"Duck Leg Cult..." Zhou Fan twitched when he heard the name from the prayers of the believers.

But those warriors and Hanbei Dao forces liked to call them that, and he couldn't stop the mouths of others.

When Xiao Ling knew that her Daxian sect was called the duck leg sect, she shouted angrily.

"Master, why is there no sect leader, only the ten guardians?" After a sullen breath, Xiao Ling looked at Zhou Fan and asked strangely.

Zhou Fan smiled slightly. The position of the leader was reserved because he considered that the leader would become the target of the public, and those forces would stare at the leader. It is better to keep him. Of course, it is not just for this reason, but he may still be able to use it later. The position of the bishop.

Even the ten guardians, I am afraid that they will be identified soon, and they will be focused on by various forces. This is something that can't be done.

However, as long as the official family did not slap the Daxian Sect as an evil organization for one day, the ten guardians would not have to worry about being targeted.

After all, there are now many followers of the Xiaosu Daxian Sect, and it has become the largest force with the largest number of warriors besides the official family of Hanbei Dao.

In fact, if you count the barbarian demon tribes in the Barbarian Demon Ice Region, the number of warriors in the official family of Hanbei Dao is not as good as that of the Xiaoshuang Daxian Sect, but the Xiaoshuang Daxian Sect's high-end combat cultivator is pitiful compared to the official family.

This is a fatal flaw of the Xiaoxian Daxian Sect.

If you want to enter the Taoist realm and become a monk, you have to be really qi, and no one can help with true qi, and your willpower can't play a role.

The only thing Zhou Fan can do now is to use his will to help the followers of the Xiaoshuang Daxian Sect enter the Qi Gang stage as soon as possible. As long as the number of believers is enough, there will always be some monks who can enter the Dao realm.

When the Xiaoshuang Daxian Sect was successfully established, Zhou Fan and the others also went to Lengyue Prefecture.

As the owner of Hanbei Road, Zhou Fan wanted to borrow the teleportation formation of the Lengyuezhou Yiluan Sifu. Of course, there would be no problem. However, in order to prevent others from knowing his whereabouts, he finally borrowed the teleportation formation of the Lengyuezhou Academy. The teleportation left Leng Yuezhou.

The four envoys of the Lengyue Prefecture Yiluan Division did not even know that Zhou Fan had been to the Lengyue Prefecture.

After coming out of the teleportation formation, Zhou Fan and the others walked along the main road for a few days before they really walked out of the Cold North Road Region.

Zhou Fan took the three brothers Zhou Xiaobai. He couldn't use the teleportation-level movement technique. Otherwise, the three brothers Zhou Xiaobai had no way to keep up with his speed, and of course he didn't hurry.

He used this time to teach the three brothers how to survive in the wild.

The three brothers are like sponges that absorb water. During the day, they learn the skills of survival in the wild from their father, and at night they learn from Yingjiu how to master the power of the law.

Their strength is improving rapidly day by day.

Zhou Fan fought with the three of them, and it is estimated that their strength is at least at the level of the Martial Artist. At this level, if you don't enter the wild and dangerous places in the wild, as long as you are careful, then the problem of survival should not be big.

After the three brothers' strength improved, they wanted to hunt and kill monsters and help Zhou Fan transform into a gray worm.

But if it wasn't for practice, Zhou Fan wouldn't allow them to do such a thing, not because they were afraid of danger, but because it was too much time-consuming.

After leaving the Cold North Road, it is difficult to see any snow and ice scenery. The breath of spring is everywhere, wild flowers are blooming everywhere in the wilderness, and the trees are sprouting green shoots, which makes people feel comfortable and comfortable.

Zhou Fan stayed in Hanbei Road for a long time, and now he still feels at ease when he sees such a spring scene in the mountains, but he glanced at his three sons. It is a matter of discussing cultivation.

