Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1553: Prince

"Master Zhou doesn't need to explain, cultivation is the real business." The eldest prince said with a smile: "I was afraid of disturbing Master Zhou, so I didn't go to visit. Master Zhou is my big Wei Dongliang. The possibility of cultivation has long been cut off.”

Zhou Fan was not very surprised when he heard it. This eldest prince is the first son of the emperor of Wei, and he is probably a hundred or two hundred years old. He is also a member of the royal family. Gang segment?

The first realm of the Dao Realm, the Primordial Realm, looks at life. If the life is not good, there is no hope for the Dao Realm for life.

"Stop talking about that." The eldest prince didn't have any loneliness on his face. He seemed to have already looked away and invited Zhou Fan to watch the next fight.

Zhou Fan and the eldest prince boarded the best wing of the martial arts arena. The wing is condescending and there are many maids serving.

The steward also served on the side.

The combat has already begun, but this time the contestants are only two warriors of strength.

However, the strength stage martial artist's close combat, compared to the Qi Gang stage's true qi flying all over the sky, is **** and cruel, and it is no less exciting than the high-level competition, and the atmosphere in the arena is equally enthusiastic.

Zhou Fan and the eldest prince watched the battle while drinking.

After a round of drinking, the eldest prince laughed and said, "I always like to speak straight, and I don't like to be around the corner, so I will speak straight."

"His Royal Highness, please speak." Zhou Fan said, he thought that anyway you want to say, I can't stop it.

The eldest prince drank another glass of wine, and he said, "You fight for the throne for me. As long as this happens, I will guarantee your Zhou family to become the fourth family in the world."

The top three families can only be the three families of King Xiao Ye, so the eldest prince is talking about the fourth family.

Zhou Fan can understand this, his heart skipped a beat, he didn't expect the first prince to speak so directly, he glanced at the martial arts field steward, but the martial arts steward had a calm expression, as if he was not surprised by the first prince's words. .

Zhou Fan coughed lightly: "Your Highness, don't say that, the Holy Spirit is at its peak in the Spring and Autumn Period..."

The eldest prince waved his hand and interrupted: "No matter how prosperous my father is in spring and autumn, he is also my father. If there is no accident, he will always walk in front of me. Once he dies, the throne will of course be fought for, and I am right. ."

Zhou Fan: "..."

The eldest prince's directness is so bold that he is defiant. Isn't he afraid that the emperor of Wei will hear what he said?

Or is it that the emperor of Wei has already reached such a level of 'benevolence'?

The eldest prince can say it, but Zhou Fan's words are somewhat unacceptable.

"There are no outsiders here." The eldest prince said with a hearty smile: "Actually, even if you tell the father and the emperor, I don't care, everything can't be told to others, I always do."

"His Royal Highness is serious. How can I talk nonsense like this." Zhou Fan said, he really didn't think about saying this to the outside world.

After all, if he really said it, he didn't know whether the first prince would be unlucky, but he might be unlucky.

"Are you going to help me?" The eldest prince said directly, "Just give me a word, help or not?"

"Since His Highness is direct, then I will say it directly." Zhou Fan thought about it and said, "I am only loyal to the Holy One, and I really don't want to get involved in this kind of thing."

The eldest prince is so direct. If he procrastinates, it will be bad. He might as well express his attitude directly.

"Okay, refreshing." The eldest prince praised, "I never force anyone, I would like to offer a toast to Lord Zhou."

Zhou Fan touched a glass with the eldest prince and drank the wine from the glass.

The eldest prince said again: "Since you refuse to help me, I also toast the wine, you can go."

Zhou Fan: "..."

Well said, since people are being chased away so quickly.

"Then I'll take my leave." Seeing that the other party had ordered the expulsion, Zhou Fan couldn't have the cheek to stay.

The steward of the martial arts field sent Zhou Fan away before returning.

The eldest prince looked at the martial arts arena below, and just after the battle was over, he withdrew his gaze.

"His Royal Highness, what should Zhou Fan do this week?" the steward bowed and asked.

"You are wrong, you can't deal with it." The eldest prince said slowly: "He is the master of the one path, and he is a cultivator who is suspected of entering the undead realm. If we want to deal with him, we need to pay a great price. We can only say deal with it. ."

"Yes, then how should we deal with Zhou Fan this week?" The steward quickly changed his tune.

"If he wants to protect himself, he won't help any of my younger brothers." The eldest prince drank a glass of wine and said, "Then don't pay attention to him, but he is like those who are swinging. How can it be so easy to fight?"

"I'd like to see how he and those other people can protect his life wisely?"

"If they don't choose His Highness, it will be the most regretful thing they have done." The steward said enthusiastically: "When His Highness ascends to the top, they will definitely regret it."

The eldest prince burst out laughing, but with a smile, his smile subsided, and he sighed: "Unfortunately, everyone knows that I am a prodigy in martial arts that will last forever. , If I can cultivate Dao, then Zhou Fan is far inferior to me!"

The eldest prince's eyes showed unwillingness.

The steward hurriedly advised: "Your Highness does not need to do this, the entire Great Wei belongs to His Royal Highness. In the future, all the cultivators of Great Wei will bow their heads and become ministers, so why should you care about such a thing..."

"You're right." The eldest prince's eyes were frighteningly bright like candle flames, "As long as I stay in the mirror palace, sit on the throne, and hold supreme authority, anyone in the world who dares to disobey, I will kill anyone who refuses to accept me. The sage of the academy is still the old head of the Great Buddha Temple, all of which are like this!"

"I will never be like the royal father!" His voice became more and more domineering, "Let them get ready, I have a hunch that the day is coming soon!"



Zhou Fan came back from the banquet with the eldest He went to visit the third prince and the fifth prince one after another. Not all princes sent invitations, and the second prince did not send invitations, of course he would not go to see them. , As for the fourth prince already dead...

The third prince and the fifth prince behaved normally. They were not as brave and direct as the eldest prince. They only hinted at Zhou Fan, but after being politely rejected by Zhou Fan, they did not say much, but said that they could contact more in the future.

Zhou Fan felt that the third and fifth princes were the more normal princes he imagined, but after seeing the third and fifth princes, he looked at the invitation of the sixth prince, and the corners of his eyes jumped.

He remembered the letter from the face-to-face meeting, the face-to-face No. 001...

If possible, he really doesn't want to see the sixth prince.

Otherwise, the sixth prince said directly, "Master Zhou, would you like to be my concubine?"

What should he do?

He couldn't slap him and scolded, "Go away, I only like women!"

That was the prince. No matter how lenient the sage was, he might not be able to bear his servants to beat his son.

Of course, these are just Zhou Fan's wild thoughts. In fact, the probability of such a thing happening is zero.

But when he thought of meeting the sixth prince, he always felt a chill in his heart.

He didn't discriminate against the sixth prince who liked men, but that sixth prince was not an ordinary person, but the leader of the Mian Shou Guild who claimed to face five thousand faces.

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