Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1523: The will of the mirror


Why did Zhou Xiaobai get on the boat together?

"There is no explanation for this boat, maybe it's because the three of them were originally one." Ying Jiu smiled, "Why don't you ask the boat."

Zhou Fan looked down at the deck and asked the ship, but the ship did not reply, he shook his head and looked at Zhou Xiaobai and said, "I just said your second and third sisters, they can't communicate with you now, so I can only Introduce your eldest sister, Chefu, to you, she is a deceitful person."

After speaking, Zhou Fan contacted Chifu again and told him about Zhou Xiaobai and the others.

The little girl Chufu already knew that Zhou Fan swallowed the fruit with bad luck, but after listening to Zhou Fan, she was still startled and said, "So I have three more brothers."

"Yes." Zhou Fan felt a little guilty. He told the little girl every once in a while that she had a younger sister, and now she has three more brothers all at once. He was afraid that the little girl was going to get angry.

"That's good too." Chifu smiled.

"Hurry up and call eldest sister." Zhou Fan said hurriedly.

"Big sister." Zhou Xiaobai shouted in unison.

Qifu also responded, but the three Zhou Xiaobai didn't speak, they just looked at Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan smiled bitterly. He explained Zhou Xiaobai's three situations of indifference to outsiders to Chifu, who originally thought it was strange, but after hearing Zhou Fan say this, she understood.

"Then what should we do?" Chifu asked, it's obviously not a good thing to be cold.

"I'll think of a way later." Zhou Fan also felt bad, but it wasn't a big problem.

"Have you finished the family reunion and chat?" Yingjiu said impatiently, "Can you give me the three of them?"

Zhou Fan could only end the communication with Qifu, looked at Xiaobai and said, "You guys should study hard with the teacher..."

Zhou Fan paused again, looked at Yingjiu and said, "There is another question. The three of them look very different from humans. Can you cover up their thoughts?"

It shouldn't be difficult to solve this problem, whether it's a talisman or utensils for concealment, it can be solved. The Taoist Mansion also has something similar, but he doesn't have it, so he will ask Ying Jiu.

"Do you want them to change their appearance..." Yingjiu smiled, "It shouldn't be difficult, I would first teach them to restrain the power of their own laws, as long as they can restrain the power of the laws, they will naturally follow the human race. Like a child."

Ying Jiu's teaching began.

Zhou Fan was worried at first, so he just listened to it, but after listening for a while, he found that these bizarre knowledge was completely useless to him, and he began to fall asleep.

On the contrary, the three brothers Zhou Xiaobai listened very carefully, and from time to time they tried to restrain their own power according to what Yingjiu said.

Zhou Fan still insisted on listening to the first night. He found that Yingjiu really did his best to teach, but he did not listen carefully for the next few nights, but was busy with his own cultivation, and only occasionally supervised.

After three nights like this, the three brothers finally learned the power of the law of convergence.

Now Zhou Xiaobai's pale misty hair and pale pupils have turned into pitch black.

Zhou Xiaolan's dark blue water hair and dark blue pupils also turned jet black.

As for Zhou Xiaohei's jet-black hair, the light dissipated, and the hair became solid. After he learned the power of restraint laws, he was no longer afraid, but was able to speak freely.

But the three brothers looked cold and cold because they didn't care about everything except their father.

After Zhou Fan saw that the three brothers looked no different from humans, he returned to the Taoist Lord's Mansion with the three brothers, the little sister, and the little silk.

In fact, despite the fact that he stayed in the wilderness for so many days, it was also because he did not stay far from the Daozhu Mansion, so even if something happened to Hanbei Daocheng, he could instantly return to Hanbei Daocheng.

After returning to the mansion, the affairs of the three Zhou Xiaobai brothers could not be concealed from Yelaitianxiang and Du Ni in the mansion.

So Zhou Fan could only make up a story, saying that he encountered a caravan outside the wilderness, and that caravan was attacked by strange people. Except for these three children, everyone died. He confirmed that the three children were not strange. The change came and brought the three children back.

But the three children were frightened and lost their memory. He could only adopt them temporarily and named them.

"Your Excellency is really kind, benevolent, and righteous." Du Ni said with admiration.

"So poor and lovely three children, they look alike, they should be triplets." Yelaitianxiang said with a sympathetic face, she suddenly thought, I don't know what the children born by Sister Chongniang look like, she thought about it like this. Somewhat crazy.

Xiong Feixiu stared at the three identical faces of Zhou Xiaobai. She glanced at Zhou Fan again and asked suspiciously, "Why do I think these three children look a bit like Zhou Fan."

Zhou Fan: "..."

What Zhou Fan didn't find out, he didn't expect Xiong Feixiu to say it.

Du Ni let out a small murmur, "You said that..."

Zhou Fan hurriedly interrupted with a laugh and said, "So it's fate. I also thought they were a bit like me, so I decided to adopt them."

Everyone no longer doubted. After all, Zhou Fan was of the same age as them. No matter how you thought about it, it was impossible to have such an old child.

The three of Zhou Xiaobai stayed in the mansion, but the three of them didn't go anywhere. If Zhou Fan hadn't called them, they would just stay in the residence to They seem to be not interested in everything except cultivation. .

"Do you guys like cultivating very much?" Zhou Fan asked with some distress. These three brothers are definitely problem children. This is not good for growth. Children should play more.

He wanted the three brothers to be more concerned about the world. It's not good to be so indifferent.

"I can't say I like it." Zhou Xiaolan said, "It's just that the teacher said that we can help Dad to hunt and kill monsters and let him get more gray worms."

Zhou Xiaobai and Zhou Xiaohei nodded, Zhou Xiaolan said what they thought.

"..." Zhou Fan was helpless and could only explain to them that he didn't need their help to hunt and kill monsters, but the three brothers were still stubbornly trying to cultivate, so Zhou Fan could only let them go temporarily.

After entering April, the weather in Hanbei Road is no longer so bad. Zhou Fan is reading the case. Even though most of the affairs in the house are handled by his subordinates, there are still some things that need to be decided by him.

At this moment, Du Ni hurried in, holding a bright yellow message talisman in his hand, with a complicated expression.

"What happened?" Zhou Fan asked.

"There is an order from the Jinggong, asking you to go to Jingdu to report to the Holy Spirit." Du Ni handed the expedited message paper to Zhou Fan.

Debriefing with the saint... Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment, then opened the message paper and looked at it carefully.

The matter is just as Du Ni said, the will of the Jinggong, let him enter the mirror and face the saint to report his duties.

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