Because you are highly valued by the ship, other boarding people don't have such treatment." Ying Jiu said with a smile: "You should be very important to the ship, then if I kill you, the ship should be very angry, that's enough. "

Just to make the ship angry, you will die with me, isn't this sick? Zhou Fan sneered in his heart, and he hurriedly said: "If you make the boat angry, you will win? What kind of winning method is this?"

"This is my way of winning." Yingjiu said with a crazy smile on her face: "You won't understand, the battle between me and the ship is not only a competition of cultivation realm, but also a competition of strategies, I will destroy it. It's the plan, and I think it's me who won."

You are really crazy... Zhou Fan twitched the corner of his mouth, but he knew that there was still a chance. If Yingjiu really wanted to make a move, he would have made a move a long time ago. Jiu started, if Yingjiu just didn't want to do it so quickly, wouldn't he urge Yingjiu to start?

"Of course if Chuan is willing to admit defeat to me, then I don't want to use my life to kill yours." Yingjiu sneered: "Are you willing to admit defeat, Chuan?"

Zhou Fan thought that if he just said one word of admit defeat, it would not be difficult, but he couldn't agree for the boat either.

"Of course before you speak admitting defeat will cost you a price." Yingjiu said again.

"What do you want?" Zhou Fan asked for the boat with a light cough.

"First of all, I want it to appear. I want to see its body. As for other requirements, I will tell it to my face." Yingjiu chuckled again.

"What if it doesn't have a body, or the body is too big to show up?" Zhou Fan hurriedly persuaded: "What's the use of seeing it? Put your request up first and see if it agrees or not."

"No, I can't fight it for so many years, and I don't even know what kind of existence it is." Yingjiu insisted: "And if it doesn't even show its face, it won't agree to my other requests. ."

"I do it dozens of times, if it doesn't appear, then let's die together!"

Zhou Fan said, "Can you count to a hundred?"

Yingjiu: "..."

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