Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1561: Promoter


Zhou Fan can be the master of Hanbei because he solved the master of Yunyan, and he is not the master of the path that the sage really wants to choose.

"Of course, if you don't want to stay in Jingdu for a while, you can go back immediately." Emperor Wei said again, "What do you think?"

"There is nothing major on Hanbei Road, and I am willing to stay for a while." Zhou Fan wanted to leave Jingdu in his heart, but he didn't dare to say that he would leave now.

After all, if the first emperor of Wei had suspected him, then he said that he wanted to leave when the emperor of Wei had asked him to stay for a while, which would only make the emperor of Wei even more suspicious.

Emperor Wei nodded slightly, "Then come here today, Xiaolong, you will send Zhou Qing's house for me."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Duke Long said justly.

Zhou Fan left with Eunuch Long.

Dawei Tianzi stood admiring the scenery in the courtyard. He sighed helplessly. He said the wrong thing. It's not a big deal anyway, just call him over and ask after a while.

"The leader of the Class A class, and he has become the leader of Hanbei so quickly. It seems that Zhou Fan is the one chosen by the teacher."

"Teacher, teacher, what do you want to do when you choose this person? What role can it play?"

Dawei Tianzi shook his head, but since this is the person selected by the teacher, of course he will not embarrass him, otherwise he will ask Zhou Fan, where did Hua Feihua go?

Zhou Fan followed Eunuch Long, this time it was no longer the golden talisman car, but a bronze talisman chariot.

Eunuch Long... Zhou Fan remembered that Eunuch Ao said that his godfather was Eunuch Long, but he didn't know if it was Eunuch Long.

The bronze talisman car went outside the palace.

Eunuch Long closed his eyes and did not speak, and Zhou Fan didn't ask him if he knew Eunuch Ao, even if he was Eunuch Ao's godfather, it didn't have much to do with him.

It was just that the bronze talisman chariot moved around for a while, and Zhou Fan keenly discovered that a magic technique had been cast inside the talisman chariot, which blocked the sound of the outside world.

He looked at Eunuch Long vigilantly for the first time. Even if this was the Mirror Palace, it didn't mean it was safe.

"Do you know who promoted the debriefing this time?" Eunuch Long still closed his eyes and said.

"Who is it?" Zhou Fan hesitated and asked. He had already suspected it, but the academy said there was no problem, so he didn't think about it any more, thinking that it was the emperor of Wei who called him to Jingdu temporarily.

He doesn't believe Eunuch Long, but he can listen to it.

"It's the aristocratic family behind it." Eunuch Long said lightly, "As for which family it is, I don't know, and the academy also contributed to it."

The academy... Zhou Fan's pupils shrunk, he is not surprised by the family, but the academy has also contributed to his entry into the mirror?

"Why should I believe you?" Zhou Fan said silently.

"I just thank you for taking care of Xiao Ao, believe it or not." Eunuch Long said, he lifted the soundproofing technique.

The soundproofing technique was lifted, and Eunuch Long did not speak again.

Zhou Fan couldn't ask any more.

The bronze talisman carriage pulled by two thousand-mountain snow horses quickly left the Mirror Palace. At the gate of the palace, Eunuch Long got off the talisman carriage and said to the two little eunuchs who were driving the carriage, "Send Master Zhou back."

The two little eunuchs nodded yes, and the bronze talisman chariot immediately moved again.

From the beginning to the end, Eunuch Long just said goodbye to Zhou Fan, and there are no more unnecessary words.

Zhou Fan was sitting in the talisman car. He recalled what Eunuch Long said, and he felt that what Eunuch Long said should be true.

But it's not ruled out that it's fake, in order to make him detached from the academy.

But if it is true, why did the academy do this?

Is the academy still credible?

Zhou Fan's heart is a little heavy. Logically speaking, he should not doubt the academy, but the academy has never let him down.

So how should this be done?

Zhou Fan was quickly sent back to the academy by the bronze talisman.

When he returned to the academy, he was told by the academy concierge that Mr. Da asked him to come over after he came back.

Zhou Fan soon met Mr. Da and his junior brother Chen Zheng at Mr. Da's residence.

"Zhou Fan, sit down." Duanmu Xiaohong greeted him to take a seat and poured him a cup of tea.

Zhou Fan put away his complicated thoughts and asked with a smile, "Mr. Da and Mister Wu, why are you looking for me?"

"We want to know what the sage said to you." Chen Zheng asked excitedly.

"This..." Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment, with a hesitant expression on his face.

"Zhou Fan, don't you even believe us?" Chen Zheng was a little displeased.

"Fifth Junior Brother." Duanmu Xiaohong glanced at Chen Zheng reproachfully, "Zhou Fan, say it only if you want to. If you can't say it, then don't say it."

Zhou Fan smiled and said, "Of course I believe Mr. Da and Mr. Wu, but I'm just wondering why you want to know these things?"

"Of course it's because this matter is very important." Chen Zheng said solemnly, but he didn't say why it was important.

"I entered the palace and saw the Sage..." Zhou Fan did not hesitate and began to elaborate.

He invited the Great Wei Emperor to dinner, accompanied the Great Wei Emperor for a walk and chat, the Great Wei Emperor did not inquire about the affairs of Hanbei Dao, the Great Wei Emperor only found out about the prince's invitation to him through him, the Great Wei Emperor asked the leader of the Class A class, the Great Prince Wei Tianzi asked him if he wanted to stay in Jingdu and wait for everything to be explained in detail.

Because there is really no need to hide these things, he also wants to hear the opinions of Duanmu Xiaohong.

Duanmu and Xiaohong must have had more contact with Emperor Wei than and also know more about Emperor Wei.

Duanmu Xiaohong and Chen Zheng looked at each other, the expressions on their faces were a little solemn.

"Mr. Da, Mr. Wu, is there any problem?" Zhou Fan couldn't help asking when he saw that the two of them didn't speak.

"Zhou Fan, tell me first, what kind of person do you think the Sage is?" Chen Zheng asked.

Zhou Fan glanced at Duanmu Xiaohong. He originally thought that Duanmu Xiaohong would scold Chen Zheng for such a rebellious question, but Duanmu Xiaohong just frowned and didn't say anything.

"Just say it." Chen Zheng said: "Don't say that we are all our own people, even if it is not, he will not care if such a discussion spreads to the ears of the saint."

"What kind of person is the sage, shouldn't Mr. Wu know better than me?" Zhou Fan asked rhetorically.

"It's not necessarily." Chen Zheng sighed, "I don't know him at all, I'll never know what he's thinking, but it's your first contact with him, maybe you can see it more clearly."

"Be kind, gentle to people, and generous." Zhou Fan said his evaluation.

"What if these positive statements were replaced with negative ones?" Chen Zheng said aggressively.

Change it to the opposite?

Of course it's not impossible. For example, some people do things resolutely, but the other side of this evaluation is impatient and reckless.

Zhou Fan was silent for a while and said, "He doesn't seem to care much about any personnel affairs, and he seems a little indifferent."

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