Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1540: light and dark

Wrinkle Shenshen didn't care about this trivial matter. He read the secret letter sent by Du Ni again. In order to keep it secret, there were very few people who knew about the operation to exterminate the snow thieves, and they agreed on a time for concerted action.

"Sir, I'm going to prepare the staff." Zou raised his head and said, with a feverish fighting intent in his eyes.

"Okay, then you go quickly, pay attention, don't tell them what to do until you need it." Eunuch Ao urged.

Even if Eunuch Ou didn't tell him, Wrinkle Shenshen understood this kind of thing, he just nodded slightly and left in a hurry.

Eunuch Ao happily walked a few steps in the house. With his achievements, even if Xiao Wu became the guardian of Heishui for a short period of time, he could still think of transferring him back to Jingdu.

He also needs to prepare for Xiao Wrinkle in advance.

"Godfather, I'm coming back." Eunuch Ao thought silently in his heart while he was happy.

From the moment he was banished to Tianliangli, he wanted to return to the palace.

Tianliangli... Eunuch Ao thought of this place that he hated at first, but stayed for a long time, and his mood became a little complicated.

"Hey, I don't know what happened to the stupid bald donkey Yuanhui and Yan when they returned? There was no news after they left, and I don't know how to send a letter to our family..."



The Great Buddha Temple in Qinglian Prefecture, Huangxi Road.

The Great Buddha Temple is very big, as big as a county, the temple is the county, and the county is the temple.

The Dafo Temple covers five townships and sixty-six li, and there are devout believers in the villages.

There are 3,000 temples in the sixty-six miles of five townships. Each temple is full of incense, and the sky above the temple is clouded with smoke and white mist.

But the Big Buddha Temple is very small, so small that only the ordinary temple in the center of the hinterland actually hangs the plaque of the Big Buddha Temple.

Strictly speaking, this is the Great Buddha Temple.

Dafo Temple rarely receives foreign guests, and only a few foreigners in the world can enter.

But this place has never been a holy place for the monks of the Great Buddha Temple. As long as they are monks of the Great Buddha Temple, they can enter and leave the Great Buddha Temple at will.

Every once in a while, the Dafo Temple adopts a group of homeless children and raises them up.

Buddhism has always advocated the equality of all living beings. The adopted children never ask about their qualifications. As long as they are homeless and have no relatives to support them, they can enter the temple to practice.

If you can live on your own and don't want to be a monk, you can leave the temple after returning to the secular world.

Therefore, the temple is not clean and solemn. When a group of young monks chanted and practiced with the master in the temple, it was still a rule, but once they finished their homework, they would run out of the hall with loud cheers.

The adult monks in the temple just smiled slightly, and the children cheered and played.

According to the rules in the temple, the little monks are not allowed to step out of the temple at will. After finishing their homework, they will come out of the front hall and run to the backyard.

Walking from the front hall to the backyard, you have to pass through the Bergamot Square. When the little monks arrived at the square, the squeaking sound suddenly stopped.

Huangxi Road is the hottest place in the Wei Dynasty. Before summer arrives, the scorching sun will scorch the earth in spring.

There is a monk kneeling in the Buddha's Hand Square. The monk just kneels with his eyes closed. He has been kneeling here for nearly a year.

Every day, monks in the temple bring him water and food.

The little monks were very curious, why did this monk kneel here?

But no matter how naughty they were, they were told by the master in the temple that they were not allowed to approach the monk.

The little monks pass through the Buddha's Hand Square every day, and they can see this monk kneeling here. At first, this monk had a fat head and big ears, but now he is not as thin as he used to be, but his gloomy face has become more determined.

The little monks were a little afraid of this monk for some reason. When they passed through the Buddha's Hand Square, they would subconsciously walk past slowly.

When the little monks entered the backyard, the monk seemed to be ignorant. He was waiting.

Even though he already had the answer in his heart, he was still waiting.

Because Master doesn't say it, his answer doesn't count.

What the little monks didn't know was that he once stood up in the middle of winter, left the Buddha's Hand Square, and arrived at Prajna Forest.

In the cold winter, all the flowers of Prajna forest withered, and only a few kinds of flowers bloomed.

The honeysuckle that entangles the shrubs grows purple-red new leaves and thrives in the cold winter.

The new leaves do not wither in winter, it is for honeysuckle.

That's right, he sighed and understood why the monk named Jingyun liked honeysuckle, because he hoped to survive the long winter for him like honeysuckle and grow new purple and red leaves that symbolize new life.

