Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1516: I'm having a baby


Just as Long Feijia was about to spread his wings and fly away, the Dragon God Clan chief elder shouted, "Wait."

Long Feijia's blood-colored dragon wings folded, and the huge dragon head looked down at the Great Elder, "What else?"

"Long Feijia, you are majoring in the law of mad blood, and your temper has become more arrogant and irritable than before." The elder of the Dragon God Clan said coldly: "But I hope you are patient and don't ruin the important affairs of the Dragon Clan, or you will be arrogant and irritable. You should know what kind of severe punishment you will receive."

Long Feijia's dragon wings were completely stretched out. The dragon wings had thorns and bone spurs, and the golden vertical pupils became cold. "You old guy, are you threatening me? Even if my sister is here, you wouldn't dare to threaten me like this."

A powerful aura erupted from the dragon **** clan's body, he said solemnly: "This is not a threat, this is for the sake of the future of the dragon clan, you can't do anything to that human being."

"That's just an ordinary person. Even if you don't kill him, how long can he live?"

"Why take such a big risk?"

"It's long-winded." Long Feijia flew up, "Old guy, I'll listen to you for now, but if you're wrong, you have to give me the position of the chief elder."

The blood-red dragon soon disappeared into the sky.

The first elder breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that Long Feijiao had listened to it. With his arrogant personality, he would not lie. If he couldn't persuade Long Feijia, it would be troublesome.

Especially when the Dragon Lord is not there... He sighed again, the Dragon Lord is not there, he is not a great elder, especially the three brothers and sisters of this generation, the Dragon Lord will not say, her two younger brothers Both Long Feijia and Long Feijian are terrifyingly powerful.

Without the Dragon Lord, he really couldn't hold back.



Momo left, Zhou Fan was in a low mood for a few days, and then he was uplifted. In addition to practicing hard, his body became bigger and bigger because of overeating every day.

With a face full of flesh and a big belly, he walked around the Taoist Lord's Mansion, and the ground trembled along with it.

The people in the mansion were also amazed that the Taoist master could become so fat. You must know that when Zhou Fan first entered the Hanbei Taoist master mansion, he was at most slightly fat, but it was not as exaggerated as it is now.

None of the warriors and talismans below dared to say anything directly, but there were a lot of private discussions.

"Become a Taoist master and live a good life, of course people will gain weight."

"You're wrong. Before the Dao Master became the Dao Master, wouldn't life be bad?"

"That's different. At that time, the Daoist was only the guardian of the black water, and the pressure was great, so of course people couldn't get fat. Now that he has become a Daoist, in the world, only the sage can remove the Daoist's position. Without pressure, of course people gain weight. ."

"Yes, I heard from the cook in the house that the Taoist eats three cows a day now, and the appetite is too strong."


Some of these discussions inevitably passed into Zhou Fan's ears, and he could only angrily give orders to clarify that he was cultivating a secret technique, and that his weight gain was a sequelae of the secret technique, which reduced the number of people in the house. discussion.

"Brother Zhou, are you really all right?" Ye Lai Tianxiang asked concernedly, if he knew Zhou Fan before, he might not be able to recognize him now, he was too fat.

"I'm fine." Zhou Fan said with a wry smile, "I'm about to finish this secret technique, and after it's done, the sequelae will be eliminated."

Xiong Feixiu on the side kept looking at Zhou Fan's big belly, she rubbed her chin and said, "You are fat all over, but this belly is a bit too big, I don't think some people who are about to give birth to a child are not as big as you are. exaggerated."

"If she's really pregnant, it's at least twins."

Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth, and he silently added in his heart that they were actually triplets.

Zhou Fan rushed Yelaitianxiang and Xiong Feixiu to go to work, and when he returned to his residence, he couldn't see his feet at all when he lowered his head, only his big semi-circular belly.

With his belly getting bigger and bigger, he has been a little restless recently, it seems that these three little guys are about to be born.

But when these three little guys were born, and what preparations he should do when they are born, he has no idea at all.

He couldn't even imagine how these three little guys would come out!

"My mother is not a woman, how should I give birth to a child?" He thought angrily.

Yingjiu didn't know, and the ship didn't give any response.

Xiao Ling sat on her little sister's head with curiosity in her eyes. She didn't know why her master suddenly became so fat. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she couldn't believe it.

"Master, what are you worrying about?" Xiao Qian asked aloud.

I'm worried about how to have a baby... Zhou Fan's eyes jumped, but of course he couldn't tell Xiao Wan about such a shameful thing. If Xiao Wan found out, he would be embarrassed.

"Master, the eldest Miss Qifu, the second Miss Momo, the third Miss Mengmeng..." Xiao Ling stared at Zhou Fan's stomach, her eyes became more and more strange.

"You have nothing to say about what they do?" Zhou Fan's heart skipped a beat, and he tried his best to say calmly.

"I want to say that the master has three daughters without knowing it, and it took me a long time to find out before that." Xiao Qian said a little aggrieved: "So I wonder if the master is hiding a fourth child. , maybe it's in the owner's stomach..."

"Shut Zhou Fan said angrily, "Say that again, if you want to eat duck legs, I'll wait for you next year. "

Xiao Ling was so frightened that she closed her mouth immediately, but those thieves' eyes were still swept around Zhou Fan's stomach. She felt that the suspicion in her heart might be true. She thought it was true. of……

Zhou Fan ignored Xiao Xiao, he paced the room, and the feeling of restlessness became stronger and stronger.

"I can't stay in the city anymore, these three little guys may really come out." Zhou Fan sighed and thought.

After all, he couldn't predict what terrible things would happen when these three little guys were born. If it caused losses to Hanbei Daocheng, it would be troublesome.

He started to pack up, and after talking to the people in the mansion, he left the Daozhu mansion, the Hanbei Daocheng, and went outside the wilderness.

He just spent a short time away from Hanbei Daocheng and found a low mountain.

There is no special spiritual material produced in this low mountain, and there is no ruler nearby. Generally speaking, no warrior will come to such a place.

Zhou Fan asked Xiaoxiao to separate out Xiaoxiaoxiao, and searched the surroundings. It was not considered a powerful monster, and Xiaoxiaoxuan could clean it up. If a powerful monster was found, he would clean it up himself.

Zhou Fan quickly swept away all the strange things near the low mountain. He found a ravine in the low mountain, and then began to arrange several sets of talisman formations to isolate the inside and outside.

He sat cross-legged, frowning slightly, he couldn't help touching his terribly big belly.

He was waiting for the moment of childbirth.

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