"This is simply more diligent and diligent than those cultivators like Wrinkle Shenshen..." Zhou Fan sighed.

Zhou Fan and the others soon arrived at the Xiaohuangshan Market.

The wilderness is so big, and not all places have footpaths paved with black sun stones. Sometimes, in order to save time, we have to step out of the footpaths and pass through some areas in the wilderness.

The route that Zhou Fan chose was the fastest to reach Jingdu. During the period, he had to pass through several areas with a low degree of danger, and Xiaohuangshan was one of them.

Because this is already the central area of ​​the Great Wei Dynasty, the Xiaohuang Mountain Collection is bigger than any mountain collection Zhou Fan has ever seen, just like a town outside the county seat.

There is a lot of traffic in the mountain set, inns, weapon shops, medicinal materials shops, talisman shops, grocery shops, all kinds of shops.

Zhou Fan brought three children and a dog. Such a unique traveler attracted a lot of attention when he entered Shanji.

But soon those eyes turned away, because they had already made a judgment in their hearts. They could walk in the wild and bring three children to Shanji alone. Such a person is more powerful than a lone walker and cannot be provoked.

The three brothers Zhou Xiaobai followed Zhou Fan's teaching to pay attention to the surrounding environment, and their eyes were indifferent.

Zhou Fan took them into an inn for dinner, rested for a while, and then went to collect information again.

Just judging from the information collected, the Little Barren Mountain has not been very peaceful recently, and many people are unable to walk out of the Little Barren Mountain to reach the mountain set on the other side.

Some people say that mountain bandits appeared in the mountains and robbed the caravan of travelers.

Such a situation is not uncommon. Small barren mountain caravans come and go, pouring into the prosperous Jingdu, and then collect goods and leave Jingdu.

The number of caravans that stop in this mountain complex will exceed one hundred every day.

It is inevitable that there will be people with malicious intentions who will carry out lucrative deeds in the small barren mountains.

Of course not all caravans will be looted, but it is not peaceful.

Shanji's forces knew that there were bandits, so they had already organized warriors to go in and raid, but the effect was not very good.

The person who sold the news to him suggested that it would be better to stay in the mountain for a few days, and then enter the mountain when it is safe.

Zhou Fan just smiled at this. Now that he has entered the Golden Core Realm, he is considered a master in Dawei, but he is just a mountain bandit, so he cannot stay here.

As long as he didn't encounter a powerful and strange monster, he wouldn't be too afraid.

I can't always stop when I hear that there is a small danger~www.readwn.com~.

Zhou Fan carried a storage bag, and there was nothing to add. The small barren mountain is not a dangerous place with a special environment, and there is no need for a company or a tour guide.

After confirming that the information was correct, he took his little sister and the others out of Shanji and entered Xiaohuang Mountain.

"If there is danger later, I will tell you to go, and you will go with the little sister, understand?" Even though Zhou Fan thought it was not a big problem, he still told Zhou Xiaobai to three.

This is not the first time to explain this, the three brothers all nodded and answered in unison.

Zhou Fan didn't mean to explore, but walked through the mountain road with his little sister. They walked not too slowly, surpassing three caravans, but Zhou Fan quickly stopped, he frowned and looked at the direction to the left .

"What happened to Dad?" Zhou Xiaolan asked.

"There are a lot of people fighting over there." Zhou Fan said slowly, it was far away from this mountain road, it might be another mountain road.

He heard with ear consciousness.

There are many mountain roads in Xiaohuangshan.

"I heard it too." Zhou Xiaobai's ears shook and said, "The wind sent me a voice."

Zhou Fan listened to it for a while, but still couldn't identify who was fighting. He thought to himself, could it be that the caravan met the mountain bandits and fought?

"Dad, what should we do then?" Zhou Xiaohei asked.

"If the situation in the wilderness is unknown, you can't take risks at will, so don't pay attention to what's going on there." Zhou Fan taught his three sons seriously.

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