It's just that he still can't survive the cold winter, let alone be born again.

He turned around and left Prajna Forest, knelt on the Buddha's Hand Square, his vague thoughts only became clear in that cold winter.

He knelt on the bergamot square and never stood up again.

If it weren't for the mercy of the temple, which brought him food and water, he would not have died on his knees, but he would have starved to death in this square.

When the sun went down, the dim red light fell on the Bergamot Square, and he opened his eyes.

An old monk appeared in front of him, with a wrinkled face and sparse brows of silvery white, looking at him compassionately.

"Master." He seriously and respectfully kowtowed.

The old monk in front of him is not the first of the eighteen halls of the Great Buddha Temple, nor is he a well-known eminent monk and great virtue. He is just the old monk Huixuan who raised the young monks in the temple.

Huixuan is the person he respects the most, even if he is the first in his heart, he is not as good as the unknown old monk outside the temple.

It was Huixuan who raised him, but it was not Huixuan that he was waiting for.

"Yuanhui, if Master asks you to leave, will you leave?" Huixuan sighed softly.

"Yes." Yuan Hui said without hesitation.

"But Master can't open this mouth, and no one in the temple dares to ask Master to persuade you to leave." Huixuan said, "What they mean is that if you like to kneel, they will let you kneel until you are willing to leave. ."

Yuanhui didn't speak, just listened silently. It's not surprising that the Buddhist temple would do this.

"You want an answer, but even the first seat in the temple can't give you the answer." The first seat in Huixuan's mouth refers to the first seat of the lecture, and he added: "Maybe the old first seat can give you the answer, but no one can disturb the old man. first seat."

"Master originally wanted to say that life is difficult to be confused, but you have been kneeling for so long, and the answer must be very important to you. Even Master can't fool you." Huixuan looked at his disciple with kindness in his eyes. In the middle, you are inherently dull, and your cultivation talent is not good enough, but the master likes you the most, and sometimes the master does not understand."

"It's the disciple who failed the master's love." Yuan Hui's voice was hoarse and her eyes were slightly red.

Huixuan looked up at the almost invisible sunset, "When Master was a little monk, the old head was already the old head."

"The old boss rarely shows up, but that day, when the saint from the academy came to the Great Buddha Temple, the old boss appeared."

"Master was lucky enough to be by his side at that time, and the academy sage was aggressive. He opened his mouth and said that we monks are not involved in childbirth, and are blood-sucking leeches of the Wei Zimin."

"The old boss just smiled and said that Buddhism gives believers their faith, protects the safety of believers, and believers are willing to worship the Buddha, and each gets what they need. How can leeches teach?"

"The sage of the academy is not so easy to be persuaded. He sarcastically said that the faith given by the Buddhists is only to make believers ignorant, and the more ignorant they are, the more they believe. Their academies are different. What is wrong and what is right."

"He said that if the only merit of Buddhism is to protect the safety of believers, but this is not fair, believers are for the Buddhists to **** blood for a lifetime, even if there is no Buddhist, Dawei officials and academies will protect the safety of the people, and the people do not need to connect Hearts are sold to Buddhists."

"The old head and the academy sages fought against each other. In the end, the old head said that if there is light, there is darkness, and everything in the world is just like that. The academy and the official family also have invisible darkness, so why are they so persistent?"

"The sage of the academy scoffed at such a statement. He admitted that the academy may have bad darkness, but it is definitely not as big as the Buddhist school..."

When Huixuan said this, he stopped and said slowly: "The old chief and the academy sage are both first-class and wise, and this debate is inconclusive. Of course, it is difficult to distinguish among them because of Master's stupidity. Right and wrong."

"But Master always remembers what the old head said, there is light in the world and there is darkness. This is the case with the Great Buddha Temple. Do you think the existence of the Great Buddha Temple is necessary?"

Yuanhui looked at a loss. This is the family that raised him since he was a child. As the master said, he is inherently dull, and he is not very good at cultivating Buddhism or martial arts. Would he dare to answer such a question?

He has always used the Great Buddha Temple as his home and could sacrifice his own life for the Great Buddha Temple. He has never understood the principle, but now he has to face such a problem. If the Great Buddha Temple does not need to exist, what is the meaning of his life?

"Disciple doesn't know." Yuan Hui said in a hoarse voice.

Huixuan looked back from the setting sun, and he asked softly, "Then do you still want to know the answer you want to ask?"

"You want to wait for the first person to tell you the answer. Of course, Master can't explain the scriptures for you to tell you the exact meaning like he taught you to recite the scriptures. However, the events of the year were actually handled by the master, so the master can tell you how things were in that year. occurring."

