Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1507: little buddha

"Of course there is a way." Ying Jiuyin said with a smile: "It seems that this kind of technique to find a cultivator of the gods, but not everyone can use it, can't you just kill the cultivator who uses this technique? ?"

"But he's not the only one." Zhou Fan frowned slightly, if he brought in the first seat of the Great Buddha Temple, or even the legendary old one, it would be a big trouble. This burning flower can't be killed casually.

"The battle of beliefs, you still think that the other party can't talk to you well? It's either your death or his death." Yingjiu didn't care at all: "Kill them until they dare not come, otherwise you should not cultivate this Shinto. flow."

"..." Zhou Fan said: "If you can't win, is there any other way?"

"Otherwise you will try to destroy the rune, but if you destroy the rune, the other party will still engrave it. Are you willing to do such a futile thing?" Yingjiu sneered: "The solution has been provided to you, you Think about it yourself."

"Is there a way to prevent them from finding me through this talisman?" Zhou Fan felt that a head-to-head approach would definitely not work, and he still hoped to avoid the menacing Great Buddha Temple, at least not now.

"There is no way. This rune can see the flow of the wishing power. Even if you hide yourself, there is no way to hide the flowing wishing power." Yingjiu said again.

Zhou Fan saw that Yingjiu had no suitable solution, so he walked aside and thought to himself, the biggest problem is that the flow of willpower cannot be hidden.

It is estimated that the first burning flower in the incense hall will be very patient. After all, as long as he consumes hard, he cannot absorb the power of wish, and he must be the one who suffers, so hard consumption is definitely not acceptable.

Can't kill and can't kill, consume and can't consume... Zhou Fan thought hard for a while, and suddenly he had an idea, and he slowly came up with an idea.



The Taoist Mansion is very efficient, and every household in Hanbei Road City has posted God-seeking runes.

"Thank you for my lord." Ranhua said with a smile as she looked at the little official in the Hanbei Daoist Mansion who came to inform him.

He was very satisfied in his heart. Although the Daoist Hanbei was not from a Great Buddhist Temple, he could be said to be very cooperative and impeccable in such matters.

"Master, you don't have to be so polite." The clerk said respectfully: "Master said that the money for finding the magic rune is from the master..."

"..." Ranhua was silent for a while and said, "Yuantong, give him the money."

The monk with the legal name Yuantong hurriedly took the bank note and handed it to the clerk. The clerk took the bank note and left.

After the clerk left, Yuantong followed Ranhua to the courtyard.

A golden talisman was arranged in the small courtyard, and the center of the talisman was engraved with golden scriptures.

Ranhua walked into the center of the talisman, sat down cross-legged, and made a seal with his hands. As long as the evil **** is still in Hanbei Daocheng, he will definitely be found by him.

He closed his eyes.

The god-seeking rune attached to Hanbei Daocheng exudes a golden light that is hard to see.

He saw golden wisps of mist rising from the city. Those mists were the power of wish, and the power of wish was rising in the air, rising higher and higher.

Ranhua opened his eyes, and he felt at a loss. He had thought that he might not be able to see the flow of wishing power, and that the other party might have left Hanbei Daocheng, but he did not expect it to be in the sky.

"The first seat, have you found it?" Yuantong asked.

"I found it." Ranhua restrained her emotions and said: "Let your two uncles come over, and I will go with them to meet the evil **** for a while."

Soon a middle-aged monk and an old monk came to the small courtyard, and they saluted Ranhua. Both of them were monks, and their strength was not low.

Burning Flower is stronger and has entered the realm of immortality. This is the top combat power of the Great Buddha Temple in Hanbei Road.

"Yuantong, if we can't come back, you should leave Hanbei Daocheng and tell the first one." Ranhua said with a serious face.

It is recorded in the books of the Great Buddha Temple that some evil gods are weak and some are very strong.

But no matter how strong or weak, it still has to be faced. In the land of Buddhist belief, no demons and outsiders are absolutely allowed to exist.

Yuantong quickly agreed.

There is a talisman formation above Hanbei Daocheng, they can't just fly up like this, but after leaving Hanbei Daocheng, Ranhua lightly touched the storage bag, and a cyan light flashed, and when it fell to the ground, it turned into A blue lotus pedestal.

The three stood on the lotus platform, and the lotus platform carried the three of them and flew up.

Ranhua pinched the seal with one hand, confirming that the direction of the flow of willpower has not changed.

"How can it be in the sky?" Xuanchou, a middle-aged monk, said in disbelief.

Since the discovery of this evil god, they have checked the past books of the Great Buddha Temple, and they know that these so-called evil gods are just monks disguised as gods, and the real gods are only the ancestors of the Buddhist family.

Ranhua couldn't explain it, he just looked up silently.

The sky was densely covered with dark clouds. They flew through the layers of dark clouds and flew higher and higher. Looking down from the top, the clouds covered them so that they could not see the huge city below.

In the howling of the cold wind, they had already entered the sky.

The faces of the three monks gradually became serious, and there was great danger in the high sky, so even if they could fly, they would not dare to fly more than 2,000 meters high, otherwise they might never come back.

The three looked around, and if they continued and didn't find it, they could only go down.

Liantai suddenly stopped under the control of Ranhua, and the three of them all looked at the front with a big change in their faces.

Above the dark clouds dozens of feet in front of them, there was a golden light condensing, and it didn't take long for them to turn into a golden giant with a height of 100 feet.

It's just that this golden light giant looks like a little girl, with long golden hair, and the golden light emanating from her body dyes the dark clouds golden.

The faces of the three were stunned. They didn't expect this evil **** to be so big, and for a while they didn't even dare to shoot.

A strong and oppressive aura pervaded.

"This doesn't look like an illusion." The corner of the old monk Mubei's mouth moved slightly, sending sound transmissions to Ranhua and Xuanchou.

The practice of the Great Buddha Temple has always been known for breaking down the false, and few illusions can deceive them.

Both Ranhua and Xuanchou made similar which made them even more vigilant.

"You three should be followers of the little Buddha, why did you break into the realm of this great immortal and disturb my sleep?" The little girl's voice spread in the air, and the dark clouds were faintly drifting away.

All three of Ranhua felt a shock, and they could affect the surrounding environment just by speaking. What kind of existence is this?

And the 'little Buddha Buddha' that the evil **** said was theirs...

The three of them didn't dare to think about it any more, this somewhat blasphemed their beliefs in their hearts.

"I know, what technique did you use to find out that I was absorbing the power of will, so you found me." The indifferent voice of the huge golden little girl sounded again, and she looked down at the three burning flowers.

The three of Ranhua's body and mind were suddenly tense, and they had come from bad intentions, but how could they be able to match the various miracles shown by this evil god?

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