Yuanhui's heart trembled, he looked up at Master in amazement, he couldn't believe that Master was the leader, that Master was such a kind person, and he had been caring and caring for them since childhood.

"Monks don't lie." Huixuan said calmly, "You should know that Master won't lie to you. Back then, the small Buddhist temple was gradually rising and growing, and the government's approval made our Buddhist temple even more stubborn. The first eighteen halls were anxious day and night, sleeping and eating. It’s uneasy, I’m afraid that the 2,000-year-old heritage of the Great Buddha Temple will be destroyed by our hands.”

"Later, someone in the temple proposed to send a group of outstanding disciples to the Little Buddha Temple..." Huixuan said: "The disciples who are on a mission must be loyal to the Big Buddha Temple, and if the Little Buddha Temple cannot be identified as sent by the Big Buddha Temple, then the only choice is to choose The younger kids."

Huixuan closed his eyes, he was silent for a moment: "As you think, Yuanhua has a talent for deceiving people, Xiaofo Temple likes such disciples, we will select Yuanhua and other disciples, and after secretly training for a year or two, They were sent to the Little Buddhist Temple."

Yuanhui thought of the monk Jingyun, his face showed pain, and as he thought, Jingyun is Yuanhua.

He wanted to ask how many disciples had been sent to implement such a plan, but he looked at the closed-eyed master and couldn't bear to ask, because he asked, and the master who was determined to talk to him would definitely say, once he said it, then It will put the teacher in a very difficult situation.

"Did Yuanhua agree to do such a thing back then?" Yuanhui couldn't help asking.

"He wasn't even ten years old, so what if he agreed? What if he didn't agree?" Huixuan still didn't open his eyes, his face showed compassion and sighed: "In the days to come, these people will definitely regret doing such a thing. If you choose, you can only act as a shadow of the Great Buddha Temple for the rest of your life, fearful, afraid of being discovered by the Small Buddha Temple, and doing things you don’t want to do for the Great Buddha Temple.”

"Do you think they won't regret it?"

Yuanhui remembered what Yuanhua had said before he died, and only then did he feel the pain of Yuanhua's struggle before his death. They were Buddhist disciples. When they sacrificed to the blood formation and summoned the avatars, Yuanhua wanted to harm them. Kill the whole city.

An angry flame suddenly rose in his heart, he wished he could burn himself to death, so that he wouldn't have to know such a thing.

But who is to blame? He must seek such an unbearable truth. He has never felt such pain.

"Just to deal with the little Buddhist temple..." He looked at Huixuan with a compassionate face, and found that he had never known this person who was like a master and a father. He was so unfamiliar, so unfamiliar that it scared him.

How could he be so cruel to push Yuanhua and the others into such a fire pit?

It's just that this is the master he respects the most, and he still can't say any cruel words.

Hui Xuan suddenly opened her eyes and saw Yuan Hui smiling, he fell to the ground, blood gushing out from his nose and mouth.

Yuanhui was stunned for a moment and quickly stood helped Huixuan up, she wanted to open her mouth and shout, but Huixuan reached out and grabbed his left arm, shook her head and said softly, "Don't call them, This is Master's choice."

"Master, why are you...why..." He was indifferent.

"Master sent away so many disciples back then..." Hui Xuan's mouth and nose continued to bleed, and there was a huge sadness on his face, "Master is sorry for Yuanhua them, Master feels very guilty... It's just that Master grew up in a Buddhist temple since he was a child, and Master again How can I bear to see it destroyed..."

"Master should have died back then, but in my heart I was lucky enough to think that maybe I could see the day Yuanhua and the others come back... Now Yuanhua and the others are few alive, it's wrong or wrong... Yuanhua they committed All sins should be counted on me..."

Tears flowed down his face, and his anger against the master dissipated immediately. He wanted to do something, but he knew that he couldn't do anything.

"Yuanhui... Yuanhui..." Hui Xuan's arm grabbed him harder and harder, but her breath became weaker and weaker.

"Master, you say, I'll listen." He replied hurriedly.

"Don't worry about it, leave, leave..." The old monk let go.

He was startled for a moment and burst into tears.

More and more monks came together, watching him hugging his master in the square and crying bitterly, sadness pervaded in the evening.

No one made a sound, just watched silently.

Most of the monks dispersed, but the two old monks stayed in the square to watch Yuanhui. They bowed their heads and calmly read the scriptures for the dead Huixuan.

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